Teaching Kids to Love Math - WSJ.com: "Ongoing research is shedding new light on the importance of math to children's success. Math skill at kindergarten entry is an even stronger predictor of later school achievement than reading skills or the ability to pay attention, according to a 2007 study in the journal Developmental Psychology."
Teachers, education support staff get pay rise
Channel News Asia
SINGAPORE: Schools across the island celebrated Teachers' Day in advance on Friday, and for many educators, it's an extra special occasion this year. Some 26,000 teachers and 500 Allied Educators (AEDs) will get a pay raise starting September 1.
Teachers union sets strike date
Chicago Tribune
Radio ads asking concerned parents to text the word "compromise" to add their name to an online petition against a teachers strike are being paid for by a privately fundededucation reform group that has backed Mayor Rahm Emanuel's efforts to overhaul...
Chicago Tribune
Matthews: How we deal with the teachers union is a problem
The MSNBC panel reacts to former Florida governor Jeb Bush's speech on educationat the Republican National Convention, and debate the state of public education in America. .... what jeb bush is doing in florida can be studied but i think there are ...
Louisiana Teachers Union Makes Racially-Charged Claims about Black ...
Sacramento Bee
30, 2012 -- Louisiana Federation of Teachers makes outlandish, groundless claims that Black Alliance for Educational Options "endorses teaching that the KKK is good" ... The message was followed up with dozens of additional Twitter messages doubling ...
Assemblyman's teacher rating bill shelved
Sacramento Bee
Fuentes' Assembly Bill 5 had sparked a deep split within the education community – with the California Teachers Association supporting it and groups for school administrators and school boards opposed. Fuentes' goal was to create a new system that ...
Lawmakers debate changes to teacher evaluations
Daily Democrat
A major showdown in Sacramento has pitted education allies against each other, with school reformers and school districts desperately trying to fend off union attempts to water down teacherevaluations and accountability. Assembly Bill 5 is backed by ...
Teacher may have molested child for 2 years
Sacramento Bee
There are new allegations that a 35-year-old San Jose elementary school teacher facing trial for molesting five children may have been sexually assaulting a 10-year-old youngster for two years. Prosecutors say 35-year-old Craig Richard Chandler is ...
Boston Teachers Union offers major concessions toward contract deal with ...
The Boston Teachers Union proposed a deal this afternoon to break deadlocked negotiations over a new contract that includes major concessions on wages and on creating a new teacher evaluation system that would speed up the dismissal of ineffective ...
Mitt Romney Disagrees With Himself On Education In Republican Convention ...
Huffington Post
"There is no more critical issue facing the United States than the need for education reform," former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) wrote in the paper's foreword. "Despite spending more on .... Paul Stoller: Teacher Torment. Do we need to hire more ...
Handing out zeros could end Edmonton teacher's career
CTV News
An Edmonton teacher whose suspension has stirred a debate over whether students should be given zeros when they don't do their work says he is on the brink of losing his job – and even his teachingcertificate. Lynden Dorval has been a physics teacher ...
400,000 students face disruption after Chicago teachers vote to ...
By Natalie Martinez, NBC Chicago
The Chicago Teacher's Union voted unanimously Thursday to strike on Sept. 10, with ... Members of the Chicago Teachers Union hold an informational picket outside Willa Cather Elementary School on Monday in an effort to call attention to ongoing contract talks with the city's Board of Education. By Natalie .... The teachers are meant to be there only as a guide for what you should be learning. Remember the ..... Some have second jobs in order to pay for their teaching jobs. We get ...
Newsvine - U.S. News - Articles
Learnist – a 'Pinterest for Education' – releases apps for iPhone ...
By Ki Mae Heussner
Earlier this year, social learning company Grockit launched Learnist as a Pinterest-like platform foreducation. The company is on Thursday rolling out iPhone and iPad apps for the new platform. Through the apps, users can both create and ...
Teachers Union: African American School Choice Group Supports ...
By Lachlan Markay
The teachers union asked BAEO over Twitter whether it supports teaching positive messages about the KKK. Unsatisfied with the group's response, it unleashed a barrage of tweets claiming that BAEO endorses such teachings. Needless to ...
The Foundry: Conservative Policy...
Brizard Denies His Job On Line If Teachers Strike « CBS Chicago
By John Dodge
CHICAGO (CBS) — Chicago's school chief today denied reports that his job is on the line if talks with the teachers union break down. “In 27 years of education, I have always been successful,” Chicago Public Schools CEO Jean-Claude ...
CBS Chicago
Will Charter Schools Kill Private Education? | FreedomWorks
By StephenKruiser
There are far fewer nuns now than there were in the heyday of Catholic education in America. Nuns are a cheaper labor force for Church-run schools. The hiring of lay teachers is a large contributing factor in driving up costs and can ultimately ...
Microsoft's Surface Can Leverage Education Market - Seeking Alpha
The Surface will garner significant share if Microsoft makes the pitch to leverage its already strong presence within the education market. Politicians would refer ...
ANDREW FERGUSON ON LEARNING TO LIKE MITT: Now that he's officially ... “ He was actually teaching his boys, saying, 'This is what we do. We do this as a ...

Terrible teachers, on the other hand, are all awful in different ways. ... class — as well as who ...
Teaching Strategies | CRLT - Center for Research on Learning and ...
This page provides resources to support excellent, innovative instruction in a variety of teachingsettings. You'll also find links to more general resources ...
Fired Atlanta School Teacher Said Her Students were “Dumb as Hell ...
Fifth grade teacher Shayla Smith was one of many who were implicated in the ... teachers and principals resorted to cheating highlights the entire “education” .... about student being dumb because they aren't teaching the truth or the facts.
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