Testing teaching, teaching testing
The Economist (blog)
DIANE RAVITCH, the education-reform advocate famous for having long advocated chartered schools and centralised assessment of teachers only to turn against both reforms in the past few years, has a post at the New York Review of Books railing against ...

The Economist (blog)
The Economist (blog)
DIANE RAVITCH, the education-reform advocate famous for having long advocated chartered schools and centralised assessment of teachers only to turn against both reforms in the past few years, has a post at the New York Review of Books railing against ...
The Economist (blog)
New York Times
The education historian and writer, Diane Ravitch, paints a picture of the teacher evaluation system that offers a sobering contrast to the giddiness that greeted the announcement of the agreement with the city, state and teachers' unions.
Education Secretary Mike Russell to provide update on new exam curriculum ...
Scottish Daily Record
The new Curriculum for Excellence system has been billed as the biggest shake-up of Scottisheducation for a generation, and is intended to broaden pupils' learning, give teachers more freedom and make lessons less prescriptive.
Teacher: 'Tis a shame (that education has become so political)
Washington Post (blog)
Here he writes about what many Wisconsin teachers see as an assault on their profession by the governor, Scott Walker, who last year tried to severely limit their collective bargaining rights and is now facing a recall campaign.
The Obama Deal: Harvard for $6700 a Year?
President Obama was too soft in the declaration of war (and peace treaty terms) he issued to university administrators over the spiraling cost of college education. Rather than simply demanding that tuition stops rising, he should have challenged ...
Garrett out of step on Gonski
The Australian
SCHOOL Education Minister Peter Garrett has told representatives of the education sectors that the school funding reforms outlined in the Gonski report have "waited long enough", implicitly endorsing the funding model outlined by the review.
Connecticut teachers' unions rail against Malloy's education plan at public ...
New Haven Register
By Jordan Fenster, Register Staff HARTFORD — Teachers' unions drew clear battle lines Tuesday, arguing against Gov. Dannel P. Malloy's massive education proposal, particularly the provisions that deal with tenure and certification.
Free plastic surgery for teachers in Buffalo, NY
Today's THV
BUFFALO, NY (CNN) -- As thousands of teachers face layoffs across the country, teachers in Buffalo, New York are getting lipo? Yep. And nose jobs and whatever else they want. All on the taxpayers' dime. How is this happening?
Waynesboro teachers, board return to the bargaining table
Waynesboro Record Herald
Waynesboro teachers in red shirts — to show their support for public education — and 601 stickers — for the number of days they have been working under an expired contract — piled into the Clayton Avenue school board meeting room Tuesday evening ...
Report: Tenured Teachers Rarely Let Go
Dannel P. Malloy works to restructure the tenure system in public schools, the Connecticut Post found in an investigation that hardly any tenured teachers are fired. Out of 53000 tenuredteachers in public schools, only 40 were fired in the past two ...
Showdown over school closings: Jackson says 'apartheid' exists in system
Chicago Tribune
"You look at the disproportionate number of black and latino teachers who are laid off. You look at the lack of resources in some schools. It is apartheid-like." The Chicago Board of Education is scheduled to vote on a package of reforms today that ...
Religious education lessons 'dying out' in schools
Religious education is being undermined by a “crippling ambivalence” towards the subject in state schools, according to research published today. RE is suffering from a "crippling ambivalence", according to Prof James Conroy. Photo: ADRIAN SHERRATT By ...
AP-CT--Education Reform-Conn,127
Hartford Courant
Dannel P. Malloy's wide-ranging education reform proposal. The General Assembly's education committee heard Tuesday from dozens of people with opinions and concerns about teacher tenure reform, certification procedures and other topics.
Gov. Christie's proposal would add more than $300M to NJ education budget
The Star-Ledger - NJ.com
Turning to K-12 education, Christie urged the Legislature to take up his reform efforts — including tenure reform and merit pay for teachers — saying a greateducation should be "a hallmark of growing up in New Jersey." To that end, he proposed ...
The Star-Ledger - NJ.com
The overdue split among Democrats on education reform
The Seattle Times
(February 21, 2012, by mathematicallycorrect) MORE Major Democratic funder Nick Hanauer's recent email blasting Democratic lawmakers for failing to buck the teachers union and push for education reforms will go down as the tough-love message heard ...
The Seattle Times
Accurate or faulty, new teacher evaluations are coming
New York Daily News
This will happen despite warnings from many educational experts that the rankings are deeply flawed, and even though the city's Department of Education concedes the margin of error could be huge. Some teachers, especially the newer ones, ...
New York Daily News
NY teachers' health plan includes free plastic surgery
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)
Free plastic surgery for teachers is a policy that's been on the books in Buffalo, NY, for nearly 40 years, CNN reports. Amazing at a time when teachers are being laid off around the country. However, the program has come under scrutiny as the local...
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)
Malloy kicks off hearing on his education plan
Hartford Courant
"It's amazing how many people will admit there are teachers in buildings which they believe don't belong there, but because of this system remain there," Malloy told members of the General Assembly's Education Committee, which held the first of two ...
Obama pitches controversial proposal to decrease cost of higher education
Tufts Daily
27, Obama outlined a plan to reduce the cost of higher education by linking how successfully colleges could reduce tuition with the amount of federal grant money they are given in low−interest loans. According to an article in The New York Times, ...
Sex education book written 40 years ago by British author Peter Mayle is ...
Daily Mail
By David Baker A sex education book written by a British author nearly 40 years ago has been banned in Malaysia after complaints from Muslim activists that it's obscene. The Home Ministry says that Peter Mayle's 'Where Did I Come From?
Daily Mail
Teachers protest Virginia budget
New Era Progress
“We've got lots of folks dressed in black,” said Melanie Lewis, a teacher and president of the Amherst Education Association. It was “black Friday” last week, an effort by teachers and staffers to alert the public to budget problems this year for K-12 ...
LAUSD substitute thrice accused of abuse moved to another district
Los Angeles Times
Teachers accused of sexual misconduct but never convicted have long presented school districts with a challenge because of their employment protections. But substitute teachers serve at the will of districts and can be released or fired at any time.
Los Angeles Times
Higher Education costs rise
By Samantha Rosenfeld President Barack Obama talks to a crowd of 3000 about the price and worth of a college education at the field house on the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor. On January 27, President Obama spoke to students about rising ...
Beware The Myths Muddying The Debate On Education Reform
Hartford Courant
Dannel Malloy's hefty education reform bill I kept finding people who were distorting what this important discussion is all about. The problem, for example, isn't teachers in our public schools, it's the folks who keep talking about how teachers are ...
Teachers Unions Step Up to Lead on Education Reform
Huffington Post (blog)
Those of us committed to equal opportunity have always believed that education gives students a foothold on the ladder to success. Yet recent studies show the role of education as a force for equality is threatened. Research at Stanford University ...
It's for the Kids: Buffalo Teachers Receive Free Plastic Surgery
By Evan Walter
In Buffalo, N.Y., the local education union has secured a compensation package that allows all of its teachers to get free plastic surgery as part of their contract. CNN reports: As thousands ofteachers face layoffs across the country, teachers in ...
The Foundry: Conservative Policy...
Chicago Teachers Union Pawns Protest Rahm: Protesters Can't ...
By Rebel Pundit
According to this source, new teachers are required by the union to attend protests and work on behalf of the union initiatives or they are ultimately forced out of teaching or fired. Cross Posted at RebelPundit. Follow @RebelPundit on Twitter. Email this to a friend | Print | Share on Facebook | Tweet ... Improvement of our institutions of education require an infusion of our….. TIME not MONEY. Sanmon - February 22nd, 2012 at 6:34 am. How surprising these fine Chicago folks used Saul ...
Big Government
By Rebel Pundit
According to this source, new teachers are required by the union to attend protests and work on behalf of the union initiatives or they are ultimately forced out of teaching or fired. Cross Posted at RebelPundit. Follow @RebelPundit on Twitter. Email this to a friend | Print | Share on Facebook | Tweet ... Improvement of our institutions of education require an infusion of our….. TIME not MONEY. Sanmon - February 22nd, 2012 at 6:34 am. How surprising these fine Chicago folks used Saul ...
Big Government
Parents, Teachers To School Board: Vote No On School Overhaul ...
By Adam Harrington
As CBS 2's Susanna Song reports, hundreds parents, teachers and union leaders are gathering outside Chicago Public Schools Headquarters, 125 S. Clark St., to urge the board to reject a reform package that includes closing or overhauling 17 struggling schools. By 6:30 a.m., ... CPS chief education officer Noemi Donoso says schools that have already gone through the turnaround process are doing better. ... They are learning every day, so we don't need changes,” a woman said.
CBS Chicago
U.S. News - Report: LA sub kept teaching after 3 abuse allegations
By msnbc.com news services
LOS ANGELES -- A substitute teacher in the nation's second-largest school district was investigated three times for allegations of sexual misconduct with students before he quit in 2007 and started teaching in another district, the Los Angeles Times reported. The teacher, i …... In recent weeks, several Los Angeles school district employees -- including two former Miramonte Elementary School teachers -- have been accused of lewd conduct. One of the formerteachers, Mark Berndt, ...
Newsvine - U.S. News - Articles
We're Hiring New Teachers! | Think Vitamin
By Nick Pettit
Treehouse is looking for four new awesome teachers to add to the Treehouse Team! If you're a talented designer ... In addition to the growing teaching team, you'll also work closely with our talented video production crew. These creative guys ...
Think Vitamin
This Week In Education: Bruno: Teaching Content Vs. "Teaching To ...
By Paul Bruno
The Obama administration has been taking a lot of flak - most recently from Jon Stewart - for criticizing "teaching to the test" while simultaneously pushing policies that are arguably going to encourage exactly that sort of behavior by teachers ...
This Week In Education
Saul Garlick: An Ecosystem for Innovation in Higher Education
By Saul Garlick
A team from Ashoka U, a division of Ashoka, the institution that popularized the term "Social Entrepreneurship" through their Fellowships, has managed to make disruption in highereducation more than an idea. Today it is a reality. Ashoka U ... More in Education... Gainesville High School Students' Racist YouTube Rant... Anne Wampole, Florida Teacher, Breathalyzed At 40... Santaluces High School In Florida On Alert... Atlanta Teachers In Cheating Scandal Could Get... FOLLOW US ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
Strategies for innovation in post-secondary education
By Tony Bates
6. Make innovation in teaching and learning a strategic goal of the organization. In an earlier post, 'Is there too much innovation in education? I reported on critics who feel there is too MUCH innovation in education. However, we have seen in ...
Tony Bates
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