BBC News
I'm a PE teacher and believe that the approach to physical education and sport in many schools needs to change. The traditional way ... If teachers adopt a good approach to providing and teaching physical education in schools, the facilities shouldn't ...
BBC News
For popular Khan Academy, a critical voice amid the adulation
San Jose Mercury News
In the past year, education-reform icon Sal Khan has been lauded by Bill Gates as the "teacher to the world" and has been listed among Time magazine's 100 most influential people. His Silicon Valley-based Khan Academy posts free videos -- most of which ...
Daphne Koller of Coursera: What we're learning from online ...
By Ray Schroeder
Daphne Koller of Coursera: What we're learning from online learning education. by TED Talks. Daphne Koller is enticing top universities to put their most intriguing courses online for free — not just as a service, but as a way to research how ...
Online Learning Update
Teacher vs. student: An ancient relationship gets turned on its head
WBEZ (blog)
What was once a teacher as leader, student as folllower relationship has switched, something many have credited to the turning tides of technology, when the personal life of teachers is so easily accessible to students who once knew little about this ...

WBEZ (blog)
BYU's Campus Education Week continues 90-year tradition
Deseret News
A 90-year tradition resurfaces this week when the annual Campus Education Week is conducted at BYU with five days of classes, workshops and experiences in a wide variety of disciplines intended to enhance life-long learning. You might also like ...

Deseret News
Ex-CNN Anchor Joins Debate vs. Unions Over Teacher Misconduct
New York Times
Ms. Brown also spoke about teacher misconduct at a July 26 appearance in the Bronx before Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo's education reform commission and in a July 30 spot on MSNBC's “Morning Joe.” She also wrote an op-ed article on the issue that was ...

New York Times
Teachers With Online Degrees: Ready For Real-World Classrooms? (blog)
Janet Williams, interim associate dean for educator licensure programs at Walden's Richard W. Riley College of Education & Leadership, said that students must complete a “full semester in a real-live K-12 school as a 'demonstration teacher,' paired ...
Analysis: Romney's VP choices on education
However, with the new stringent teacher tenure rules, the best teachers may choose to apply elsewhere. Vouchers, Charters and Controversy: On April 18, 2012, Jindal signed a second major education reform bill providing vouchers to students in failed or ...
Race To The Top Competition Opens To School Districts For New Grants To ...
Huffington Post
The original Race to the Top competition, announced in 2009, set out to provide more than $4 billion in grants to states that undertook ambitious education reforms. Dozens of states changed laws, introduced new teacher evaluation programs and lifted ...
Judging teachers requires time
Sioux Falls Argus Leader
Melmer said that next year, the state probably will train every school principal face-to-face on how to evaluate teachers using the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching. In future years, new administrators might get web-based training. The ...
Mathematics Teaching Is a Challenging Career
The problem is rooted in other problems such as low salaries, unsuitable teaching environment and inability to admit enough suitable students in the teachers' colleges. Mathematics is feared by many pupils especially in secondary ... you can have even ...
Kids ease back to school with playful learning apps
Many apps provide kids with playful ways to approach learning. Some are so stealthy about their educational agenda that kids don't initially realize they're learning. Here are four apps that your kids will want to play because they're fun, but which ...

Paul Ryan on education policy: vouchers, for-profit colleges, local control
Washington Post (blog)
talks a lot about scaling back the reach of the federal government, but back in 2001, he voted in favor of No Child Left Behind, the signature education program of the George W. Bush administration that gave unprecedented power to the U.S. Education ...
Teachers rely on their state pensions for retirement security
Baltimore Sun
Maryland educators are "trusted" to provide Maryland students with the highest quality education. They are required to be certified, recertified and enhance their skills over their career to take in new strategies and teaching methods. Educators are ...
Affordable higher education not possible with high student debt, tuition costs
Deseret News
Chan Cheong-chap, teacher of Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School leads a virtual class with a computer in an empty classroom Thursday, April 24, 2003. Vincent Yu, Associated Press. Enlarge photo». Summary. Significant personal borrowing for ...

Deseret News
Education Reporter Scoops EAC Media Award
Charles Kwizera, a Journalist working for online media house became the first Rwandan scribe to win an award in the 2nd annual EAC/EABC media awards that were held in Kigali this year. Kwizera was recognised as the 2012 Best ...
Minority teachers are few in Volusia, Flagler counties
Daytona Beach News-Journal
In Flagler, black students represent 16 percent of the student population while black teachers account for 4 percent of the teaching staff. In Volusia, blacks make ... Last week, the Southern Poverty Law Center filed complaints against Flagler and four ...
Spreading education responsibility
Burlington Times News
Parents and immediate family members are the first and most influential teachers in any child's chance for success in school and life. Critical brain synapse-stimulation development, early emulation of positive or negative adult behaviors, learning ...
Cruise Adventures: An Education At Sea (PHOTOS)
Huffington Post
"This isn't the Love Boat," declares one of the veteran passengers -- she's been on 30+ trips with Zegrahm Expeditions -- who has a sixth sense for identifying first timers, including those with a romantic agenda. She points out a woman decked out in a ...
Doctors' Success Hinges on Transactor to Teacher Transition
The etymology behind the word “doctor” was derived from the word 'doctoris' that meansteacher in Latin and is an agent noun derived from the verb docere which means to teach. The doctors who are the best teachers are most likely to guide their ...

Chicago Teacher Accused of Beating Dog to Death Held on $200K Bail
ABC News (blog)
Fierro is a fourth grade teacher at Eugene Field Elementary School in Chicago, according to the school's website. Chicago Public Schools officials will investigate the incident, which could result in disciplinary action, the Chicago Tribune reported.

ABC News (blog)
Letters: Give teachers voice in reform
The State Journal-Register
In October 2011, representatives from three major teacher organizations met with legislators, indicating a willingness to work on a solution. Unfortunately, their input has been disregarded. We feel their readiness to work with the legislators to find ...
Teacher hiring bouncing back in many Central Texas districts
Austin American-Statesman
Those teachers will all report to the district for a new teacher training academy Monday — one week before returning teachers start. The first day of class is Aug. 27. The hires come just 18 months after the school board approved cutting more than ...
Ed schools vs. education
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Students learn more quickly from teachers who make learning fun. But if a teacher lacks knowledge, it doesn't matter how good are his or her communications skills or how much he or she cares about the kids. "Students learn a lot from the teacher who ...
Education Briefs
New York Times
The University of Southern California has announced the creation of the Schwarzenegger Institute for State and Global Policy, named for the former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Mr. Schwarzenegger will head the institute's board of advisers.
Continuing Education Workshop Announced at Parker Dam
Gant Daily
The guide is correlated to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Standards and the Head Start Domains. These correlations involve social, emotional, physical, language and cognitive domains to help foster learning and ...
Leading a local learning revolution
Sydney Morning Herald
NICOLE Peeler considered herself a well-travelled Victorian, but she had never heard of Aurukun when she set off with her partner to explore the east coast of Australia after qualifying as a teacher from Ballarat University in 2010. ... revolution that ...

Sydney Morning Herald
Guest column: Education can't wait until age 5
Memphis Commercial Appeal
Citing the fact that a child's brain reaches 80 percent of its adult weight by age 3, yet only 3 percent of our education dollars go to preschool education, the organization lays out perhaps the most critical flaw in our education system. We couldn't ...
Abby: Teacher needs cheat-sheet to recall former students
Alexandria Town Talk
Dear Abby: I have been teaching for 30 years in the same school district. I can't tell you how many times 30- to 45-year-old men have come up to me and said, "You don't remember me, do you?" When they were in elementary school, they were not sporting ...
Teacher takes on experienced politician in 85th Assembly District primary
Wisconsin Rapids Tribune
Wright, a teacher in the Wausau School District who said she would focus on education and health care if elected, said it's her knowledge of community needs that give her the edge over her opponent. "I would like people to know that I would work very ...
BILL STANCZYIEWICZ: Breakfast important to learning
Evansville Courier & Press
As Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dr. Tony Bennett, wrote to school superintendents, "The Indiana Department of Education supports school breakfast programs. Research shows that eating breakfast has a tremendous positive effect on ...
Define state's education priorities before boosting funding
The Seattle Times
The Legislature's financial obligation to public schools is outlined in the state's constitution as its "paramount duty." Investing in education, from early learning to higher education, will require substantial revenue. Where to find the money is a ...
Here's your final lesson: teachers are only human
Greenville News
After leaving his career in education, Jerry Barber decided to start his own amusement rides ....That one, I had to remind myself of, often, like the time the art teacher returned after Christmas wearing maternity clothes, or the time the band teacher ...
A Creeping Crisis: The neglect of education in slow-onset - ReliefWeb
And, in the longer term, through disaster preparedness and adaptation, education builds the resilience of children and their communities to cope with future droughts, and secures learning that is relevant to children's needs. Given this, it is ...
Adobe Learning Summit 2012 , Oct 29, Las Vegas – Registrations ...
By Shameer Ayyappan
The Adobe Learning Summit 2012 provides a unique opportunity to connect with Adobe, learn the latest technology and become an active participant in the community that's shaping the future of eLearning. Join leading eLearning designers, ...
Rapid eLearning | Adobe Captivate Blog
Parent Fears Teacher Won't be Jailed for Sex Charges | ...
By Emily Valdez
NORTH RIDGEVILLE, OHIO - The mother of a teenage boy, who said her son was manipulated by his science teacher into having sex, fears the teacher will serve no jail time despite the fact theteacher pleaded guilty to two felony counts of ... – Cleveland news &...
Animation Teacher Faces Termination For Refusing To Sell His ...
By amid
Animation artist Mike Tracy claims that his school, the Art Institute of California—Orange County, judges teachers by another criteria: how many e-textbooks each teacher sells to their students. Tracy, who has ... In July I asked the US Department of Education, the California Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education and WASC (our accrediting agency) to look into my concerns. Since that time, the ... I think this means that, as of this week, I will no longer be teaching at AI. I want you, my...
Cartoon Brew
$200000 Bail For Teacher Accused Of Killing Dog | ...
By Kelley Hoskins
CHICAGO (AP) _ A judge has set bail at $200000 for a Chicago elementary school teacher accused of punching his dog to death after the animal soiled itself. Derek Fierro has been charged with aggravated cruelty to animals, which is a felony ... – St. Louis News...
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Education News Roundup
By Melissa Westbrook
Earlier this year, the Senate merely left the door open to extending a provision that allows teachersstill working on their certification to be considered "highly qualified"—a designation created by 2001's No Child Left Behind law. ... In a letter earlier this week, the Coalition for Teaching Quality, which includes the Council for Exceptional Children, the National Center for Learning Disabilities, and several other special education and disability advocacy groups, urged Congress not to ...
Seattle Schools Community Forum
Why do so many public school teachers sent their own children to ...
By danfromsquirrelhill
The Washington Times reports: “Nationwide, public school teachers are almost twice as likely as other parents to choose private schools for their own children, the study by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute found. More than 1 in 5 public ... “ Michael Pons, spokesman for the National EducationAssociation, the 2.7-million-member public school union, declined a request for comment on the study's findings. ... The new method of “teaching” math leaves students ignorant and uneducated ...
Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog
Kids ease back to school with playful learning apps –
Many apps provide kids with playful ways to approach learning. Some are so stealthy ... What they are really doing is learning how to do simple algebra. The app ...
ZCommunications | Lacking Contracts, New Orleans Teachers Use ...
For “reformers” who blame education's problems on bad teachers and seek to cut ... that's looking out for teachers,” says Dave Cash, a social studies teacher and ... most without any teachingbackground, and whips them through a six-week ...
Follow @eSummaCom
By Ray Schroeder
Daphne Koller of Coursera: What we're learning from online learning education. by TED Talks. Daphne Koller is enticing top universities to put their most intriguing courses online for free — not just as a service, but as a way to research how ...
Online Learning Update
Teacher vs. student: An ancient relationship gets turned on its head
WBEZ (blog)
What was once a teacher as leader, student as folllower relationship has switched, something many have credited to the turning tides of technology, when the personal life of teachers is so easily accessible to students who once knew little about this ...
WBEZ (blog)
BYU's Campus Education Week continues 90-year tradition
Deseret News
A 90-year tradition resurfaces this week when the annual Campus Education Week is conducted at BYU with five days of classes, workshops and experiences in a wide variety of disciplines intended to enhance life-long learning. You might also like ...
Deseret News
Ex-CNN Anchor Joins Debate vs. Unions Over Teacher Misconduct
New York Times
Ms. Brown also spoke about teacher misconduct at a July 26 appearance in the Bronx before Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo's education reform commission and in a July 30 spot on MSNBC's “Morning Joe.” She also wrote an op-ed article on the issue that was ...
New York Times
Teachers With Online Degrees: Ready For Real-World Classrooms? (blog)
Janet Williams, interim associate dean for educator licensure programs at Walden's Richard W. Riley College of Education & Leadership, said that students must complete a “full semester in a real-live K-12 school as a 'demonstration teacher,' paired ...
Analysis: Romney's VP choices on education
However, with the new stringent teacher tenure rules, the best teachers may choose to apply elsewhere. Vouchers, Charters and Controversy: On April 18, 2012, Jindal signed a second major education reform bill providing vouchers to students in failed or ...
Race To The Top Competition Opens To School Districts For New Grants To ...
Huffington Post
The original Race to the Top competition, announced in 2009, set out to provide more than $4 billion in grants to states that undertook ambitious education reforms. Dozens of states changed laws, introduced new teacher evaluation programs and lifted ...
Judging teachers requires time
Sioux Falls Argus Leader
Melmer said that next year, the state probably will train every school principal face-to-face on how to evaluate teachers using the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching. In future years, new administrators might get web-based training. The ...
Mathematics Teaching Is a Challenging Career
The problem is rooted in other problems such as low salaries, unsuitable teaching environment and inability to admit enough suitable students in the teachers' colleges. Mathematics is feared by many pupils especially in secondary ... you can have even ...
Kids ease back to school with playful learning apps
Many apps provide kids with playful ways to approach learning. Some are so stealthy about their educational agenda that kids don't initially realize they're learning. Here are four apps that your kids will want to play because they're fun, but which ...
Paul Ryan on education policy: vouchers, for-profit colleges, local control
Washington Post (blog)
talks a lot about scaling back the reach of the federal government, but back in 2001, he voted in favor of No Child Left Behind, the signature education program of the George W. Bush administration that gave unprecedented power to the U.S. Education ...
Teachers rely on their state pensions for retirement security
Baltimore Sun
Maryland educators are "trusted" to provide Maryland students with the highest quality education. They are required to be certified, recertified and enhance their skills over their career to take in new strategies and teaching methods. Educators are ...
Affordable higher education not possible with high student debt, tuition costs
Deseret News
Chan Cheong-chap, teacher of Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School leads a virtual class with a computer in an empty classroom Thursday, April 24, 2003. Vincent Yu, Associated Press. Enlarge photo». Summary. Significant personal borrowing for ...
Deseret News
Education Reporter Scoops EAC Media Award
Charles Kwizera, a Journalist working for online media house became the first Rwandan scribe to win an award in the 2nd annual EAC/EABC media awards that were held in Kigali this year. Kwizera was recognised as the 2012 Best ...
Minority teachers are few in Volusia, Flagler counties
Daytona Beach News-Journal
In Flagler, black students represent 16 percent of the student population while black teachers account for 4 percent of the teaching staff. In Volusia, blacks make ... Last week, the Southern Poverty Law Center filed complaints against Flagler and four ...
Spreading education responsibility
Burlington Times News
Parents and immediate family members are the first and most influential teachers in any child's chance for success in school and life. Critical brain synapse-stimulation development, early emulation of positive or negative adult behaviors, learning ...
Cruise Adventures: An Education At Sea (PHOTOS)
Huffington Post
"This isn't the Love Boat," declares one of the veteran passengers -- she's been on 30+ trips with Zegrahm Expeditions -- who has a sixth sense for identifying first timers, including those with a romantic agenda. She points out a woman decked out in a ...
Doctors' Success Hinges on Transactor to Teacher Transition
The etymology behind the word “doctor” was derived from the word 'doctoris' that meansteacher in Latin and is an agent noun derived from the verb docere which means to teach. The doctors who are the best teachers are most likely to guide their ...
Chicago Teacher Accused of Beating Dog to Death Held on $200K Bail
ABC News (blog)
Fierro is a fourth grade teacher at Eugene Field Elementary School in Chicago, according to the school's website. Chicago Public Schools officials will investigate the incident, which could result in disciplinary action, the Chicago Tribune reported.
ABC News (blog)
Letters: Give teachers voice in reform
The State Journal-Register
In October 2011, representatives from three major teacher organizations met with legislators, indicating a willingness to work on a solution. Unfortunately, their input has been disregarded. We feel their readiness to work with the legislators to find ...
Teacher hiring bouncing back in many Central Texas districts
Austin American-Statesman
Those teachers will all report to the district for a new teacher training academy Monday — one week before returning teachers start. The first day of class is Aug. 27. The hires come just 18 months after the school board approved cutting more than ...
Ed schools vs. education
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Students learn more quickly from teachers who make learning fun. But if a teacher lacks knowledge, it doesn't matter how good are his or her communications skills or how much he or she cares about the kids. "Students learn a lot from the teacher who ...
Education Briefs
New York Times
The University of Southern California has announced the creation of the Schwarzenegger Institute for State and Global Policy, named for the former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Mr. Schwarzenegger will head the institute's board of advisers.
Continuing Education Workshop Announced at Parker Dam
Gant Daily
The guide is correlated to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Standards and the Head Start Domains. These correlations involve social, emotional, physical, language and cognitive domains to help foster learning and ...
Leading a local learning revolution
Sydney Morning Herald
NICOLE Peeler considered herself a well-travelled Victorian, but she had never heard of Aurukun when she set off with her partner to explore the east coast of Australia after qualifying as a teacher from Ballarat University in 2010. ... revolution that ...
Sydney Morning Herald
Guest column: Education can't wait until age 5
Memphis Commercial Appeal
Citing the fact that a child's brain reaches 80 percent of its adult weight by age 3, yet only 3 percent of our education dollars go to preschool education, the organization lays out perhaps the most critical flaw in our education system. We couldn't ...
Abby: Teacher needs cheat-sheet to recall former students
Alexandria Town Talk
Dear Abby: I have been teaching for 30 years in the same school district. I can't tell you how many times 30- to 45-year-old men have come up to me and said, "You don't remember me, do you?" When they were in elementary school, they were not sporting ...
Teacher takes on experienced politician in 85th Assembly District primary
Wisconsin Rapids Tribune
Wright, a teacher in the Wausau School District who said she would focus on education and health care if elected, said it's her knowledge of community needs that give her the edge over her opponent. "I would like people to know that I would work very ...
BILL STANCZYIEWICZ: Breakfast important to learning
Evansville Courier & Press
As Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dr. Tony Bennett, wrote to school superintendents, "The Indiana Department of Education supports school breakfast programs. Research shows that eating breakfast has a tremendous positive effect on ...
Define state's education priorities before boosting funding
The Seattle Times
The Legislature's financial obligation to public schools is outlined in the state's constitution as its "paramount duty." Investing in education, from early learning to higher education, will require substantial revenue. Where to find the money is a ...
Here's your final lesson: teachers are only human
Greenville News
After leaving his career in education, Jerry Barber decided to start his own amusement rides ....That one, I had to remind myself of, often, like the time the art teacher returned after Christmas wearing maternity clothes, or the time the band teacher ...
A Creeping Crisis: The neglect of education in slow-onset - ReliefWeb
And, in the longer term, through disaster preparedness and adaptation, education builds the resilience of children and their communities to cope with future droughts, and secures learning that is relevant to children's needs. Given this, it is ...
Adobe Learning Summit 2012 , Oct 29, Las Vegas – Registrations ...
By Shameer Ayyappan
The Adobe Learning Summit 2012 provides a unique opportunity to connect with Adobe, learn the latest technology and become an active participant in the community that's shaping the future of eLearning. Join leading eLearning designers, ...
Rapid eLearning | Adobe Captivate Blog
Parent Fears Teacher Won't be Jailed for Sex Charges | ...
By Emily Valdez
NORTH RIDGEVILLE, OHIO - The mother of a teenage boy, who said her son was manipulated by his science teacher into having sex, fears the teacher will serve no jail time despite the fact theteacher pleaded guilty to two felony counts of ... – Cleveland news &...
Animation Teacher Faces Termination For Refusing To Sell His ...
By amid
Animation artist Mike Tracy claims that his school, the Art Institute of California—Orange County, judges teachers by another criteria: how many e-textbooks each teacher sells to their students. Tracy, who has ... In July I asked the US Department of Education, the California Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education and WASC (our accrediting agency) to look into my concerns. Since that time, the ... I think this means that, as of this week, I will no longer be teaching at AI. I want you, my...
Cartoon Brew
$200000 Bail For Teacher Accused Of Killing Dog | ...
By Kelley Hoskins
CHICAGO (AP) _ A judge has set bail at $200000 for a Chicago elementary school teacher accused of punching his dog to death after the animal soiled itself. Derek Fierro has been charged with aggravated cruelty to animals, which is a felony ... – St. Louis News...
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Education News Roundup
By Melissa Westbrook
Earlier this year, the Senate merely left the door open to extending a provision that allows teachersstill working on their certification to be considered "highly qualified"—a designation created by 2001's No Child Left Behind law. ... In a letter earlier this week, the Coalition for Teaching Quality, which includes the Council for Exceptional Children, the National Center for Learning Disabilities, and several other special education and disability advocacy groups, urged Congress not to ...
Seattle Schools Community Forum
Vigo school board looking at teacher evaluation system » Local ...
By Sue Loughlin
The Vigo County School Board will discuss a proposed, new teacher evaluation system when it meets at 6 p.m. Monday. A new state law will ... At the heart of the system is a rubric, or scorecard, that rates teachers on different criteria meant to evaluate how well they plan lessons, teach classes and lead their peers. StateImpact Indiana is a collaboration of WFIU, Indiana Public Broadcasting stations and NPR to explain the effects of state education policy on people's lives. The RISE ...
Terre Haute, Indiana Top Stories
By Sue Loughlin
The Vigo County School Board will discuss a proposed, new teacher evaluation system when it meets at 6 p.m. Monday. A new state law will ... At the heart of the system is a rubric, or scorecard, that rates teachers on different criteria meant to evaluate how well they plan lessons, teach classes and lead their peers. StateImpact Indiana is a collaboration of WFIU, Indiana Public Broadcasting stations and NPR to explain the effects of state education policy on people's lives. The RISE ...
Terre Haute, Indiana Top Stories
Why do so many public school teachers sent their own children to ...
By danfromsquirrelhill
The Washington Times reports: “Nationwide, public school teachers are almost twice as likely as other parents to choose private schools for their own children, the study by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute found. More than 1 in 5 public ... “ Michael Pons, spokesman for the National EducationAssociation, the 2.7-million-member public school union, declined a request for comment on the study's findings. ... The new method of “teaching” math leaves students ignorant and uneducated ...
Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog
Kids ease back to school with playful learning apps –
Many apps provide kids with playful ways to approach learning. Some are so stealthy ... What they are really doing is learning how to do simple algebra. The app ...
Henry Rollins: Education Will Restore A Vigorous Democracy | Big ...
According to Henry Rollins, education is the great leveler of the playing field, ... if our schools succeeded in teaching all students aptitude -- the ability to learn.
According to Henry Rollins, education is the great leveler of the playing field, ... if our schools succeeded in teaching all students aptitude -- the ability to learn.
ZCommunications | Lacking Contracts, New Orleans Teachers Use ...
For “reformers” who blame education's problems on bad teachers and seek to cut ... that's looking out for teachers,” says Dave Cash, a social studies teacher and ... most without any teachingbackground, and whips them through a six-week ...
Follow @eSummaCom
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