The Single Most Important Experiment in Higher Education
The Atlantic
But the deals Coursera announced Tuesday may well prove to be an inflection point for online education, a sector that has traditionally been dominated by for-profit colleges known mostly for their noxious recruitment practices and poor results. That's ...

The Atlantic
The Atlantic
But the deals Coursera announced Tuesday may well prove to be an inflection point for online education, a sector that has traditionally been dominated by for-profit colleges known mostly for their noxious recruitment practices and poor results. That's ...
The Atlantic
New York Times (blog)
The Learning Network - Teaching and Learning With The New York Times ... WHY did Richard A. DeMillo, the director of the Center for 21st Century Universities at Georgia Tech, refer to this recent expansion in online learning as a “tsunami”? WHY are ...
New York Times (blog)
Arbitrator scolds CPS, teachers union for stubbornness as threat of strike looms
Chicago Tribune
After nine months of talks, Chicago Public Schools and the teachers union have barely budged from their initial positions on salary, according to an arbitrator's report to be presented Wednesday. ... Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who made lengthening Chicago's ...
Our View: Teacher evaluation system fails real-life test
Jackson Sun
In the 'be careful what you wish for' department, we note the following: State lawmakers' much touted teacher evaluation system created under 2010 education reform legislation gets failing marks. ... Fewer than 2.5 percent of teachers earned scores of ...
New report: Federal stimulus funds saved and created teaching jobs
Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)
... Washington University on how education stimulus funds were used: Education stimulus funds largely met the goal of saving or creating jobs for k-12 teachers and other educationpersonnel, according to a summary of three years of survey research by ...
Master's Degree Bump: States Nationwide Spent Nearly $15 Billion In 2007 ...
Huffington Post
States across the nation spent $14.8 billion on the so-called master's degree bump -- compensating teachers who hold advanced degrees with additional salary or stipends -- in 2007-08, according to a report released Tuesday by the Center for American ...
Does 5 weeks of training make a teacher 'highly qualified?' House panel to vote
Washington Post (blog)
... with five weeks of teacher training be considered a highly qualified teacher? Today a U.S. House appropriations subcommittee will consider a bill that would allow students still learningto be teachers to be considered highly qualified teachers ...
President Obama Announces New Plan to Create STEM Master Teaching Corps
The White House (blog)
The STEM Master Teacher Corps will begin in 50 locations across the country, each with 50 exceptional STEM educators. Over the next four years the Corps will expand to include 10000 of the best STEM teachers in the nation. In joining the STEM Master ...
Common Core not nationalized education
Salt Lake Tribune
Scientists and public school teachers from all over Utah were assembled to write the first draft of the Science Core. Utah's Science Core Curriculum is based on the National ScienceEducation Standards, published by the National Academies Press in 1996.
TechNet Applauds the Obama Administration's Newly Established National ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Built on the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) call to strengthen STEM education in America and to leverage and recognize talented STEM teachers, the STEM Master Teacher Corps will dedicate $1 billion to support 50 ...
Teacher Voice: How Not to Be a Bobble-Head Doll
Education Week News
"Teacher voice" is one of the most ambiguous phrases in education reform—used differently by governors, chancellors, commission leaders, advocacy organizations, and school administrators. Sometimes, "teacher voice" means that the convening group or ...
Higher education looks to the future
Durham Herald Sun (blog)
Higher education looks to the future - Making learning materials and opportunities available online is not a new endeavor in the world of higher education. Go to Apple's iTunes U for example and you will find a number of offerings from institution...
Is Louisiana the future of Georgia's education system?
Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)
Louisiana officials have made it clear that they do not intend to impose teacherstandards on those schools. Students attending voucher schools will be ... Valarie Hodges, R-Watson, explained, vouchers are supposed to finance “teaching the fundamentals ...
Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)
Janitors With College Degrees and the Higher-Education Bubble
Daily Beast
So says the 2012 version of Sallie Mae's annual report, “How America Pays for College,” a collection of dry statistics that nevertheless reflect the rapidly rising anxiety about higher education and whether the cost is worth it. The anxiety ... A good ...
Daily Beast
Stimulus Aid Saved Education Jobs, Research Group Concludes
Education Week News (blog)
Michele McNeil covered education and state government in Indiana for a decade before joiningEducation Week as a state policy reporter in June 2006. Alyson Klein, who reports on ... And, CEP found that the funding did help states come together on a ...
Strengthening the Teaching Profession in NYC: Advice to the Next Mayor
Huffington Post
Recent school policy and practices -- referred to as "corporate reform" by some critics -- have meant eliminating teacher capacity in the very domains that define teachers as professionals.... Loading... Education Reform; Arne Duncan; School Bullying ...
Teacher Allegedly Brags To JT Eberhard Of Secular Student ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
An anonymous teacher sent JT Eberhard, high school specialist at the Secular Student Alliance (SSA), an advocacy group for non-religious students, a letter bragging about being able to prevent a student atheist group from forming at his school. ... HuffPost's QuickRead... Loading...Education Reform; Arne Duncan; School Bullying; Teacher's Union. More. Log in Create Account..... Thank "GOD" there are teachers filling young student's heads with the "truth" only. Don't let them explore ...
The Full Feed from
By The Huffington Post News Editors
An anonymous teacher sent JT Eberhard, high school specialist at the Secular Student Alliance (SSA), an advocacy group for non-religious students, a letter bragging about being able to prevent a student atheist group from forming at his school. ... HuffPost's QuickRead... Loading...Education Reform; Arne Duncan; School Bullying; Teacher's Union. More. Log in Create Account..... Thank "GOD" there are teachers filling young student's heads with the "truth" only. Don't let them explore ...
The Full Feed from
Winners Announced! – Why Open Education Matters Video ...
By Timothy Vollmer
Creative Commons, the U.S. Department of Education, and the Open Society Foundations are pleased to announce the winners of the Why Open Education Matters video competition. ... The competition was launched in March 2012 to solicit creative videos that clearly communicate the use and potential of free, high-quality Open Educational Resources — or “OER” — and describe the benefits and opportunities these materials create for teachers, students, and schools everywhere.
Creative Commons » Commons News
CPS, Teachers' Union To Vote On Arbitrator's Report « CBS Chicago
By Adam Harrington
Expect more tough talk today from Chicago Public Schools executives and teacher union leaders, as their labor dispute heats up now that an arbitrator's recommendations are out.
CBS Chicago
Career Education stock falls after reorg, exec departure announced ...
(AP) — Shares of Career Education Corp. fell Tuesday after the company announced a reorganization and that one of its top executives was departing. Career Education, like many for-profit education companies, is facing intense scrutiny by ...
Chicago Business News
Teachers feel poorly prepared in math — Joanne Jacobs
By Joanne
Among many who would be ES teachers, the concept of 'math avoidance' or a lack of proper education in math while the ES teachers were in elementary school themselves is an issue. Given that admission to most education colleges requires little to no actual math, ... third time taking the math portion of the exam (NY allows component retesting). Don't know how he did, but he was telling a friend there was a teacher at the school he was student teaching at that took five tries to pass.
Joanne Jacobs
By Joanne
Among many who would be ES teachers, the concept of 'math avoidance' or a lack of proper education in math while the ES teachers were in elementary school themselves is an issue. Given that admission to most education colleges requires little to no actual math, ... third time taking the math portion of the exam (NY allows component retesting). Don't know how he did, but he was telling a friend there was a teacher at the school he was student teaching at that took five tries to pass.
Joanne Jacobs
Chicago's Dabble creates a Craigslist for casual learning — Tech ...
By Kevin Fitchard
You need to have a reasonable knowledge of the topic you're teaching, but you don't have to be a professional in the field – one Dabble instructor is an architect by day who teaches pasta-making classes on the side. And finally, each class costs ... that goes into its portal. And while many of Skillshare's teachers tackle some pretty intense topics, ranging from Web coding to business development, Dabble — as its name implies — skews more toward lighter subjects and casual learning.
NYC Educator: All Teachers Are Old, Miss
By Miss Eyre
All Teachers Are Old, Miss. "So how are the ninth graders?" my principal asked me a few days ago. I'm teaching in the summer bridge program for our incoming freshmen, so I'm in a position to know. "They seem nice," I said. "Haven't had any issues. I mean, the ones who are here voluntarily over the ... PCC: Oh. Figures. ME: What do you mean? PCC: Well, you know, you look like an English teacher. .... Happy Chyck Wonders · Trying Teaching · Grassroots EducationMovement ...
NYC Educator
By Miss Eyre
All Teachers Are Old, Miss. "So how are the ninth graders?" my principal asked me a few days ago. I'm teaching in the summer bridge program for our incoming freshmen, so I'm in a position to know. "They seem nice," I said. "Haven't had any issues. I mean, the ones who are here voluntarily over the ... PCC: Oh. Figures. ME: What do you mean? PCC: Well, you know, you look like an English teacher. .... Happy Chyck Wonders · Trying Teaching · Grassroots EducationMovement ...
NYC Educator
Chief Executive at University Owned by Career Education Corp ...
By Nick DeSantis
Jeremy J. Wheaton, chief executive of the Career Education Corporation's Colorado Technical University, has resigned from his post to “pursue his own entrepreneurial interests,” the company said on Tuesday. Mr. Wheaton's resignation, and ...
The Ticker
Teacher Loan Forgiveness | Federal Student Aid
A teacher is a person who provides direct classroom teaching, or classroom-type teaching in a nonclassroom setting. Special Education teachers are considered ...
Report: The Stimulus Successfully Saved Teaching Jobs ...
According to a new report from the Center on Education Policy, the stimulus was ... SFSF funds to save or create jobs for teachers and other school personnel.
Staples Teacher Rewards: 100% Back in Staples Rewards on 25 ...
If you have yet to join the Staples Teacher Rewards program, you are missing out on some great... Last year, Staples allowed teachers enrolled in the Teachers Rewards Program to snag ...(Thanks, Mister Cheap and Teaching My Friends!) ...
Online Learning Update - UIS - University of Illinois Springfield
'Ivy League Spring' debated: is free, online learning education financially viable? ... has been teaching distance and online courses since 1983, offering courses ...

This space explores issues in public education policy, and it advocates for a commitment to and ...
Will Business Own Education in Wisconsin? « Diane Ravitch's blog
A site to discuss better education for all. « Is This Accurate? ... There was constant teacher-bashing during the day-long session. ... Categories Education Reform ...
Good E-Reader (blog)
“Making these study tools available directly to students – and their parents who want to help them succeed – signals a new era for our business as we work to ensure that more students are getting the most out of their college education.” NEW YORK, July 17, ... This highly effective study tool is perfect for today's multitasking students, whether they are over-achievers seeking an added edge, struggling students who need extra help to prepare for their exams, or students who are simply pressed for time. McGraw-Hill ...
Obama creates elite science, math teaching corps and seeks a billion to fund it
Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)
These Administration plans build on a key recommendation of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), calling for a national STEM Master Teacher Corps to recognize and help retain America's most talented STEM teachers ...

Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)
Master Teacher Corps: Barack Obama Proposes $1 Billion Effort To Boost ...
Huffington Post
The program to reward high-performing teachers with salary stipends is part of a long-term effort by President Barack Obama to encourage education in high-demand areas that hold the key to future economic growth — and to close the achievement gap ...
Obama plans $1B effort to build "Master Teacher Corps" of elite math, science ...
CBS News
White House plan to build elite corps of "Master Teachers" to bring U.S. up to par dismissed by Republican as wasteful. ... Obama plans $1B effort to build "MasterTeacher Corps" of elite math, science teachers ... The program to reward high-performing ...

CBS News
Obama administration plans $1 billion to reward top teachers in math, science ...
Washington Post
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration unveiled plans Wednesday to create an elite corps of master teachers, a $1 billion effort to boost U.S. students' achievement in science, technology, engineering and math. ... John Kline, R-Minn., chairman of the ...
Obama Wants $1 Billion For "Master Teachers Corps"
Slate Magazine
The Obama administration plans to expand the corps to 10000 over the next four years, with the ultimate goal that the elite group of teachers will pass their knowledge and skills onto their colleagues to help bolster the quality of teachingnationwide ...

Slate Magazine
Stimulus Funds Saved Education Jobs, But States Still Slow To Implement ...
Huffington Post
... have yet to be realized. While education stimulus funds largely saved or created jobs in publiceducation, ongoing state budget deficits have slowed the implementation of reforms tied to federal stimulus money, according to a Wednesday report by ...
Obama Plans National Teachers Corps to Promote Math, Science
President Barack Obama today will propose a national “teachers corps” to reward the nation's best educators in science, technology, engineering and math. ... The initiatives were part of a package of recommendations from the president's Council of ...
Parents face biggest teacher strike
Herald Sun
HUNDREDS of schools are set to be shut down in the biggest education strike in Victoria's history, with thousands of support staff planning to join forces with teachers.
Obama proposes $1 billion math and science teaching corps
The STEM Master Teacher Corps, as it would be called formally, would start with selected 50teachers and expand to 10000 in four years, according to a statement from the White House. In exchange for modeling STEM education and mentoring their peers, ...
White House launches Teacher Corps
Politico (blog)
The Obama administration is launching a new teacher initiative designed to retain and train the next generation of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) teachers. The administration is launching a Master Teacher Corps, composed of top ...
Follow @eSummaCom
Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)
These Administration plans build on a key recommendation of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), calling for a national STEM Master Teacher Corps to recognize and help retain America's most talented STEM teachers ...
Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)
Master Teacher Corps: Barack Obama Proposes $1 Billion Effort To Boost ...
Huffington Post
The program to reward high-performing teachers with salary stipends is part of a long-term effort by President Barack Obama to encourage education in high-demand areas that hold the key to future economic growth — and to close the achievement gap ...
Obama plans $1B effort to build "Master Teacher Corps" of elite math, science ...
CBS News
White House plan to build elite corps of "Master Teachers" to bring U.S. up to par dismissed by Republican as wasteful. ... Obama plans $1B effort to build "MasterTeacher Corps" of elite math, science teachers ... The program to reward high-performing ...
CBS News
Obama administration plans $1 billion to reward top teachers in math, science ...
Washington Post
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration unveiled plans Wednesday to create an elite corps of master teachers, a $1 billion effort to boost U.S. students' achievement in science, technology, engineering and math. ... John Kline, R-Minn., chairman of the ...
Obama Wants $1 Billion For "Master Teachers Corps"
Slate Magazine
The Obama administration plans to expand the corps to 10000 over the next four years, with the ultimate goal that the elite group of teachers will pass their knowledge and skills onto their colleagues to help bolster the quality of teachingnationwide ...
Slate Magazine
Stimulus Funds Saved Education Jobs, But States Still Slow To Implement ...
Huffington Post
... have yet to be realized. While education stimulus funds largely saved or created jobs in publiceducation, ongoing state budget deficits have slowed the implementation of reforms tied to federal stimulus money, according to a Wednesday report by ...
Obama Plans National Teachers Corps to Promote Math, Science
President Barack Obama today will propose a national “teachers corps” to reward the nation's best educators in science, technology, engineering and math. ... The initiatives were part of a package of recommendations from the president's Council of ...
Parents face biggest teacher strike
Herald Sun
HUNDREDS of schools are set to be shut down in the biggest education strike in Victoria's history, with thousands of support staff planning to join forces with teachers.
Obama proposes $1 billion math and science teaching corps
The STEM Master Teacher Corps, as it would be called formally, would start with selected 50teachers and expand to 10000 in four years, according to a statement from the White House. In exchange for modeling STEM education and mentoring their peers, ...
White House launches Teacher Corps
Politico (blog)
The Obama administration is launching a new teacher initiative designed to retain and train the next generation of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) teachers. The administration is launching a Master Teacher Corps, composed of top ...
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