New York Times
By Sean P. Corcoran After almost a year of legal wrangling, the New York State Education Department and state teachers' union finally came to an agreement over how to evaluate the state's public school teachers. Under the new system, teachers' job ...
Now teacher evaluation movement goes to districts
Wall Street Journal
Critics of that policy, including Cuomo, have said it protected bad teachers while failing to recognize and reward the best. "Evaluation has always been a part of the teaching profession. Teaching is a craft, you have to hone your craft all the time," ...
Agreement reached on evaluation of teachers
Buffalo News
The governor, state education commissioner and president of New York State UnitedTeachers announced the agreement, which applies to all teachers in the state as of the 2012-13 school year. During a news conference in Albany, the three men said the...
Buffalo News
NY, teachers reach deal
Poughkeepsie Journal
ALBANY — A deal struck by state education and teachers union officials will overhaul a 2010 law on teacher evaluations and set up a review process for educators. If approved by the state Legislature, the new evaluation system also would end a lawsuit ...
Chicago Teachers Want a 30% Pay Increase Over Next 2 Years ...
By Jim Hoft
These teachers are ego maniacs. Shouldn't teach ever. And don't hire this type of teaching if you can help from it. Our education in the U.S. S….! There are capable people who have graduated and are waiting to teach our kids will excellent ...
The Gateway Pundit
By Jim Hoft
These teachers are ego maniacs. Shouldn't teach ever. And don't hire this type of teaching if you can help from it. Our education in the U.S. S….! There are capable people who have graduated and are waiting to teach our kids will excellent ...
The Gateway Pundit
State high court sides with CPS in dispute over teacher layoffs
Chicago Tribune
The Illinois Supreme Court has sided with the Chicago Public Schools in a two-year legal battle with the Chicago Teachers Union over the layoffs of nearly 750 tenuredteachers in 2010. In a 5-2 ruling issued this morning, the court said the Illinois ...

Chicago Tribune
Michigan Education Department again passes on the chance to deliver hard truth ...
The Education Department on Wednesday yesterday released Michigan Educational Assessment Program scores, boasting of increases in math in reading. “Statewide reading and mathematics scores in the MEAP, tested each year in grades three through eight, ...
Shanghai success a lesson in delivery
The Australian (blog)
No lavish learning spaces or state-of-the-art computers. But there was something far more important. These schools are doing what we all know matters. Teachers' professional learning is the best I have ever seen. Feedback to improve teaching is ...
High cost to schoolchildren in hard work
The Australian
LESSONS from Asia for Australia's sliding education system include not only the classroom focus featured in a new report by the Grattan Institute yesterday, but also the massive input by parents in making their children work hard.
On teacher evaluations, the reformers win
New York Daily News
Cuomo delivered his 2.75 million young clients a major victory Thursday, using the weight of his office to break through the logjam blocking a common-sense mechanism for evaluating teachers based on whether children are learning.

New York Daily News
New York Teacher Deal Links Evaluations to Student Test Scores
It's also an example of how the push to hold teachers accountable has been taken up by both sides of the negotiating table, said Jeanne Allen, president of the Center for Education Reform, a Washington-based group that supports charter schools and ...
Chicago Teachers Union offers blueprint for better schools
Saying everyone deserves to have the same education as the children of the wealthy, the ChicagoTeachers Union Thursday issued a detailed plan - with a $713 million pricetag - for improving city schools. The teachers union wants lower class sizes in ...
Chicago Tribune
The Illinois Supreme Court has sided with the Chicago Public Schools in a two-year legal battle with the Chicago Teachers Union over the layoffs of nearly 750 tenuredteachers in 2010. In a 5-2 ruling issued this morning, the court said the Illinois ...
Chicago Tribune
Michigan Education Department again passes on the chance to deliver hard truth ...
The Education Department on Wednesday yesterday released Michigan Educational Assessment Program scores, boasting of increases in math in reading. “Statewide reading and mathematics scores in the MEAP, tested each year in grades three through eight, ...
Shanghai success a lesson in delivery
The Australian (blog)
No lavish learning spaces or state-of-the-art computers. But there was something far more important. These schools are doing what we all know matters. Teachers' professional learning is the best I have ever seen. Feedback to improve teaching is ...
High cost to schoolchildren in hard work
The Australian
LESSONS from Asia for Australia's sliding education system include not only the classroom focus featured in a new report by the Grattan Institute yesterday, but also the massive input by parents in making their children work hard.
On teacher evaluations, the reformers win
New York Daily News
Cuomo delivered his 2.75 million young clients a major victory Thursday, using the weight of his office to break through the logjam blocking a common-sense mechanism for evaluating teachers based on whether children are learning.
New York Daily News
New York Teacher Deal Links Evaluations to Student Test Scores
It's also an example of how the push to hold teachers accountable has been taken up by both sides of the negotiating table, said Jeanne Allen, president of the Center for Education Reform, a Washington-based group that supports charter schools and ...
Chicago Teachers Union offers blueprint for better schools
Saying everyone deserves to have the same education as the children of the wealthy, the ChicagoTeachers Union Thursday issued a detailed plan - with a $713 million pricetag - for improving city schools. The teachers union wants lower class sizes in ...
Chicago teachers asking for 30% raises over next 2 years
Chicago Tribune
It may be playing hardball, or it could be, as one education expert described it, an "exorbitant offer" that ignores the district's growing financial constraints. As she left CTU headquarters for contract negotiations Thursday, union President Karen ...

Chicago Tribune
Cuomo gets an A
New York Daily News
The governor's threat, issued a month ago, to write his own teacher evaluation system into the state budget drove United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew and other labor chiefs to the table with Bloomberg and state Education ...

New York Daily News
Teacher Evaluation Deal Reached
Wall Street Journal
Teachers marked "ineffective"—the lowest rating in a new four-tier system—would get a second opinion by a third-party "validator" chosen by the union and the Department of Education. The agreements were reached in the early-morning hours of a ...
Teachers union calls for $713 million in CPS improvements
Chicago Sun-Times
By ROSALIND ROSSI Staff Reporter/ February 16, 2012 9:42AM Karen GJ Lewis, President, Chicago Teachers Union, unveiled a comprehensive plan to strengthen the quality of education in Chicago Public Schools during news conference at ...
Governor Cuomo grownup in teacher evalution appeals process
New York Daily News
The governor also browbeat the battling state Education Department and stateteachers' union into submission. Cuomo's threats to impose his own evaluation system forced the two sides into settling a lawsuit that promised to derail the implementation ...

New York Daily News
'Value Added' Concept Proves Beneficial to Teacher Colleges
Education Week News
Supporters say the data could help determine which teacher education pathways produce teacherswho are at least as good as—or even better than—other novice teachers, spurring other providers to emulate their practices. The two states with the most ...
Education Minnesota president expresses disappointment with House bill
Coon Rapids ECM Publishers
St. Paul, MN – Education Minnesota President Tom Dooher responded Thursday (Feb. 16) to passage of HF1870 out of the House. The bill changes how school districts manage layoffs. Under current law, school districts and teachers can negotiate their own ...
Poll: House Bill Strips Teachers of Seniority for Layoffs
By Derrick Williams Minnesota could be on the fast-track to becoming a state that would stripteachers of seniority when schools have to let teachers go. Both of Lakeville's representatives in the Minnesota House voted in favor of a bill that would ...
Western pupils lag Asians by three years: study
SYDNEY — Western schoolchildren are up to three years behind those in China's Shanghai and success in Asian education is not just the product of pushy "tiger" parents, an Australian report released Friday said. The study by independent think-tank The ...

Court: Chicago teachers don't have rehire rights
Chicago Sun-Times
The 5-2 ruling Friday came after budget cuts in 2010 forced the city to lay off nearly 1300 teachers. The Chicago Board of Education later recalled about 715 tenured teachers. But the ChicagoTeachers Union sued when laid-off tenured instructors did ...
House votes to jettison teacher seniority system
Minneapolis Star Tribune
The 68-61 vote for the Republican-backed legislation sets up a State Capitol battle between teachersunions that want to protect the fundamental labor tenet of seniority and legislators who say it diluteseducation quality by sometimes protecting bad ...
A Sound Deal on Teacher Evaluations
New York Times
Andrew Cuomo, New York has moved a step closer to carrying out the statewide teacher evaluation system it promised two years ago in return for $700 million from the federal Race to the Topeducation program. Ending the impasse between the teachers' ...
Teachers and administrators react to new teacher eval plan
ALBANY - Thursday the governor announced that guidelines for a controversial new teacher evaluation system has been agreed upon by the State Education Department and the New York State United Teachers. Under the agreement 60 percent of a teacher's ...

An 'Historic' Agreement Over Assessing Teachers
New York Times
This being New York, there are sure to be new hurdles ahead — and the situation between the United Federation of Teachers and the city's Education Department remains dicey, both because of tensions between the two entities and because of Mr.
Michael Serota: Law and Civic Education
By Michael Serota
We ought to be teaching our nation's students about law, rights, and the operation of our system of justice. A future generation of law-abiding, ... School Lunches; School Bullying; Teachers; EducationReform. Smarter Ideas More. Log in ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
School District Wants Teachers in the Classroom Full-Time, but the ...
By Education Action Group
The bottom line is Andover schools employ more union members than necessary, which means more dues revenue for the Andover Education Association, the local teachers union. And the AEA – not surprisingly – has no interest in correcting the ... “I imagine the majority would say yes (to teachingan extra class), but we have a very (strong) teachers union and it just seems to be a deal breaker for them,” Gilbert said. “I think it's fair to draw the contrast between what we hear from ...
Big Goverment
Revolutions: Machine Learning for Hackers
By David Smith
"Machine Learning for Hackers" is a new book from O'Reilly Media by Drew Conway and John Myles White. A "hacker", here, is "someone who likes to solve problems and experiment with new technologies", and "Machine Learning" is usually ...
English teachers, gyopo, Canadians and pot, oh my!
By Robert Koehler
Well, it seems we've got all the bases covered with this one: Police said Friday they have arrested and detained five people, including a Korean man with Canadian nationality, suspected of dealing marijuana in two separate drug rings.
The Marmot's Hole
GFT President Critical Of Governor's Education Task Force & Letter ...
By Josh Tyquiengco
Guam- Guam Federation of Teachers Union President Matt Rector does not like Governor Eddie Calvo's new education task force. ... GFT President Critical Of Governor's Education Task Force & Letter To Teachers · Print · E-mail. Last Updated ...
From Broadcast To Broadband -...
Obama, the education president — Joanne Jacobs
By Joanne
Obama's Education Record includes some success stories — and soft spots, write Mike Petrilli and Tyson Eberhardt in Education Next. His Race to the Top (RttT) initiative catalyzed a chain reaction of legislative action at the state level, ...
Joanne Jacobs
Chicago Teachers Demand 30% Pay Increase Despite Being Worst School System In Nation...
By Toro520
The Chicago Teachers Union is asking for raises amounting to 30 percent over the next two years, the opening salvo in heated contract negotiations with school officials who are implementing a longer school day across Chicago Public Schools next school year. Documents obtained by the Tribune ...It may be playing hardball, or it could be, as one education expert described it, an “exorbitant offer” that ignores the district's growing financial constraints. As she left CTU headquarters for ...
Pat Dollard
Sevilla University Education / Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos | ArchDaily
By Kritiana Ross
Architects: Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos Location: Sevilla, Spain Client: Universidad de Sevilla Presupuesto: 22000000 € Superficie construida: 25420.
Follow @eSummaCom
Chicago Tribune
It may be playing hardball, or it could be, as one education expert described it, an "exorbitant offer" that ignores the district's growing financial constraints. As she left CTU headquarters for contract negotiations Thursday, union President Karen ...
Chicago Tribune
Cuomo gets an A
New York Daily News
The governor's threat, issued a month ago, to write his own teacher evaluation system into the state budget drove United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew and other labor chiefs to the table with Bloomberg and state Education ...
New York Daily News
Teacher Evaluation Deal Reached
Wall Street Journal
Teachers marked "ineffective"—the lowest rating in a new four-tier system—would get a second opinion by a third-party "validator" chosen by the union and the Department of Education. The agreements were reached in the early-morning hours of a ...
Teachers union calls for $713 million in CPS improvements
Chicago Sun-Times
By ROSALIND ROSSI Staff Reporter/ February 16, 2012 9:42AM Karen GJ Lewis, President, Chicago Teachers Union, unveiled a comprehensive plan to strengthen the quality of education in Chicago Public Schools during news conference at ...
Governor Cuomo grownup in teacher evalution appeals process
New York Daily News
The governor also browbeat the battling state Education Department and stateteachers' union into submission. Cuomo's threats to impose his own evaluation system forced the two sides into settling a lawsuit that promised to derail the implementation ...
New York Daily News
'Value Added' Concept Proves Beneficial to Teacher Colleges
Education Week News
Supporters say the data could help determine which teacher education pathways produce teacherswho are at least as good as—or even better than—other novice teachers, spurring other providers to emulate their practices. The two states with the most ...
Education Minnesota president expresses disappointment with House bill
Coon Rapids ECM Publishers
St. Paul, MN – Education Minnesota President Tom Dooher responded Thursday (Feb. 16) to passage of HF1870 out of the House. The bill changes how school districts manage layoffs. Under current law, school districts and teachers can negotiate their own ...
Poll: House Bill Strips Teachers of Seniority for Layoffs
By Derrick Williams Minnesota could be on the fast-track to becoming a state that would stripteachers of seniority when schools have to let teachers go. Both of Lakeville's representatives in the Minnesota House voted in favor of a bill that would ...
Western pupils lag Asians by three years: study
SYDNEY — Western schoolchildren are up to three years behind those in China's Shanghai and success in Asian education is not just the product of pushy "tiger" parents, an Australian report released Friday said. The study by independent think-tank The ...
Court: Chicago teachers don't have rehire rights
Chicago Sun-Times
The 5-2 ruling Friday came after budget cuts in 2010 forced the city to lay off nearly 1300 teachers. The Chicago Board of Education later recalled about 715 tenured teachers. But the ChicagoTeachers Union sued when laid-off tenured instructors did ...
House votes to jettison teacher seniority system
Minneapolis Star Tribune
The 68-61 vote for the Republican-backed legislation sets up a State Capitol battle between teachersunions that want to protect the fundamental labor tenet of seniority and legislators who say it diluteseducation quality by sometimes protecting bad ...
A Sound Deal on Teacher Evaluations
New York Times
Andrew Cuomo, New York has moved a step closer to carrying out the statewide teacher evaluation system it promised two years ago in return for $700 million from the federal Race to the Topeducation program. Ending the impasse between the teachers' ...
Teachers and administrators react to new teacher eval plan
ALBANY - Thursday the governor announced that guidelines for a controversial new teacher evaluation system has been agreed upon by the State Education Department and the New York State United Teachers. Under the agreement 60 percent of a teacher's ...
An 'Historic' Agreement Over Assessing Teachers
New York Times
This being New York, there are sure to be new hurdles ahead — and the situation between the United Federation of Teachers and the city's Education Department remains dicey, both because of tensions between the two entities and because of Mr.
Michael Serota: Law and Civic Education
By Michael Serota
We ought to be teaching our nation's students about law, rights, and the operation of our system of justice. A future generation of law-abiding, ... School Lunches; School Bullying; Teachers; EducationReform. Smarter Ideas More. Log in ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
By Susan Gilbert
Distance education has been around for nearly 30 years, if we go back to the first Computer AssistedLearning Center in 1982; and web-based services in the area of education date back at least 15 years. Blackboard was founded in 1997. Around 2000, I began using Webex for Sunday night help ....Top 10 Helpful Websites for Online Teachers | Online Education Blog · Online education is changing school funding | KMVT | Twin Falls, ID News, Weather and Sports | Idaho News, ...
The Full Feed from
Distance education has been around for nearly 30 years, if we go back to the first Computer AssistedLearning Center in 1982; and web-based services in the area of education date back at least 15 years. Blackboard was founded in 1997. Around 2000, I began using Webex for Sunday night help ....Top 10 Helpful Websites for Online Teachers | Online Education Blog · Online education is changing school funding | KMVT | Twin Falls, ID News, Weather and Sports | Idaho News, ...
The Full Feed from
School District Wants Teachers in the Classroom Full-Time, but the ...
By Education Action Group
The bottom line is Andover schools employ more union members than necessary, which means more dues revenue for the Andover Education Association, the local teachers union. And the AEA – not surprisingly – has no interest in correcting the ... “I imagine the majority would say yes (to teachingan extra class), but we have a very (strong) teachers union and it just seems to be a deal breaker for them,” Gilbert said. “I think it's fair to draw the contrast between what we hear from ...
Big Goverment
Revolutions: Machine Learning for Hackers
By David Smith
"Machine Learning for Hackers" is a new book from O'Reilly Media by Drew Conway and John Myles White. A "hacker", here, is "someone who likes to solve problems and experiment with new technologies", and "Machine Learning" is usually ...
English teachers, gyopo, Canadians and pot, oh my!
By Robert Koehler
Well, it seems we've got all the bases covered with this one: Police said Friday they have arrested and detained five people, including a Korean man with Canadian nationality, suspected of dealing marijuana in two separate drug rings.
The Marmot's Hole
GFT President Critical Of Governor's Education Task Force & Letter ...
By Josh Tyquiengco
Guam- Guam Federation of Teachers Union President Matt Rector does not like Governor Eddie Calvo's new education task force. ... GFT President Critical Of Governor's Education Task Force & Letter To Teachers · Print · E-mail. Last Updated ...
From Broadcast To Broadband -...
Obama, the education president — Joanne Jacobs
By Joanne
Obama's Education Record includes some success stories — and soft spots, write Mike Petrilli and Tyson Eberhardt in Education Next. His Race to the Top (RttT) initiative catalyzed a chain reaction of legislative action at the state level, ...
Joanne Jacobs
Chicago Teachers Demand 30% Pay Increase Despite Being Worst School System In Nation...
By Toro520
The Chicago Teachers Union is asking for raises amounting to 30 percent over the next two years, the opening salvo in heated contract negotiations with school officials who are implementing a longer school day across Chicago Public Schools next school year. Documents obtained by the Tribune ...It may be playing hardball, or it could be, as one education expert described it, an “exorbitant offer” that ignores the district's growing financial constraints. As she left CTU headquarters for ...
Pat Dollard
Sevilla University Education / Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos | ArchDaily
By Kritiana Ross
Architects: Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos Location: Sevilla, Spain Client: Universidad de Sevilla Presupuesto: 22000000 € Superficie construida: 25420.
Follow @eSummaCom
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