New York Times
Although computer-assisted learning was pioneered at Stanford during the 1960s, and for-profit online schools like the University of Phoenix have been around for several decades, a new wave of interest in online education is taking shape.
Education Startup Coursera Raises $16 Million From Kleiner, NEA
“Top universities today offer an amazing education to a tiny sliver of the population,” said Ng, whose research is focused on artificial intelligence and machine learning. Raising capital “allows us to focus for a while on building an exceptional ...
“Top universities today offer an amazing education to a tiny sliver of the population,” said Ng, whose research is focused on artificial intelligence and machine learning. Raising capital “allows us to focus for a while on building an exceptional ...
Online-Education Start-Up Teams With Top-Ranked Universities to ...
By Nick DeSantis
Coursera, the online-education outfit founded by Stanford professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller, will grow its course platform through official partnerships with three more top-tier institutions, the company announced today. Princeton ...
Wired Campus
India can help Yemen in energy, education, say experts
New York Daily News
New Delhi, April 18 — Energy and higher education are among areas that have immense potential of cooperation between India and Yemen, experts said here and suggested that New Delhi should help further develop its maritime potential.
Online Education Startup Coursera Lands $16M From Kleiner & NEA, Adds John ...
As part of its investment, veteran investor, long-time KPCB partner, and public education reformadvocate John Doerr and NEA General Partner Scott Sandell, have joined the startup's board of directors. The startup plans to use its new capital to expand ...
Teacher Pleads 'Not Guilty' To Pedophile Accusations
New York's PIX11 / WPIX-TV
By KIRSTIN COLE | @colekirstin How much DO you have to pay to keep your kids away from perverted teachers? At the super exclusive Riverdale Country School in the Bronx, students get access to Ivy League educated teachers, a gorgeous campus, ...
Schools, teachers seek delay in changes to state report cards
Columbus Dispatch
By Catherine Candisky Leaders of teachers unions and education groups urged lawmakers yesterday to delay rolling out a tougher school grading system proposed by Gov. John Kasich, but the administration is not backing down.
Digital technologies and the tensions between research and teaching
The Guardian (blog)
Several participants expressed concern about the tensions between the demands of research and teaching in last Friday's live chat, which asked what good teachingshould look like in higher education. . Aidan Byrne, senior lecturer in English, ...

The Guardian (blog)
OPINION SHAPER: Why we can't grade teachers on student test scores
Student achievement depends on so many factors that go beyond the teacher. Home life is a critical part of a student's success. Are the parents supportive of learning at home? Does the child read at home? Is the child getting enough rest and proper ...
Gordon Brown: Education Without Borders
By Gordon Brown
Children · Lunch Box · Education Reform · Armchair Detective More ... A boy listens to his teacherduring a lesson at the improvised Hai Kugi School on the outskirts of Juba, South Sudan. © UNESCO /M. Hofer (2011) ... In a report published today, I set out the case for an 'educationcatch-up' plan aimed at extending learning opportunities for 2.5 million children by the end of 2015. The cost: around $400m ... More in Education... Teachers Texting Students: Should Schools Ban Or..
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
Two startups aim to make higher education more affordable — or ...
By Laura Hazard Owen
Higher education costs have skyrocketed by over 430 percent since the 1980s. ... “A professorteaching 100000 students is almost like a new medium, like moving from papyrus to prose,” Ng told me. ... subject online to save money and reach more ppl without facing parking, admin and faculties cost burdens.. the online course had good capacity for contact with peers and great content but the online environment offered a disgracefully lower quality learning and interaction experience.
Afghanistan: Schoolgirls poisoned in anti-education attack - Atlas ...
By Pamela Geller
Since the 2001 toppling of the Taliban, which banned education for women and girls, females have returned to schools, especially in Kabul. But periodic attacks still occur against girls,teachers and their school buildings, usually in the more ...
Atlas Shrugs
Alabama House fails to pass bill requiring education program before ...
By David White -- The Birmingham News
MONTGOMERY, Alabama --The state House of Representatives today rejected a plan that would require a husband or wife, if the couple had at least one child 18 or younger, to complete a four-hour ''marriage dissolution education program'' ...
Breaking News from The Birmingham News
Gene D. Block: Public Higher Education: Too Big -- and Far Too ...
By Gene D. Block
Today we face a moment of decision. It is time for our leaders to show foresight and courage by recognizing that public higher education is simply too big -- and far too important -- to fail.
The Full Feed from
Would You Stand With the Teachers Union? | FreedomWorks
By dspielman
I am puzzled by claims that I am “anti-teacher,” despite being married to an award-winningteacher and being the son of two retired NYC teachers. For me, education reform means a lot more than simply fixing a failing system- it is about ...
9GAG - Math teachers
Math teachers. jagc | 1 day ago 97 40120. Love. Tweet. 193. Share4078. Pin It. Math teachers. Comments. Report post · Y U No Signup?! Show your love to 9GAG. Follow @9gag. Recommend on Google. Recommended. Scumbag Ted ... Site Feed
Updates: Teaching Paganism, Passive Distribution, Library Filtering ...
By Jason Pitzl-Waters
Teaching Paganism in British Schools: On Sunday I deconstructed the sensationalist Daily Mail's assertions regarding the teaching of Paganism in British religious education courses, specifically in Cornwall. I pointed out that there is no ...
The Wild Hunt
What Does the Future of Education Have in Common with Yoga ...
By Walter Russell Mead
Often, it's interacting with a teacher and other students that is the most valuable part ofeducation. School and university structures are going to change, and online and distancelearning will play a bigger role in the future than they have in the ...
Via Meadia
By Nick DeSantis
Coursera, the online-education outfit founded by Stanford professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller, will grow its course platform through official partnerships with three more top-tier institutions, the company announced today. Princeton ...
Wired Campus
To fire a teacher
Los Angeles Times
A long list of legal requirements ties districts' hands when it comes to firing problematic teachers, and the process often drags on for years. (Los Angeles Times / April 17, 2012) For far too long it has been far too difficult for California schools ...
California Assembly committee kills teacher-student trysts legislation
By Jim Sanders On the same day that 18-year-old Jordan Powers disclosed that she has reunited with former teacher James Hooker, legislation to ban such romantic relationships in the future was killed by an Assembly committee Tuesday.
Calif. bill to punish student-teacher dating dies
San Francisco Chronicle
(AP) -- California lawmakers on Tuesday rejected a bill that would have made it a felony forteachers to date their students. The legislation was prompted by the high-profile case of a 41-year-old Modesto teacher who left his wife and three children to ...
Dumb ALEC and Its "Breathtaking Inanity"
Huffington Post
The bill purportedly protects teachers who might somehow face disciplinary action for teaching(for example) intelligent design or denial of anthropogenic climate change. The fact that noteacher has ever been disciplined for teaching these concepts ...
Minneapolis School Board Approves Teacher Contract
"We sat in on those negotiations," Linden Hills resident and education activist Lynnell Mickelsen told the board. "We did not witness a cooperative relationship between two equal parties(...)it felt like MFT was negotiating with a shadow of itself.
Teachers in SDL reject contract
Lancaster Newspapers
By BRIAN WALLACE School District of Lancaster teachers rejected a proposed contract Tuesday just hours before the school board was to vote on it. A vote to ratify the collective bargaining agreement was abruptly removed from the agenda of Tuesday ...
Conn. Gov. continues education tour in Bridgeport
Nancy Wyman will speak with parents, teachers and others during a town hall-style meeting Wednesday, April 25th at Central High School in Bridgeport. The Democratic governor is pushing an education reform package that includes expanding access to early ...
Report: Former Enochs student, teacher back together
Modesto Bee
By Nan Austin MODESTO -- After fleeing cross country and making a very public breakup announcement, an 18-year-old Modesto student has moved back in with her 41-year-old former teacher. The revelation that Jordan Powers and James Hooker are together ...

Modesto Bee
Scott touts 'pro-education' budget here; local educators say $7 million ...
St. Augustine Record
Dawn Chapman, president of St. Johns Education Association, a teachers union, said much the same. “Obviously, we're happy to have him come and showcase our schools … however, we are in a $4 billion shortfall statewide,” she said.
Education must be above political agenda: Kapil Sibal
Daily News & Analysis
With a slew of critical education bills remaining pending for parliament approval, a visibly irked Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Kapil Sibal on Wednesday said “political interests” were overshadowing national interest in Parliament.
Board OKs Mpls. teachers contract that adds four days to school year
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Proposal trades more days on duty for freedom from time-consuming requirements imposed onteachers. Said Superintendent Bernadeia Johnson: “This contract is an important and meaningful stop in a phased process of reform and improvement.
Fired Pontiac teacher finds supporters online, at meeting
Detroit Free Press
By Bill Laitner The parent of an eighth-grade student at a Pontiac charter school handed a box to school officials Tuesday that she said contained more than 200000 signatures calling for the reinstatement of a teacher allegedly fired for telling ...
President Apologises to Teachers Over Pay
By Takunda Maodza, 18 April 2012 PRESIDENT Mugabe has apologised to teachers for the Government's failure to adjust civil servants' salaries bemoaning the effect of illegal United States sanctions on the country's diamond sales.
Los Angeles Times
A long list of legal requirements ties districts' hands when it comes to firing problematic teachers, and the process often drags on for years. (Los Angeles Times / April 17, 2012) For far too long it has been far too difficult for California schools ...
California Assembly committee kills teacher-student trysts legislation
By Jim Sanders On the same day that 18-year-old Jordan Powers disclosed that she has reunited with former teacher James Hooker, legislation to ban such romantic relationships in the future was killed by an Assembly committee Tuesday.
Calif. bill to punish student-teacher dating dies
San Francisco Chronicle
(AP) -- California lawmakers on Tuesday rejected a bill that would have made it a felony forteachers to date their students. The legislation was prompted by the high-profile case of a 41-year-old Modesto teacher who left his wife and three children to ...
Dumb ALEC and Its "Breathtaking Inanity"
Huffington Post
The bill purportedly protects teachers who might somehow face disciplinary action for teaching(for example) intelligent design or denial of anthropogenic climate change. The fact that noteacher has ever been disciplined for teaching these concepts ...
Minneapolis School Board Approves Teacher Contract
"We sat in on those negotiations," Linden Hills resident and education activist Lynnell Mickelsen told the board. "We did not witness a cooperative relationship between two equal parties(...)it felt like MFT was negotiating with a shadow of itself.
Teachers in SDL reject contract
Lancaster Newspapers
By BRIAN WALLACE School District of Lancaster teachers rejected a proposed contract Tuesday just hours before the school board was to vote on it. A vote to ratify the collective bargaining agreement was abruptly removed from the agenda of Tuesday ...
Conn. Gov. continues education tour in Bridgeport
Nancy Wyman will speak with parents, teachers and others during a town hall-style meeting Wednesday, April 25th at Central High School in Bridgeport. The Democratic governor is pushing an education reform package that includes expanding access to early ...
Report: Former Enochs student, teacher back together
Modesto Bee
By Nan Austin MODESTO -- After fleeing cross country and making a very public breakup announcement, an 18-year-old Modesto student has moved back in with her 41-year-old former teacher. The revelation that Jordan Powers and James Hooker are together ...
Modesto Bee
Scott touts 'pro-education' budget here; local educators say $7 million ...
St. Augustine Record
Dawn Chapman, president of St. Johns Education Association, a teachers union, said much the same. “Obviously, we're happy to have him come and showcase our schools … however, we are in a $4 billion shortfall statewide,” she said.
Education must be above political agenda: Kapil Sibal
Daily News & Analysis
With a slew of critical education bills remaining pending for parliament approval, a visibly irked Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Kapil Sibal on Wednesday said “political interests” were overshadowing national interest in Parliament.
Board OKs Mpls. teachers contract that adds four days to school year
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Proposal trades more days on duty for freedom from time-consuming requirements imposed onteachers. Said Superintendent Bernadeia Johnson: “This contract is an important and meaningful stop in a phased process of reform and improvement.
Fired Pontiac teacher finds supporters online, at meeting
Detroit Free Press
By Bill Laitner The parent of an eighth-grade student at a Pontiac charter school handed a box to school officials Tuesday that she said contained more than 200000 signatures calling for the reinstatement of a teacher allegedly fired for telling ...
President Apologises to Teachers Over Pay
By Takunda Maodza, 18 April 2012 PRESIDENT Mugabe has apologised to teachers for the Government's failure to adjust civil servants' salaries bemoaning the effect of illegal United States sanctions on the country's diamond sales.
India can help Yemen in energy, education, say experts
New York Daily News
New Delhi, April 18 — Energy and higher education are among areas that have immense potential of cooperation between India and Yemen, experts said here and suggested that New Delhi should help further develop its maritime potential.
Online Education Startup Coursera Lands $16M From Kleiner & NEA, Adds John ...
As part of its investment, veteran investor, long-time KPCB partner, and public education reformadvocate John Doerr and NEA General Partner Scott Sandell, have joined the startup's board of directors. The startup plans to use its new capital to expand ...
Teacher Pleads 'Not Guilty' To Pedophile Accusations
New York's PIX11 / WPIX-TV
By KIRSTIN COLE | @colekirstin How much DO you have to pay to keep your kids away from perverted teachers? At the super exclusive Riverdale Country School in the Bronx, students get access to Ivy League educated teachers, a gorgeous campus, ...
Schools, teachers seek delay in changes to state report cards
Columbus Dispatch
By Catherine Candisky Leaders of teachers unions and education groups urged lawmakers yesterday to delay rolling out a tougher school grading system proposed by Gov. John Kasich, but the administration is not backing down.
Digital technologies and the tensions between research and teaching
The Guardian (blog)
Several participants expressed concern about the tensions between the demands of research and teaching in last Friday's live chat, which asked what good teachingshould look like in higher education. . Aidan Byrne, senior lecturer in English, ...
The Guardian (blog)
OPINION SHAPER: Why we can't grade teachers on student test scores
Student achievement depends on so many factors that go beyond the teacher. Home life is a critical part of a student's success. Are the parents supportive of learning at home? Does the child read at home? Is the child getting enough rest and proper ...
Gordon Brown: Education Without Borders
By Gordon Brown
Children · Lunch Box · Education Reform · Armchair Detective More ... A boy listens to his teacherduring a lesson at the improvised Hai Kugi School on the outskirts of Juba, South Sudan. © UNESCO /M. Hofer (2011) ... In a report published today, I set out the case for an 'educationcatch-up' plan aimed at extending learning opportunities for 2.5 million children by the end of 2015. The cost: around $400m ... More in Education... Teachers Texting Students: Should Schools Ban Or..
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
Two startups aim to make higher education more affordable — or ...
By Laura Hazard Owen
Higher education costs have skyrocketed by over 430 percent since the 1980s. ... “A professorteaching 100000 students is almost like a new medium, like moving from papyrus to prose,” Ng told me. ... subject online to save money and reach more ppl without facing parking, admin and faculties cost burdens.. the online course had good capacity for contact with peers and great content but the online environment offered a disgracefully lower quality learning and interaction experience.
Afghanistan: Schoolgirls poisoned in anti-education attack - Atlas ...
By Pamela Geller
Since the 2001 toppling of the Taliban, which banned education for women and girls, females have returned to schools, especially in Kabul. But periodic attacks still occur against girls,teachers and their school buildings, usually in the more ...
Atlas Shrugs
Alabama House fails to pass bill requiring education program before ...
By David White -- The Birmingham News
MONTGOMERY, Alabama --The state House of Representatives today rejected a plan that would require a husband or wife, if the couple had at least one child 18 or younger, to complete a four-hour ''marriage dissolution education program'' ...
Breaking News from The Birmingham News
Gene D. Block: Public Higher Education: Too Big -- and Far Too ...
By Gene D. Block
Today we face a moment of decision. It is time for our leaders to show foresight and courage by recognizing that public higher education is simply too big -- and far too important -- to fail.
The Full Feed from
Would You Stand With the Teachers Union? | FreedomWorks
By dspielman
I am puzzled by claims that I am “anti-teacher,” despite being married to an award-winningteacher and being the son of two retired NYC teachers. For me, education reform means a lot more than simply fixing a failing system- it is about ...
9GAG - Math teachers
Math teachers. jagc | 1 day ago 97 40120. Love. Tweet. 193. Share4078. Pin It. Math teachers. Comments. Report post · Y U No Signup?! Show your love to 9GAG. Follow @9gag. Recommend on Google. Recommended. Scumbag Ted ... Site Feed
Updates: Teaching Paganism, Passive Distribution, Library Filtering ...
By Jason Pitzl-Waters
Teaching Paganism in British Schools: On Sunday I deconstructed the sensationalist Daily Mail's assertions regarding the teaching of Paganism in British religious education courses, specifically in Cornwall. I pointed out that there is no ...
The Wild Hunt
What Does the Future of Education Have in Common with Yoga ...
By Walter Russell Mead
Often, it's interacting with a teacher and other students that is the most valuable part ofeducation. School and university structures are going to change, and online and distancelearning will play a bigger role in the future than they have in the ...
Via Meadia
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