BBC News
Now it wants to showcase some of the most talented teachers. It will start with 12 videos and aims to have 365 by the end of the year. As well as adapting its famous TED talks to work for a younger audience, the organisation will be asking teachers to...
BBC News
TED-Ed YouTube channel launched: educating the world one video at a time
The Verge
... education channel called TED-Ed. Consisting of animated videos less than 10 minutes long, the channel is an "invitation to teachers around the world to submit their best lessons." After an entry has been accepted, staff will work with the teacher ...
TED launches learning initiative at YouTube
File Photo from YouTube NEW YORK: The non-profit group behind thought-provoking TED conferences on Monday launched an education channel on YouTube in a bid to make learning irresistible. The alliance with the world's top online video venue marked the ...
Florida teacher, Shawn Loftis, with gay porn past gets job back
New York Daily News
A part-time teacher's gay porn past isn't reason enough to keep him out of the classroom, according to Florida education officials. Shawn Loftis, who was booted from the Miami-Dade public school system last year, can go back to teaching, ...

New York Daily News
Education minister asks Catholic teachers for cuts
Laurel Broten says Ontario's proposed teachers' contract would 'protect classroomteaching positions.' (Nathan Denette/Canadian Press) Laurel Broten, the provincialeducation minister, received a cool reception when she addressed the Ontario English...
Klassen: Some lessons for teachers
Calgary Herald
While we have come to expect some healthy tension between the province and the teachers' union, there currently seems to be some extra bubbling beneath the surface. Redford's restoration ofeducation funding cuts made by the Stelmach government, ...
South Africa education crisis fuels state school exodus
BBC News
South Africa's education and finance ministers are being taken to court over poor standards at state schools. The BBC's Karen Allen investigates the education crisis and why some parents in Eastern Cape province are opting to send their children to ...

BBC News
Pennsylvania State Education Association's report says schools are at risk of ...
And more likely will find themselves in that same situation within the next two years unless the state reverses its course with regard to public school funding, according a report being released today by the state's largest teachers union.
TED offers free video lessons for high school and college students
Washington Post
Imagine you're a high school biology teacher searching for the most vivid way to explain electrical activity in the brain. How about inserting metal wires into a cockroach's severed leg and making that leg dance to music?
Reforms will help reduce spending, says report
Sydney Morning Herald
The report was commissioned alongside a review by the Boston Consulting Group that proposed closing more than 100 schools, axing 7500 teachers, selling surplus land and slashing spending on disadvantaged students. The PwC report, which has never been ...

Sydney Morning Herald
TED launches educational channel on YouTube
Times of India
The non-profit group behind thought-provoking TED conferences on Monday launched an educationchannel on YouTube in a bid to make learning irresistible. NEW YORK: The non-profit group behind thought-provoking TED conferences on Monday launched an ...
Student anger over education cuts puts heat on lawmakers
Los Angeles Times
As protests increase, and with more tuition and fee increases due this fall, legislators are under pressure to provide relief by restoring some money for higher education. Thousands of students converged on Sacramento last week to protest budget cuts ...

Los Angeles Times
Lubrizol Honors Lake County's Outstanding Science Teachers
Reuters (press release)
Lubrizol Honors Lake County's Outstanding Science Teachers CLEVELAND, March 12, 2012 - The Lubrizol Corporation, in partnership with Partners in Science Excellence, announces the winners of The Lubrizol Corporation Lake County Science Teacher Award.
Education, Not Parliamentary Seats, Will Empower Women
One of them is education for girls. Before we talk about more seats in parliament and board rooms, we must design an education policy specifically tailored to stop poor girls from dropping out of school for lack of mere sanitary pads.
Teachers: We didn't cheat; why target us?
Philadelphia Inquirer
"It's a lot like if two of our students act up, but we give detention to the whole class," said Alison Pironti, a fourth-grade teacher at Carnell Elementary School, in Oxford Circle, who specializes inteaching English to speakers of other languages.
Sex-harassment charges spur teacher's suspension, police probe
The teacher denies any wrongdoing and claims he has been targeted because of his union activities; he is a member of the Secondary School Teachers' Association. However, a petition submitted on his behalf by the association to a local labor court was ...

The Global Search for Education: Where Is the Next Martha Graham?
Huffington Post (blog)
"Dance education cannot just be about learning a system of physical moves. It has to include ways to practice thinking, improvising, risk taking, using your imagination" -- Janet Eilber How important is dance to life? How important is oxygen to life?
Education Minister Laurel Broten gets silent treatment in Windsor
Windsor Star
By Kristie Pearce, The Windsor Star March 12, 2012 6:27 AM Minister of Education, Laurel Broten, centre, speaks with members of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association at Caesars Windsor, Sunday, Mar. 11, 2012. WINDSOR, Ont. -- There was no ...
TED launches YouTube ed channel
The Australian
THE non-profit group behind Technology, Entertainment, Design conferences has launched aneducation channel on YouTube. The alliance with the online video venue marked the start of a "TED-Ed" initiative to combine teaching with animations to make ...
Budget: Education sector seeks more funds
A favourable budget allocation is expected this year also as it is very important in meeting the challenges that the sector faces in dealing with raising standards, developing education work force, improving the learning environment and delivering ...

Totara Learning Solutions Appoints eAbyas as Its First Partner in India
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
With our partnership with Totara, eAbyas is well equipped to provide complete Corporate Training solution, with content development services and a powerful learning platform for these firms". Richard Wyles, CEO of Totara added, "We are experiencing ...
CEPEDA: How minority teachers help all students
Sacramento Bee
By Esther J. Cepeda Every few months, a handful of education reform advocates push the idea that the public education system's woes could be fixed if only there were more black or Latino teachersin classrooms. You'll surely hear this in the wake of ...
Colleges Awarded Presidential Honor for Community Service
MarketWatch (press release)
Five higher education institutions received the Presidential Award of the 2012 President's HigherEducation Community Service Honor Roll, the highest federal recognition a college or university can receive for its commitment to community service.
Did Bridgepoint Education Squander Its Latest Sales Increase?
The more Bridgepoint Education (NYS: BPI) keeps of each buck it earns in revenue, the more money it has to invest in growth, fund new strategic plans, or (gasp!) distribute to shareholders. Healthy margins often separate pretenders from the best stocks ...
Oil and Education Don't Mix, OECD Finds
The Media Line
The oil-rich countries of the Gulf are investing heavily in education to diversify their economies and build a workforce capable of competing in knowledge-intensive industries. But a paper by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ...
Khan Academy releases iPad app, mobile education is upon us ...
By Meghan Kelly
The Khan Academy released its iPad application today, bringing its new wave of education to the mobile world. Currently, the Khan Academy has over 3000 videos of all different subjects in itseducation warehouse. ... In fact, creator recent Sal Khan attributed this ability to re-watch a lesson without the pressure of a human teacher to the success of the program at this year's RSA conference. For this reason, the ... Apple, the iPad's creator, has been getting into e-learning as well.
The Verge
... education channel called TED-Ed. Consisting of animated videos less than 10 minutes long, the channel is an "invitation to teachers around the world to submit their best lessons." After an entry has been accepted, staff will work with the teacher ...
TED launches learning initiative at YouTube
File Photo from YouTube NEW YORK: The non-profit group behind thought-provoking TED conferences on Monday launched an education channel on YouTube in a bid to make learning irresistible. The alliance with the world's top online video venue marked the ...
Florida teacher, Shawn Loftis, with gay porn past gets job back
New York Daily News
A part-time teacher's gay porn past isn't reason enough to keep him out of the classroom, according to Florida education officials. Shawn Loftis, who was booted from the Miami-Dade public school system last year, can go back to teaching, ...
New York Daily News
Education minister asks Catholic teachers for cuts
Laurel Broten says Ontario's proposed teachers' contract would 'protect classroomteaching positions.' (Nathan Denette/Canadian Press) Laurel Broten, the provincialeducation minister, received a cool reception when she addressed the Ontario English...
Klassen: Some lessons for teachers
Calgary Herald
While we have come to expect some healthy tension between the province and the teachers' union, there currently seems to be some extra bubbling beneath the surface. Redford's restoration ofeducation funding cuts made by the Stelmach government, ...
South Africa education crisis fuels state school exodus
BBC News
South Africa's education and finance ministers are being taken to court over poor standards at state schools. The BBC's Karen Allen investigates the education crisis and why some parents in Eastern Cape province are opting to send their children to ...
BBC News
Pennsylvania State Education Association's report says schools are at risk of ...
And more likely will find themselves in that same situation within the next two years unless the state reverses its course with regard to public school funding, according a report being released today by the state's largest teachers union.
TED offers free video lessons for high school and college students
Washington Post
Imagine you're a high school biology teacher searching for the most vivid way to explain electrical activity in the brain. How about inserting metal wires into a cockroach's severed leg and making that leg dance to music?
Reforms will help reduce spending, says report
Sydney Morning Herald
The report was commissioned alongside a review by the Boston Consulting Group that proposed closing more than 100 schools, axing 7500 teachers, selling surplus land and slashing spending on disadvantaged students. The PwC report, which has never been ...
Sydney Morning Herald
TED launches educational channel on YouTube
Times of India
The non-profit group behind thought-provoking TED conferences on Monday launched an educationchannel on YouTube in a bid to make learning irresistible. NEW YORK: The non-profit group behind thought-provoking TED conferences on Monday launched an ...
Student anger over education cuts puts heat on lawmakers
Los Angeles Times
As protests increase, and with more tuition and fee increases due this fall, legislators are under pressure to provide relief by restoring some money for higher education. Thousands of students converged on Sacramento last week to protest budget cuts ...
Los Angeles Times
Lubrizol Honors Lake County's Outstanding Science Teachers
Reuters (press release)
Lubrizol Honors Lake County's Outstanding Science Teachers CLEVELAND, March 12, 2012 - The Lubrizol Corporation, in partnership with Partners in Science Excellence, announces the winners of The Lubrizol Corporation Lake County Science Teacher Award.
Education, Not Parliamentary Seats, Will Empower Women
One of them is education for girls. Before we talk about more seats in parliament and board rooms, we must design an education policy specifically tailored to stop poor girls from dropping out of school for lack of mere sanitary pads.
Teachers: We didn't cheat; why target us?
Philadelphia Inquirer
"It's a lot like if two of our students act up, but we give detention to the whole class," said Alison Pironti, a fourth-grade teacher at Carnell Elementary School, in Oxford Circle, who specializes inteaching English to speakers of other languages.
Sex-harassment charges spur teacher's suspension, police probe
The teacher denies any wrongdoing and claims he has been targeted because of his union activities; he is a member of the Secondary School Teachers' Association. However, a petition submitted on his behalf by the association to a local labor court was ...
The Global Search for Education: Where Is the Next Martha Graham?
Huffington Post (blog)
"Dance education cannot just be about learning a system of physical moves. It has to include ways to practice thinking, improvising, risk taking, using your imagination" -- Janet Eilber How important is dance to life? How important is oxygen to life?
Education Minister Laurel Broten gets silent treatment in Windsor
Windsor Star
By Kristie Pearce, The Windsor Star March 12, 2012 6:27 AM Minister of Education, Laurel Broten, centre, speaks with members of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association at Caesars Windsor, Sunday, Mar. 11, 2012. WINDSOR, Ont. -- There was no ...
TED launches YouTube ed channel
The Australian
THE non-profit group behind Technology, Entertainment, Design conferences has launched aneducation channel on YouTube. The alliance with the online video venue marked the start of a "TED-Ed" initiative to combine teaching with animations to make ...
Budget: Education sector seeks more funds
A favourable budget allocation is expected this year also as it is very important in meeting the challenges that the sector faces in dealing with raising standards, developing education work force, improving the learning environment and delivering ...
Totara Learning Solutions Appoints eAbyas as Its First Partner in India
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
With our partnership with Totara, eAbyas is well equipped to provide complete Corporate Training solution, with content development services and a powerful learning platform for these firms". Richard Wyles, CEO of Totara added, "We are experiencing ...
CEPEDA: How minority teachers help all students
Sacramento Bee
By Esther J. Cepeda Every few months, a handful of education reform advocates push the idea that the public education system's woes could be fixed if only there were more black or Latino teachersin classrooms. You'll surely hear this in the wake of ...
Colleges Awarded Presidential Honor for Community Service
MarketWatch (press release)
Five higher education institutions received the Presidential Award of the 2012 President's HigherEducation Community Service Honor Roll, the highest federal recognition a college or university can receive for its commitment to community service.
Did Bridgepoint Education Squander Its Latest Sales Increase?
The more Bridgepoint Education (NYS: BPI) keeps of each buck it earns in revenue, the more money it has to invest in growth, fund new strategic plans, or (gasp!) distribute to shareholders. Healthy margins often separate pretenders from the best stocks ...
Oil and Education Don't Mix, OECD Finds
The Media Line
The oil-rich countries of the Gulf are investing heavily in education to diversify their economies and build a workforce capable of competing in knowledge-intensive industries. But a paper by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ...
Khan Academy releases iPad app, mobile education is upon us ...
By Meghan Kelly
The Khan Academy released its iPad application today, bringing its new wave of education to the mobile world. Currently, the Khan Academy has over 3000 videos of all different subjects in itseducation warehouse. ... In fact, creator recent Sal Khan attributed this ability to re-watch a lesson without the pressure of a human teacher to the success of the program at this year's RSA conference. For this reason, the ... Apple, the iPad's creator, has been getting into e-learning as well.
TED launches learning initiative at YouTube | The Raw Story
By Agence France-Presse
The non-profit group behind thought-provoking TED conferenceslaunched an education channel on YouTube in a bid to make learning irresistible. The alliance with the world's top online video venue marked the start of a TED-Ed initiative to ...
The Raw Story
Mikaela Luttrell-Rowland: Consumerism Trumps Education: The ...
By Mikaela Luttrell-Rowland
Invisible Children, the NGO running the Kony 2012 campaign, suggests social change depends upon making a $30 purchase rather than actually learning. That we can use consumerism (and marginalize... Schools should be teaching about conflict in Africa, and the role of the US. We should be teachingabout the armed .... RT @glinner Al Fischer, Gay Music Teacher Fired From Catholic School, Marries Partner In New York glinner. Al Fischer, Gay Music Teacher ...
By Mikaela Luttrell-Rowland
Invisible Children, the NGO running the Kony 2012 campaign, suggests social change depends upon making a $30 purchase rather than actually learning. That we can use consumerism (and marginalize... Schools should be teaching about conflict in Africa, and the role of the US. We should be teachingabout the armed .... RT @glinner Al Fischer, Gay Music Teacher Fired From Catholic School, Marries Partner In New York glinner. Al Fischer, Gay Music Teacher ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
Education and the X-Prize |
By Johnathan Pearce (London)
Johnathan Pearce (London) Education. The founder of the X-Prize (well known around these parts due to events such as the space ventures side of things) now wants to launch a prize for people with good ideas on how to sort out education.
Middle School Teacher Remembered At Service « CBS Pittsburgh
By hlang84
DERRY TOWNSHIP (KDKA) — A memorial service was held this weekend for a local middle schoolteacher who was found dead last month in Westmoreland County. The service was held Sunday evening at the Derry Area Middle School.
CBS Pittsburgh
Girls Learning Code « rwxweb
By Michelle Levesque
Girls Learning Code. I'm in Toronto this week for Girls Learning Code. They're just trickling in this morning, but a few out of the box thoughts: Some of them are twice as tall as others. 11-14 is a crazy age range! :); They're all nervous to be in a ...
elearnspace › What does a disrupted education system look like?
By gsiemens
learning, networks, knowledge, technology, community. Skip to content. Home · About ... Some great resources on Indian education can be accessed here (bottom tab on left-side menu). Slides from my presentation this morning are here: ...
Education: The philosophical difference | BlueNC
By Tom Sullivan
Ray Rapp were reacting to the Republican handling of education after gaining control of the North Carolina legislature in January 2011. Glazier explained it with this story: Sort of mind-boggling. Maybe an opening script at the beginning of this ...
BlueNC - Where North Carolina...
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