"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young." - Henry Ford

Adults can learn to code

Why shouldn't adults learn to code too? - Telegraph: " . . . it is simply not that hard to get the basics. A good understanding of computational thinking is where you start – if you can tackle ones of those old Logic Problems magazines then you can pick up the basics of programming. There are so many free resources out there to teach yourself basic-, medium- and advanced-level programming – resources which teach you how to build a game, how to code a website, or how to build a mobile app if that takes your fancy. It's like music. You can choose your instrument from a wide variety of computing languages and tools. . . part of the journey of finding the right language for you is through your own discovery. But start by reading up on the different computing languages. When you tire of one, go explore another and so on until you find one you are excited by, or which makes sense to you. Then hunt about for courses, online learning, YouTube videos, books or whichever medium works best with your brain. There are precious few real-life courses, but you might be lucky. The science is harder, yes. But as a career for an adult to turn to, for something to keep your brain cells challenged and that will give you a way in to an ever-growing pool of jobs – or if you choose, to create your own thing and be your own boss – it is tough to beat."

Code Academy – http://www.codecademy.com/
Alice – http://www.alice.org/
Scratch – http://scratch.mit.edu/
2simple – http://www.2simple.com/2diy/ 

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