Fox News
In May, the country saw a tide of protests against the education squeeze by university students and teachers, some of whom clashed with police. "Science isn't a priority now in Spain," Oviedo said. "The economy is terrible. A couple years ago we had a really ...
Former St. Louis teacher charged with rape, thought statute of limitations expired
Fox News
A retired teacher who told police he sexually assaulted two former students decades ago thought the statute of limitations had run out, but found out he was wrong -- and found himself behind bars. Donald Ingerson, 67, who taught in the St. Louis area from the ...
Academic condemns academy expert teacher ruling
BBC News
... who said pupils should be taught by qualified teachers. Teacher quality. In his blog, Prof Husbands cites the 2010 White Paper, called the Importance ofTeaching, which says international evidence shows "the most important factor in determining the effectiveness of a school system is the quality of its teachers". ..."Internationally, the evidence is strong: the status of the teaching profession is related to the quality and status of initial teacher education." Prof Husbands says, in England, partly due to recent reforms, this ...
BBC News
RPT-US teacher union boss bends to school reform winds
Across the United States, public education -- and the often unionized teachers and support staff employed in the sector -- are under attack from reformers who argue the country's schools need to be reformed and partially privatized in order to improve student ...
Why are people so irrational about the teaching profession?
The Guardian (blog)
What is it about teachers? Why are people so irrational about the teaching profession? The simple answer is that we all went to school, and this, of course, provides us with an in-depth knowledge of the teaching profession. Before I became a teacher I assumed that I knew what it would be like to be one. I'd been through the education ... on the side of the teacher. Last year's Channel 4's programme Jamie's Dream School highlighted the widely held viewpoint thatteachers just aren't providing the best education.
The Guardian (blog)
Florida education chief resigns amid controversy
Washington Post (blog)
Four teachers help students prepare for the upcoming FCAT at Miami Central Senior High School in 2011. (Carl Juste/AP) education secretary under Gov. Bob McDonnell — aren't going away with his departure. It was revealed by state officials Tuesday that ...
Here's an idea to help improve teaching - cash
Herald Sun
The discussion paper, Great Teaching Inspired Learning, launched this week unashamedly asks for suggestions. If you think you can be part of the brains trust you need to read the 40 or ...The paper targets NSW universities for causing some of our problems by training too many primary school and other teachers we don't need, not training enough of those we do, and for taking school leavers with low ATARS into teacher education courses. The state government has no direct power over universities. But a leading ...
Career Education Slides on $100 Million Quarterly Loss
“We are facing the same stiff headwinds as others in private-sector higher education,” Steven H. Lesnik, Career Education's chief executive officer, said in the statement. “Withering public criticism, combined with a game-changing regulatory environment ...
Education Commissioner Robinson resigns unexpectedly
Orlando Sentinel
Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson resigned unexpectedly Tuesday, saying that "living far away from my family" was too much of a challenge to continue as Florida's schools chief. Robinson's departure is ... In a statement, Scott called Robinson a "tireless advocate for creating quality learning opportunities for all of Florida's students" and added, "he will certainly be missed." Shanahan said she ... So, he was concerned about his wife's tenure, but when it comes to teachers - forget it. After attending several of ...
Swaziland Teachers Vow to Continue Strike Over Wages
Voice of America · Learning ... But,Education and Training Minister Wilson Ntshangase has reportedly threatened theteachers with dismissal if they do not return to the classroom. Sibongile Mazibuko, president of ...
Voice of America
Southwest Ga. teachers agree to suspensions
Sacramento Bee
School officials in Dougherty County say the first four teachers to appear at administrative hearings in connection with a test cheating scandal have agreed to 60-day suspensions without pay. The Albany Herald reports ( that the deals were ...
Embattled education commissioner Gerard Robinson resigns (blog)
After a tumultuous year shepherding a series of high profile reforms to the state's educationsystem, Florida Department of Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson submitted a letter of resignation Tuesday, citing family reasons. ... He highlighted the accomplishments he was proud of including increasing the FCAT achievement standards, obtaining a school waiver from the U.S. Department of Education and earning national recognition for accomplishments from early childhood learning to the Florida College ...
Florida education chief resigns after just a year
Shanahan similarly praised Robinson for working with the board to raise standards for schools and students and as “a leader who embodies and understands the importance of education reform. ... halls he's held in 26 counties, the creation of a Task Force on Inclusion and Accountability, an initiative to get teachers to communicate with each other about closing minority achievement gaps, new competency and skill standards for science and math teacherand higher standards for the state's pre-kindergarten program.
McKenna's education plan calls for capping noneducation spending
The Seattle Times
McKenna's education plan calls for capping noneducation spending. Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna offered up new details Tuesday of how he'd try to substantially boost state education spending without raising taxes. By Jim Brunner ...
The Seattle Times
Helping Teachers Make The Grade
North American Press Syndicate
The courses cover not only teaching techniques but assessment methods that help to promotelearning. Courses in common core mathematics are available for educators teaching grades K−5, 6−8, and 9−12. Common core courses for teachers on literacy ...
Namibians Welcome Free Education
The Namibia National Teachers Union (NANTU) has applauded the Ministry of Education for the giant step it has decided to take to provide free and compulsory education at primary level. NANTU regional chairperson for the Erongo Region, Jonathan Tsuseb ...
Former St. Louis-area teacher accused of rape turns himself in; currently lives in ...
Washington Post
A longtime St. Louis-area teacher has been charged with rape and statutory sodomy after turning himself in, apparently in the mistaken belief that the statute of limitations had expired, authorities said Tuesday. Donald Ingerson, 67, of Ely, Minn., is jailed on ...
Culturally Relevant Education Will Enable a Brighter Future for Hispanics
Huffington Post (blog)
As such, for many years, Latinos have felt forced to assimilate in the workplace, but are now ready to reach for success by learning how to leverage their heritage and utilize their unique skills and natural characteristics. Beyond the corporate world, this ...
Learning from Facebook's IPO flop
By Conor Sen. ATLANTA (MarketWatch) — Following a week where Facebook Inc. and Zynga Inc. both disappointed investors in their earnings releases, investors interested in new Internet companies need to understand why valuations aren't driving any of ...
Teacher prep will be key to education reform, Branstad says
The Gazette: Eastern Iowa Breaking News and Headlines (blog)
Many of the priorities the board shared are ones it has held for years: close the achievement gap, increase the integration of technology and online learning opportunities and move toward competency-based education. This year, the board added “improve teacher and leader preparation” as an additional ... In Iowa, future teachers are required to have 14 hours of studentteaching before they can work in a classroom on their own. Branstad was not specific on how much more training he thinks teachers should have ...
Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson resigns
TALLAHASSEE — Florida's top education official announced his resignation Tuesday, after a one-year run marred by a public outcry over testing, declining FCAT scores and charges that the state moved too fast this year to change its testing system. In a letter submitted to Gov. Rick Scott, Education ... As Virginia's educationsecretary, Robinson had pushed school choice options, including vouchers, and said he supported merit pay for teachers. As Florida's education commissioner, Robinson has been aggressive ...
Cuomo vetoes special education in nonpublic school
Wall Street Journal
Andrew Cuomo has vetoed a bill that would have allowed more special education funding to go to nonpublic schools even if parents sought the expensive care in a religious school. Opponents called the measure a kind of voucher program, which isn't ...
McKenna unveils education funding plan
The Seattle Times
McKenna unveils education funding plan. Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna said Tuesday that he would spend an additional $1.7 billion on the state's public educationobligations and higher education through 2015. By RACHEL LA CORTE. Associated ... He also wants to reduce class sizes for kindergarten through third grade to 17 students per teacher and pay for all-day kindergarten by the 2017-2019 biennium. Currently, the state budgets for class sizes of 25 students per teacher. McKenna's ...
Tanzania: Teachers Divided Over Strike
All teachers at Kilema and Marangu primary schools were on duty as usual while 50 per cent of the teaching staff and the headmaster were on duty at Mangi Marealle Secondary School while 10 per cent of the teachers reported but did not go to classes to teach. About 10 per cent did not report for duty. In Mwanga district ...Some 34 teachers were attending further education while of the 454 primary school teachers, only two did not report for duty. In Same district, affected primary schools whose teachers were on ...
Cuomo Vetoes Bill on Placement of Special Education Students
New York Times
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo vetoed a bill on Tuesday requiring public school officials to take into account the “home life and family background” of special educationstudents when placing them in schools, a measure that would have given religious parents more ...
New York Times
On Higher Education: Where We Stand
I consider myself one of the last of the academic generalists: I study history, politics, popular culture, law and higher education in the United States and continue to get great fulfillment fromteaching and advising undergraduates. To give myself time to play poker, watch baseball games, take in plays in New ... Nonetheless, with some important exceptions, we should use online learning more as a supplement than a substitute to residence-based learning. - The Role of Government in Higher Education: For college to be ...
Cuomo Vetoes Special-Education Bill
Wall Street Journal (blog)
Leah Steinberg, the group's director of special education affairs, said the bill wasn't about religion but rather about providing appropriate special-education services for all children. Jewish school teachers and leaders said some children with special needs ...
Wall Street Journal (blog)
Teachers aren't martyrs, monks or nuns. But they are dedicated and trying their ...
Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)
Had I stayed in teaching, I would likely not ever see a STEP raise. The money ...Respecting teachers' time enough to understand that endless meetings is not the most appropriate use of Teacher Work Days — work days that need to be used to plan for larger classes and a new curriculum. As one of my ... Everyone can acknowledge that changes are being made to improve schools, but scapegoatingteachers will not only demoralize them and drive them out of schools, it will forever tarnish public education. Leaders ...
Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)
TED Blog | 10 talks from inspiring teachers
By Kate Torgovnick
A parent and teacher in the South Bronx, Ritz has noticed his students getting larger and more sickly over the years, not to mention the fact that they're parsing fewer options for earning a living. So Ritz began working with his ... John Hunter: Teaching the World Peace Game In 1978, at the Richmond ... Education scientist Sugata Mitra tackles one of the greatest problems in education— that the best teachers and schools don't exist where they're needed most. In a series of real-life ...
TED Blog
Robinson Resigns « CBS Miami
By cbs4price
Shanahan similarly praised Robinson for working with the board to raise standards for schools and students and as “a leader who embodies and understands the importance of education reform.” ... creation of a Task Force on Inclusion and Accountability, an initiative to get teachers to communicate with each other about closing minority achievement gaps, new competency and skill standards for science and math teacher and higher standards for the state's pre-kindergarten program.
CBS Miami
By cbs4price
Shanahan similarly praised Robinson for working with the board to raise standards for schools and students and as “a leader who embodies and understands the importance of education reform.” ... creation of a Task Force on Inclusion and Accountability, an initiative to get teachers to communicate with each other about closing minority achievement gaps, new competency and skill standards for science and math teacher and higher standards for the state's pre-kindergarten program.
CBS Miami
Capitol Confidential » Document Drop: Cuomo Vetoes Education Bill
By The Daily Politics
Cuomo today vetoed a controversial special education bill that critics argued would make it easier for parents to send their children to private or religious schools at the taxpayers expense. The bill had passed with bipartisan support in both t.
Capitol Confidential
ARTSblog » Blog Archive » Robust Arts and Education ...
By Joelle Lien
Beginning in 2008, the Utah State Legislature funded the Beverley Taylor Sorenson ArtsLearning Program, which has allowed school districts to hire arts specialists who work side-by-side with classroom teachers in teaching arts core and ...
Retired North Hollywood teacher taught generations to love science ...
By By Dana Bartholomew, Staff Writer
William "Fitz" Fitz-Gibbon, a North Hollywood science teacher credited with launching the most successful middle-school curriculum in the country, has died.
Breaking stories from the Los...
EPIC - EPIC Urges Education Department to Protect Student Privacy
EPIC has submitted comments to the Education Department, recommending the agency collect only “relevant and necessary” student information when it undertakes educational studies. The agency's Institute of ... The agency's Institute of Education Sciences has proposed a "Study of Promising Features of Teacher Preparation Programs" to help assess teacher effectiveness. The new database will contain records on "approximately 5000 students and 360 teachers." EPIC urged the ...
TaxProf Blog: Rankin: Strategies for Legal Education Reform
By Paul Caron
Publications · Australasian Tax Teachers Ass'n .... Legal education reform efforts have persisted for over one hundred years, supported by substantive expertise, empirical data, cutting-edge curricula, and effective pedagogy. But today, the ...
TaxProf Blog
Educating good teachers — Joanne Jacobs
Future teachers “need a broad liberal arts education” and “deep ... working in “a real classroom with real students under the tutelage of a master teacher.” ... are submitting lesson plans, homework assignments and videos of their teaching to ... are learning and to coax their class to cooperate in tackling learning challenges.

The National Education Association online news and information resource. ... monitor ...
Seminole Tribe of Florida Native Learning Center is Proud to - PRLog
The Native Learning Center Launches its first Live Webinar On Kerretv Online, ... Wellness, Grants Education, Housing Strategies, and Tribal Government.
Book Review: Teaching in the Art Museum « the Bok Blog
Rika Burnham, Elliot Kai-Kee, Teaching in the Art Museum: Interpretation as Experience. ... plain, a book about teaching and learning with and about the art objects… ... suggests, the book argues for a particular philosophy of museum education. ... activity of the participating learners, not something imposed by the teacher.
Teacher Treasures
Book Retriever - This app allows you to scan, level and inventory your entire classroom library. Leveling choices include Guided Reading Levels, Lexile, ...
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