New York Times
The New York City Teaching Fellows program is designed to attract successful people into public education. It pays for master's degrees, which lead to public school teaching certification, in exchange for service in schools where good teachers are ...
New York Times
Al-Qaida Says It Killed American Teacher in Yemen
Wall Street Journal
AP SANAA, Yemen—Al Qaeda's Yemen branch said Thursday that it killed an American teacherbecause he was trying to spread Christianity in the mainly Muslim Arab nation. Joel Shrum, a 29-year-old native of Mount Joy, Penn., was gunned down on Sunday in ...
Virginia middle school teacher had students do 'opposition research' on GOP ...
Fox News
A Virginia middle school teacher is under fire after making his students do "opposition research" on Republican presidential candidates, according to a report. Eighth-graders at Liberty Middle School in Fairfax County were assigned to research the ...
Fox News
Jindal's education proposal basics expected to pass the House
Michael DeMocker, Times-Picayune archiveIn February, at KIPP: Central City school, kindergarten students stretch out for learning. Leading lawmakers said they do not expect fundamental changes to Jindal's proposals to expand publicly financed charter ...
Education reform has many flaws
Monroe News Star
I believe teachers have a special calling. Having two daughters teaching elementary school I can say I have a vested interest at what's happening in Baton Rouge and across the nation to public education. I watch with concern and bewilderment that our ...
Teachers warn of new job action including full shutdown
Vancouver Sun
The BC Teachers' Federation has warned the Liberal government to radically change its approach to public education or face more protests by teachers, including the possibility of a provincewide shutdown of public schools. "Our members are angry," union ...
Teachers consider more job action
By Jeff Bell And Rob Shaw, Times Colonist March 22, 2012 The BC Teachers' Federation will conduct a provincewide vote to ask its 41000 members if they want to walk out or take less serious job action such as not taking part in coaching and other ...
It's D-day for education reform
American Press
Bobby Jindal will find out today who his legislative friends and foes are in his efforts to reshape Louisiana's public education system. The full House is scheduled to debate three key measures in the reform package dealing with teacher tenure and...
American Press
Public teacher scores help everyone
The Tennessean
However well-intentioned, it is not a good idea to hide teacher evaluation scores from the public; for our children's sake, the legislature should drop the attempt to do so. The reasons teacherscite for hiding their evaluations are sympathetic, ...
Teachers hold off till mid-April vote
The Province
The vote, to be held April 17 to 18, will seek teachers' endorsement of an "action plan" aimed at forcing Education Minister George Abbott to back down on Bill 22, said BCTF president Susan Lambert. "They think this bill is disrespectful to the ...
Today at the Capitol: Vouchers, charters, tenure on House floor
By Bill Barrow, The Times-Picayune It's all education all the time at the Louisiana Capitol today, with the Senate adjourned until Monday and all House activity scheduled around debate of two bills that anchor Gov. Bobby Jindal's proposed overhaul of ...
BC teachers' union pushes for strike vote
Globe and Mail
The BC teachers union is seeking the support of its members for a possible strike, an action that could be judged in violation of the law and escalate the crisis threatening to disrupt the province's classrooms. The union announced Wednesday that it ...
Globe and Mail
There's more to Jindal's education bills than vouchers, tenure
Houma Courier
If passed, they would continue an erosion of local school board members' influence in hiring and firing teachers — an erosion that began last year. Also in the bills are provisions making it easier to put non-certified teachers in charter school ...
AM Update: Education in the Texas Senate, Elgin Sausage Recall, Immigrant ...
The chair of the Texas Senate Education Committee will play a key role in shaping policy during the 2013 session. State Senator Florence Shapiro's two decade-long term ends this year and she announced last fall that she wouldn't seek re-election.
Al-Qaida claims responsibility for the killing of American teacher Joel Shrum ...
Washington Post
SANAA, Yemen — Al-Qaida in Yemen has claimed responsibility for the killing of Americanteacher Joel Shrum. Thursday's statement, which was posted on a militant website, accuses the 29-year-old native of Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, of proselytizing in ...
Panel endorses Maine teacher evaluation bill
AUGUSTA, Maine—A bill requiring rigorous performance evaluations for Maine teachers and principals has been unanimously endorsed by a legislative committee. The Education and Cultural Affairs Committee on Wednesday voted 12-0 to send it to the full ...
Tennessee bill protects teachers who challenge evolution and climate change
The Guardian
It comes at a time when science associations are increasingly concerned by moves to inject religious or ideological beliefs into science teaching ahead of the release next month of a new set of education standards which give a central place to climate ... Reveals One Third of Parents Uncertain How to Handle Bullying
MarketWatch (press release)
In response,, the leading resource for parents of school-aged children seeking support on issues related to childhood education, today launched its Special Edition on has teamed with the National Association of ...
Monkey Bill Tennessee Controversy Critics Decry Tennessee's 'Monkey Bill'
Dubbed the “Monkey Bill” by opponents — a nod to the 1925 Scopes “Monkey Trial” in the same state, in which a high school teacher was under fire for teaching evolution — SB 893 permitsteachers “to help students understand, analyze, critique and ...
Teacher data may remain hidden
Shelbyville Times-Gazette
Recent education reforms have increased the use and importance of various teacherevaluations. Under recent changes to state law, half of teachers' assessments must derive from testing data, while the rest comes from classroom observations.
aecKnowledge Announces New Continuing Education Program for Professional ...
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
aecKnowledge, a leading provider of advanced continuing education (CE), announces its In-Place Continuing Education Program for use by professional organizations that serve the AEC community. The program provides a simple, low-cost method to deliver ...
ASP Offers Education and Solutions for Preventing Healthcare-Associated ...
MarketWatch (press release)
NEW ORLEANS, March 22, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- As a leading provider ofeducation and technology for combating healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) over the past 25 years, ASP will deliver an educational workshop on infection prevention at ...
Report Calls Education A National Security Issue
WISC Madison
"America's failure to educate is affecting its national security," said the Independent Task Force on US Education Reform and National Security, which the council launched last year to focus on the problems in K-12 education.
WISC Madison
English Teacher Rethinks Grammar Lessons -- With an App
By Sarah Kessler
A high school English teacher developed an app in his spare time that takes a new, red-ink free approach to grammar lessons. ... Teachers can view how all students in a class are progressing in NoRedInk through one dashboard. Without any sort of marketing push, Schuer ... A 2007 National Center for Education Statistics Assessment found that just 24% of 12th graders performed at or above a “proficient level.” Scores on similar ... “Learning any skill comes down to practice,” he says.
CMS shuffles rewards as teacher transfers open | CharlotteObserver ...
By (Ann Doss Helms)
As Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools braces for a new wave of teacher transfers, district leaders are revamping the mix of incentives to keep strong educators at struggling schools. ... But the district has opened up its “transfer fair” for 2012-13, and Hattabaugh says he doesn't want to see schools lose hard-won gains as top teachers seek new opportunities. Strategic staffing. Gorman's signature reform effort, launched in 2008, provided 10 percent principal bonuses and $10000 ...
The Charlotte Observer -- News...
Continuing Education May Make You Wiser, But Richer?
By Sarah Gilbert
Yet a few weeks ago, there I was in Chicago with (according to one estimate) 11000 writers, editors, publishers, and writing teachers. It was the Association for Writers and Writing ... I believe it's applicable to a wide variety of masters' degrees, many of which are meant to qualify its students to practice better in a field, whether that's writing or teaching English as a foreign language or playing an instrument, but most of all to teach others. The master's degree as admissions ticket ...
Get Rich Slowly - Personal Finance...
Tennessee bill protects teachers who challenge evolution and ...
By Suzanne Goldenberg, The Guardian
It comes at a time when science associations are increasingly concerned by moves to inject religious or ideological beliefs into science teaching ahead of the release next month of a new set of education standards which give a central place to climate change. The new standards, based ... Bloggers called the move a throwback to the Scopes monkey trial of the 1920s, when a Tennessee public school teacher was convicted and fined for teaching evolution. Supporters of the measure ...
The Raw Story
Teacher Turnover Affects All Students ... - Blogs - Education Week
By Stephen Sawchuk
Stephen Sawchuk, a former federal education beat writer, turns his inner policy geek to digging around in the weeds of the teaching profession. ... When teachers leave schools, overall morale appears to suffer enough that student achievement declines—both for those taught by the departed teachers and by students whose teachers stayed put, concludes a study recently presented at a conference held by the Center for Longitudinal Data in .... Washington, D.C.Education Reform (36) ...
Teacher Beat - Education Week
Hawaii's Keiki Help Push For Early Education - Honolulu News Story ...
HONOLULU -- More than 600 keiki, families and caregivers took a stand at the State Capitol on Tuesday in support of making early childhood education a state priority. Wednesday, March 21, 2012. ... "You or I will be able to check off a box that says I will give 25 dollars of my refund to earlylearning, and that begins the funding of an early learning system," said Dee Jay Mailer, Kamehameha Schools. Mother of four and Keiki O Ka Aina teacher TJ Joseph said investing in the younger ... - Most Popular Stories
After 20 years, a former teacher returns to Tanzania - Boing Boing
By Maggie Koerth-Baker
Twenty years ago, Frank spent a little over a year working as an English teacher in Tanzania, just outside the town of Arusha. Recently, he went back, both to re-connect with the people he'd met so many years ago, and to make a trip he'd ...
Boing Boing
Alabama Board of Education to discuss interim leader of two-year ...
By Marie Leech -- The Birmingham News
The state Board of Education today will discuss whether Susan Price should continue as interim chancellor of the two-year college system until a permanent leader is chosen, or whether a different interim chancellor should be named. Price ...
Breaking News from The Birmingham News
Jose Vilson: Trayvon Martin and the Implications for Teacher ...
By Jose Vilson
Lisa Delpit recently said in The Nation, "One cannot divorce the teaching of basic skills from the demands of critical thinking; having kids question what is in newspaper articles, even question what is in textbooks." She implies that if ... More in Education... Student Loan Interest Rate Hike Fight Bubbles... Slavery Homework Problem: Another Georgia Elementary School... Teachers' Satisfaction Tanks On Survey When Higher... Teacher Stole Lunch Money From 2nd Grade... FOLLOW US ...
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