Huffington Post
Many years ago when Khan Academy was a YouTube video library, some teachers emailed Sal and told him they were using the videos to "flip the classroom" and assign videos as homework. ...One of the most striking changes we often see in Khan Academy ...
iPads Illuminate Learning for Central Christian School Fourth-Graders
The main challenge the teachers now have is weeding through apps to find those that offer practical instruction as opposed to a few minutes of fun with little or no learning component. They've been talking with teachers at other schools in the St ...
Ithaca College must strive to make online learning more affordable
Ithaca College The Ithacan
The University of Phoenix, which focuses in online learning, is effectively the largestschool in the U.S., with an enrollment of more than 300,000 students. Many highereducation institutions are worried that the convenience and affordability of ...
Ithaca College The Ithacan
MongoDB developers team with EdX open learning collaboration
Ars Technica
... database, has teamed with EdX—the free online education collaboration between MIT, Harvard, and the University of California Berkeley—to bring MongoDB training to the Web and to accelerate the release of EdX's online learning platform as open ...
Tufts University Offers Master's In Nutrition For Distance Learners
Sacramento Bee
The combination of online and on-campus learning was first developed by the Friedman School to bring graduate-level nutrition education to students in the United Arab Emirates and surrounding countries. "The experience our faculty members have acquired ...
Denver schools receive e-learning grant
Virtual College
PS will spend the grant money on the employment of a director of blended learning - the combination of human instruction and digital education - and will train teachers to adapt their lessons to new software. Several schools in the region are already ...
CourseSmart Partners with Instructure
The Herald |
27, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- CourseSmart®, the world's largest provider of eTextbooks and digitalcourse materials, and Instructure, the company behind the popular Canvas learning management system, today announced a partnership to integrate eTextbooks ...
Urban Cyber Charter School could be on its way to Central Pennsylvania
The school will target urban populations, while focusing on students who are at risk of school failure. Those heading up the initiative call the school a great combination of a brick and mortar school andonline learning. Urban Charter is partnering ...
Samsung Partners with Memphis City Schools to Launch Samsung Smart ...
The Herald |
“At Memphis City Schools, our students come first and we strive to provide them with a well-roundededucation and all the necessary elements to thrive, both in school and in their future adult lives,” said Cleon Franklin, Director of Instructional ...
Cambium Learning Group Appoints Thomas Kalinske as Chairman of Board
IT News Online
27, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Cambium Learning Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ABCD) announced today that Thomas Kalinske, Executive Chairman of Global Education Learning (GEL), an online business teaching English to non-English speaking children in Asia, was ...
Thousands Enroll in UCSF Online Health Courses
UCSF News Services
“There's no question that we're in the very early stages of online learning,” said Catherine Lucey, MD, vice dean for education at the UCSF School of Medicine and instructor for the online course Clinical Decision Making. “Our job is to figure out what...
UCSF News Services
Mobile Beacon Receives the Bridging the Gap Virtie Award
U.S. Politics Today
The Foundation for Florida Virtual School (The Foundation for FLVS), the philanthropic organization of Florida Virtual School® (FLVS®), strives to ensure all students have access to world-classeducation and quality online learning opportunities that ...
Education Technology: Hamilton Project Report Calls For EDU STAR To ...
Huffington Post
The idea is that every school would set aside time for students to engage in digital learning, during which they would log into the EDU STAR system and work with the products that are being evaluated. Chatterji and ... online. EDU STAR would rate each ...
World's Premier Online Doctor of Education in TESOL
Sacramento Bee
Anaheim University is accepting applications for the online Doctor of Education in TESOL program. About Anaheim University Anaheim University is a nationally accredited online institution of higherlearning headquartered in Anaheim, California.
Announcing Wireless EdTech 2012 - The Future of Education is Wireless
IT News Online
Wireless EdTech 2012 will be co-hosted by Dr. Chris Dede, Timothy E. Wirth professor in LearningTechnologies at Harvard's Graduate School of Education, and Julie Evans, chief executive officer of Project Tomorrow. As part of the conference, Peggy ...
The corporate education agenda behind "Won't Back Down"
The second thing is that this company, Walden Media, is linked at the highest levels to the real-world adult alliance of corporate and far-right ideological interest groups that constitutes the so-called education reform movement, more accurately ...
Schools fully accredited in 2 of 6 Lynchburg-area divisions
Lynchburg News and Advance
Ten Lynchburg-area public schools missed full accreditation by the state this year, following the debut of new, harder math Standards of Learning tests. Last year, only one of the area's 68 schools missed the mark. According to new information released ...
School Board Candidate Lou Segal Releases Answers to Teachers Association ...
To ensure that all children receive an excellent education, so they are prepared to maximize their potential in either furthering their education upon graduation from highschool or utilizing the academic and vocational skills they have acquired to ...
A Learning Society
Inside Higher Ed
For intellectual stimulation, social benefit, or occupational advancement through the learning of specific job skills, we as a people seem driven toward self-improvement and have created a staggering number of ways, both superficial and substantial ...
Minister's View - Leighton Andrews
However, the site is an important resource for all learning practitioners, designed as a “one-stop shop” of essential information crucial to their role. It pulls together all relevant Welsh Government and Estyn documents for teachers into one place to ...
Campus life fends off net threat: unis
The Canberra Times
Prestigious institutions including MIT, Harvard, Berkeley and Stanford are pioneering partnerships through sites including ''edX'' ''Coursera'' and ''Udacity'' to offer open and free course content to anyone. Already, they have an ... Professor Young ...
The Canberra Times
Educational technology to transform Middle East schooling
AME Info
At the last instalment, over 100 exhibitors showcased e-learning solutions to power the smartschool era. Brocade's regional manager, Sufian Dweik, says that the proliferation of modern smart devices shows that the education sector is primed and ready ...
Upcoming: Education chat with Kristen Graham
Philadelphia Inquirer (blog)
Kristen was part of a team whose Assault on Learning series about violence in the Philadelphia schools won the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for public service. During the school year, you'll frequently find her hosting live chats about the district on Philly ...
Melrose school audit will look at financial, human resource practices
A subscription to Virtual High School, an online learning program, was charged as curriculum development to a federal Race to the Top education grant. The use does not meet the grant's guidelines. “When you do grants, it can sometimes get confusing, as ...
VIDEO: Glassell Park Charter High School Ditches Textbooks
A Glassell Park charter high school is one of just 70 schools across the country using a newlearning model. It's called BLAST, and, according to a report on KNBC 4, it combines teacher-led discussion with group and online learning. At Alliance ...
Community can help teachers enhance learning experiences
Greenfield Daily Reporter
The apartment, shared by special education classes at the conjoined intermediate school and Harris Elementary School, provides students with the opportunity to learn practical household skills such as doing laundry and preparing meals. The meal-making ...
Eagle Scout projects help school
Moscow-Pullman Daily News
Three Eagle Scout projects are coming to fruition in the backyard of McDonald Elementary, allowing young students to take their learning outdoors. "Creating that outdoor learning center is really the purpose," said Debbie Bell, a second-grade teacher ...
Online Learning Technology Challenges GoogleDocs and Pearson: New ...
PR Web (press release)
Conducted by a doctoral panel on the effectiveness of leading peer review technologies, the research amplifies CritiqueIt's power to change the way universities use and think of online learning. CritiqueIt is a cloud product that allows users to post ...
Modesto school-business partnership effort lauded
Modesto Bee
Students from vocational and ag classes at Modesto City Schools attended Wednesday's State of Education event that brought together hundreds of civic, business and school officials. As curious adults watched a basketball-flinging ...Teacher Tony ...
Modesto Bee
Leading film school to teach 3D filmmaking from concept to projection
The Herald |
"With SCAD's comprehensive education in film and animation, our talented students are provided with state-of-the-art technology, such as RealD, to be visual storytellers that will prepare them for professional careers." ... SCAD's innovative curriculum ...
Universities must update education models: Conroy
“It's only taken us 112 years to get a national curriculum, I don't think we've got 112 years to work out what we want to provide in the globalised digital education world.” Senator Conroy warned that brand alone would not protect universities from the ...
Estonia first graders learning computer skills
KUSA - Every first grader in Estonia is learning computer skills at school. ... Students will learnnot just how to use a mouse - but by the end of the class, they'll know how to make animation, how to program simple applications and how to research ...
Reinventing education with video — Angela Lin
The Malaysian Insider
That is where video comes into play, giving teachers a way to transport students to ancient lands or recreate dangerous science experiments. Videos can help break down difficult concepts ... The Web has exploded the possibilities for video in education ...
Op-Ed: Mt. Carmel School President Advances Mobile Technology
And when it comes time for college, having the ability to navigate the ever-challenging and increasingly competitive online application process is a true advantage. Simply put, being tech savvy often sets students apart and ... By opening a social ...
Connected Educator Month Brings Teachers, Others Together Online
T.H.E. Journal
Jon participated in a Twitter chat on his smartphone about global learning while walking his dog. Claudia appreciated the ... While the event may be over, the effort to keep teachers and schoolleaders connected for collaboration and learning continues ...
Barclays hosts Learning Expo for employees
Mmegi Online
Barclays Bank of Botswana (BBB) recently held a learning expo for its workers, where they launched a programme that assists employees familiarise themselves withlearning opportunities that can be pursued at home and overseas. ... Among the products ...
Mmegi Online
College to offer Park School graduate program
Ithaca College The Ithacan
GAYESKI said the Park School will offer the program next fall. “The program will kind of be a think tank with a master's degree associated with it,” she said. “We see that we certainly have a wonderful reputation in undergraduate education, and we feel ...
Ithaca College The Ithacan
The business of educating others
The Age (blog)
Education can change the world. And that's what young entrepreneur Adam Brimo, who turns 25 next month, is banking on with his start-up service allows people from all over the world to teach courses online. Brimo hopes that those...
The Age (blog)
Arne Duncan makes a startling admission: online learning ... - Yes
By Leonie Haimson
Additional note from William Doyle: "Personally, I believe in the effective use of technology forlearning by older children, once it has been found to have strong evidence of academic benefit through independent research. ..... the SUNY board of trustees, the State Education Department, and the Board of Regents not to approve any more charter schools in NYC, unless they have a plan to be located in their own space, separate from our existing overcrowded public school infrastructure.
NYC Public School Parents
In Colleges' Rush to Try MOOC's, Faculty Are Not Always in the ...
By Ray Schroeder
Online Learning News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor ~ University of Illinois at Springfield. «Online Learning: Technology To Democratize Education. In Colleges' Rush to Try MOOC's, Faculty Are Not Always in the Conversation. By Alisha Azevedo, Chronicle of Higher Ed. As soon as University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Phyllis M. Wise, the university's chancellor, heard aboutCoursera from other administrators who had signed on, she wanted to follow suit. She asked ...
Online Learning Update
School Systems Blog - Four Gaming Resources for Learning
By Aaron Morrison
However, using video games for learning purposes has caught fire in the classroom, and I don't see it burning out anytime soon! In fact ... Head on over to Mashable for another article about WhyEducation Needs to Get Its Game On. ... So, here are four online games you can play—I mean, test out—before implementing them for learning: ... Lastly, Free Technology for Teachers has an article that provides some tips for success and lessons learned concerning educational gaming.
School Systems Blog
High School online learning classes are virtually overloaded ...
BY FRED GRIMM, Miami Herald. A decade ago, 2,550,201 state voters said so, approving a constitutional amendment limiting the number of students who can ...

Through a partnership with Coursera, the university will offer online courses... I invite you ...
A Day to Reflect on Digital - Center on Online Learning and ...
The Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities is pleased to announce its participation in Digital Learning Day. We'll be blogging about Digital ...

There is also a greater understanding of how people best learn online.Coursera for instance ...
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