Washington Post (blog)
The backlash in Texas against excessive high-stakes standardized testing seems to be rattling business leaders, who have now blamed teachers and administrators for panicking parents about the dangers of such testing.
BC teachers' union accepts deal reluctantly
"I think clearly the teachers of British Columbia have decided that we are going to make sure that public education and the health of public education is a vote-determining issue in the next election," she said, adding the union she considers non ...
BC Teachers' union court action stokes labour war
Globe and Mail
But even if teachers ratify the new agreement, a bigger battle between the British Columbia Teachers' Federation and the provincial government rages on, with the union on Wednesday saying it has filed a court challenge against Bill 22, education ...
Globe and Mail
Now opening to world, Myanmar pays price for crippled education system and ...
Washington Post
President Thein Sein, a former general who has loosened the military's vise on power through unprecedented reforms, pledged in his inauguration speech last year to improve education and seek foreign expertise to lift standards to international levels ...
Teacher, students arrested in hazing investigation
Marin Independent-Journal
FONTANA, Calif.—A masonry teacher and four students have been arrested on allegations that attempted sodomy was part of a brutal hazing in masonry classes at a Southern California summer school, according to police.
BCTF interests are not about education
Now we now know what it takes to get the corrupt B.C. Teachers' Federation to finally accept an agreement.
Teachers see main demands denied in contract
Nanaimo's teachers will gather at Beban Park today at 4 p.m. to vote and to express any concerns they. ... The agreement is also consistent with the government's net-zero mandate, according to B.C.Education Minister George Abbott. The BCTF said it ...
Education Trust Report Emphasizes Need For Culture, Policy Changes In High ...
Huffington Post
A new report released by The Education Trust emphasizes the need for policy and culture changes in the public education sector, and not just updated teacher evaluation systems. ... Education Reform; Teachers; School Bullying; Segregation ...
China Education Resources Inc. Signs Exclusive Agreement with Shanxi ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Further to CER's May 1, 2012 press release, the Company is pleased to announce that it has signed an exclusive agreement with the Teaching & Research Division of Shanxi Provincial EducationDepartment to customize the Company's School Platform (CER-SP ...
Global union body backs NSW teachers
Herald Sun
Federal School Education Minister Peter Garrett and Federal Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten were both copied in on the letter but it does not appear to have been sent to ministers in the NSW government, which is working to pass legislation in ...
Sanoma expands its learning solutions portfolio - acquires Bureau ICE, expert ...
Press Release 28/06/2012 14:15 Educational publisher Malmberg, part of Sanoma Learning has acquired and closed the acquisition of the testing and examination company Bureau ICE. The result of the ... Bureau ICE produces tests and exams for secondary ...
Student borrowing hits record in state
Lexington Herald Leader
LOUISVILLE — Kentucky college students borrowed a record $1.2 billion for higher education during the 2010-11 school year, and the average student will spend a decade shelling out $200 a month to retire their loans, new data show.
Bill responding to LA-area teacher sex case fails
Sacramento Bee
The bill failed to clear the Assembly Education Committee on Wednesday after heavy opposition from teachers unions who said the bill would harm teacher due process rights. Padilla, a Democrat from Los Angeles, sought the bill after longtime Miramonte ...
Penn. teacher who blogged that students are 'lazy whiners' is fired a year later
School board president Paul Faulkner said in a statement that the termination "has nothing to do with freedom of speech," but rather an "obligation to have satisfactoryteachers in its classrooms." "Ms. Munroe's lawsuit against the school district ...

New teacher evaluations gets support in Pa. House
The Times Herald
(AP) — Pennsylvania's House of Representatives on Wednesday cast a strong, if symbolic, vote in favor of widening the scope of professional evaluations for tens of thousands of teachers and principals across the state. ... pilot project that involves ...
Career Education Corporation Appoints Daniel Hurdle as Senior Vice President ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Hurdle leads the new, consolidated Career Schools Education Group, encompassing more than 70 culinary, health, and art & design education campuses serving more than 40000 students across the United States. ... schools and universities that are part of ...
Reversing vocational education failure
Washington Post
A college-oriented program, International Baccalaureate, wants to bring back vocational education.... But students must take four career-related courses, plus an Approaches to Learning course and a foreign language. They have to do community service ...
City's push to fire brute teach in kid beat
New York Daily News
Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott was “disturbed” by video of a hulking teacher pummeling a scrawny student at a Brooklyn school and will seek the teacher's firing, a spokeswoman said.

New York Daily News
CPS to raise property taxes to the legal maximum
Chicago Sun-Times
The $41 million in new revenue will help CPS plug an estimated deficit of up to $700 million — including $114 million in lost federal and state funds — just as it battles with teachers to replace a union contract that expires June 30. The district ...
Psych and tired of school ER calls
New York Daily News
New Education Department numbers released Wednesday reveal that schools called 911 a whopping 3600 times during the last school year to deal with non-suicide-related mental health problems. That means that 17 students a day were sent to the ...

New York Daily News
Chicago Public Schools to levy maximum property tax hike
Chicago Tribune
Talks in recent weeks appear to have broadened to include items once thought off the table, possibly including class size, teacher breaks and recall procedures for teachers who are laid off. An arbitrator that is considering issues in the talks is ...
BC teachers disciplined for broad range of misdeeds
A B.C. high school teacher who sent sexually suggestive phone texts to his teenage babysitter and another teacher who put masking tape across the mouth of a talkative student are among those who have been disciplined for their behaviour. ... been ...
Teachers union fined $6k over 2011 NSW strike
ABC Online
The New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission has fined the state's teachers union $6000 over an illegal strike held last year. ... Teachers unite against education changes Photo icon Video icon; Sydney Biennale explores big ideas Photo icon ...
Triumph Higher Education Group Launches First-Ever Online Culinary School
MarketWatch (press release)
The chef-designed program focuses on the building blocks of a culinary education, with core courses covering Culinary Basics, Culinary Groundwork, Culinary Essentials, and Culinary Careers. Each course includes a series of interactive learning modules ...
Education and Option Value: A Conversation With Virgil Storr, Bryan ...
By Bryan Caplan
What Arrow Said About Education in 1973. June 25 ... On Monday, my colleague Virgil Storr heard my IHS lecture on "The Case Against Education," and sent me some interesting comments. ...Teachers emphasize classic literature and poetry.
EconLog: Library of Economics...
MarketWatch (press release)
Further to CER's May 1, 2012 press release, the Company is pleased to announce that it has signed an exclusive agreement with the Teaching & Research Division of Shanxi Provincial EducationDepartment to customize the Company's School Platform (CER-SP ...
Global union body backs NSW teachers
Herald Sun
Federal School Education Minister Peter Garrett and Federal Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten were both copied in on the letter but it does not appear to have been sent to ministers in the NSW government, which is working to pass legislation in ...
Sanoma expands its learning solutions portfolio - acquires Bureau ICE, expert ...
Press Release 28/06/2012 14:15 Educational publisher Malmberg, part of Sanoma Learning has acquired and closed the acquisition of the testing and examination company Bureau ICE. The result of the ... Bureau ICE produces tests and exams for secondary ...
Student borrowing hits record in state
Lexington Herald Leader
LOUISVILLE — Kentucky college students borrowed a record $1.2 billion for higher education during the 2010-11 school year, and the average student will spend a decade shelling out $200 a month to retire their loans, new data show.
Bill responding to LA-area teacher sex case fails
Sacramento Bee
The bill failed to clear the Assembly Education Committee on Wednesday after heavy opposition from teachers unions who said the bill would harm teacher due process rights. Padilla, a Democrat from Los Angeles, sought the bill after longtime Miramonte ...
Penn. teacher who blogged that students are 'lazy whiners' is fired a year later
School board president Paul Faulkner said in a statement that the termination "has nothing to do with freedom of speech," but rather an "obligation to have satisfactoryteachers in its classrooms." "Ms. Munroe's lawsuit against the school district ...
New teacher evaluations gets support in Pa. House
The Times Herald
(AP) — Pennsylvania's House of Representatives on Wednesday cast a strong, if symbolic, vote in favor of widening the scope of professional evaluations for tens of thousands of teachers and principals across the state. ... pilot project that involves ...
Career Education Corporation Appoints Daniel Hurdle as Senior Vice President ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Hurdle leads the new, consolidated Career Schools Education Group, encompassing more than 70 culinary, health, and art & design education campuses serving more than 40000 students across the United States. ... schools and universities that are part of ...
Reversing vocational education failure
Washington Post
A college-oriented program, International Baccalaureate, wants to bring back vocational education.... But students must take four career-related courses, plus an Approaches to Learning course and a foreign language. They have to do community service ...
City's push to fire brute teach in kid beat
New York Daily News
Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott was “disturbed” by video of a hulking teacher pummeling a scrawny student at a Brooklyn school and will seek the teacher's firing, a spokeswoman said.
New York Daily News
CPS to raise property taxes to the legal maximum
Chicago Sun-Times
The $41 million in new revenue will help CPS plug an estimated deficit of up to $700 million — including $114 million in lost federal and state funds — just as it battles with teachers to replace a union contract that expires June 30. The district ...
Psych and tired of school ER calls
New York Daily News
New Education Department numbers released Wednesday reveal that schools called 911 a whopping 3600 times during the last school year to deal with non-suicide-related mental health problems. That means that 17 students a day were sent to the ...
New York Daily News
Chicago Public Schools to levy maximum property tax hike
Chicago Tribune
Talks in recent weeks appear to have broadened to include items once thought off the table, possibly including class size, teacher breaks and recall procedures for teachers who are laid off. An arbitrator that is considering issues in the talks is ...
BC teachers disciplined for broad range of misdeeds
A B.C. high school teacher who sent sexually suggestive phone texts to his teenage babysitter and another teacher who put masking tape across the mouth of a talkative student are among those who have been disciplined for their behaviour. ... been ...
Teachers union fined $6k over 2011 NSW strike
ABC Online
The New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission has fined the state's teachers union $6000 over an illegal strike held last year. ... Teachers unite against education changes Photo icon Video icon; Sydney Biennale explores big ideas Photo icon ...
Triumph Higher Education Group Launches First-Ever Online Culinary School
MarketWatch (press release)
The chef-designed program focuses on the building blocks of a culinary education, with core courses covering Culinary Basics, Culinary Groundwork, Culinary Essentials, and Culinary Careers. Each course includes a series of interactive learning modules ...
Education and Option Value: A Conversation With Virgil Storr, Bryan ...
By Bryan Caplan
What Arrow Said About Education in 1973. June 25 ... On Monday, my colleague Virgil Storr heard my IHS lecture on "The Case Against Education," and sent me some interesting comments. ...Teachers emphasize classic literature and poetry.
EconLog: Library of Economics...
OpEdNews - Article: Meet My Best Teachers
Meet my best teachers. They are advocates of all cultures that learn, teach, model and show how to get more abundant supplies of food, energy, learning and health, along with cultures that cultivate access to opportunity to maximize potential ...
Meet my best teachers. They are advocates of all cultures that learn, teach, model and show how to get more abundant supplies of food, energy, learning and health, along with cultures that cultivate access to opportunity to maximize potential ...
Brooklyn Teacher Seen On Video Getting Into Scuffle With Student ...
By pvictorwins
On the surveillance tape, the teacher appears to grab the boy by the arm, yank him around, and pull him towards a table. After much tussling, the student, who is barely over 5-feet-tall, went down to the ground.
CBS New York
By pvictorwins
On the surveillance tape, the teacher appears to grab the boy by the arm, yank him around, and pull him towards a table. After much tussling, the student, who is barely over 5-feet-tall, went down to the ground.
CBS New York
Daily Kos: Texas GOP Platform opposes teaching "Critical Thinking ...
By rss@dailykos.com (MinistryOfTruth)
Learning about pollution and the effect pollution has on the environment? Is that a paddling too? Controversial Theories – We ... Teachers and students should be able to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these theories openly and without fear of retribution or discrimination of any kind. Who needs science? That might be "challenging ... NY-GOV covers the New York governor's race. Tags do not compound: that is, "education reform" is a completely different tag from " education".
Education "Equal Treatment" Law Implemented
By NCCM(Ret)
Today, Navy Recruiting Command released its new Tier I education requirements as mandated in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, just under the 180 day implementation deadline. Now, credentials such as a Virtual/ Distance School Diploma, a diploma awarded upon completion of an accredited Home Study, Distance Learning, Independent Study, Self-Study, Correspondence School, Cyber School or Virtual Learning Program can now qualify as Tier I. The ...
Navy CyberSpace Blog
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan Answers Your Questions on ...
By aastles
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan answers your questions on college affordability during a special session of White House Office Hours on Twitter.
Education for Sustainable Citizenship – State of the Planet
By Guest Blogger
UNESCO panel at Rio+20. Panelists at a UNESCO-sponsored event at the Rio+20 conference on sustainable development spoke about the importance of education in building a sustainable society. Earth Institute Director Jeffrey Sachs is ...
State of the Planet
By Guest Blogger
UNESCO panel at Rio+20. Panelists at a UNESCO-sponsored event at the Rio+20 conference on sustainable development spoke about the importance of education in building a sustainable society. Earth Institute Director Jeffrey Sachs is ...
State of the Planet
USDA ERS - Employment & Education
Labor market conditions are of great importance in rural America as elsewhere, having a powerful impact on both individual and community well-being.
Jane's Extracts: Web Tour of the Social Learning Centre
In my webinar presentation today for the LSG Online Conference - entitled Using a collaborative platform for brilliant learning - I didn't use PowerPoint slides but ...
In my webinar presentation today for the LSG Online Conference - entitled Using a collaborative platform for brilliant learning - I didn't use PowerPoint slides but ...
Media: Snapshot Of Education Journalism Changes
There are some great people covering national education news these days, both ... Despite all the foundation support for education journalism the changes just ...
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