The Value of Teachers
New York Times
This latest study should elevate the issue on the national agenda, because it not only underscores the importance of education but also illuminates how we might improve schools. An essential answer: more goodteachers. Or, to put it another way, ...

New York Times
New York Times
This latest study should elevate the issue on the national agenda, because it not only underscores the importance of education but also illuminates how we might improve schools. An essential answer: more goodteachers. Or, to put it another way, ...
New York Times
Wall Street Journal (blog)
However, the UK lacks the teachers to provide this dynamic, engaging and relevant computing education. Data from the UK's General Teaching Council suggest that of the 28767 teachers who registered with the GTC in 2010, only three qualified in computing...
Officials alleviate teachers' concerns
The News Journal
Specifically, she said teachers and other student support staff who do not teach reading or math, like school nurses, counselors and physical-education teachers, will not be judged based on schoolwide calculations of students' standardized test scores, ...
Supplementary education centre launches
Mmegi Online
These programmes are comprehensive mathematics and English curricula that seek to remediate any difficulties a child might encounter with learning at school; but also to extend and support those who are gifted and talented in a particular subject area. ...
Education leaders: Slave math lesson should not end careers
Atlanta Journal Constitution
That teacher should have no future in the teaching profession. Our position is that teacher and the teachers who distributed the questions should be fired. Five teachersmade the right decision not to distribute them.” But state education leaders say ...
Neshaminy teachers to strike til Jan. 20
Philadelphia Inquirer (blog)
The Education Department notified both sides Wednesday that teachersmust return to work Jan. 20 to conform with Act 88, which guarantees 180 days of classes for the district's 7000 students. The teachers were not in their classrooms Thursday for the ...
Philadelphia Inquirer (blog)
Education system braces for district cuts
The district changes will make them representative of declining student populations and put New Brunswick more in line with other educationsystems in Atlantic Canada, Carr said. Teachers are uneasy about how district cuts may affect classrooms .
Education Will Suffer Over Fuel Subsidy Removal - Analyst
The subsidy removal may come with the objectives of freeing up more funds for educational development, however the IMF fiscal policy of spending cuts on recurrent expenditure where teachers' salaries belong may have a negative side effect oneducation ...
Daugaard defends education reform proposals in Rapid City
Rapid City Journal
Dennis Daugaard forcefully restated his position that South Dakota needs to pay its bestteachers more money in order to improve educational results during a visit to Rapid City on Wednesday to promote and defend his controversial education reform ...
Florida drops to 11 t h in national education ranking
Orlando Sentinel
The American Federation of Teachers said the report, which focuses on "the global challenge" faced by the nation's schools, highlights what top-performing countries and states do right. "Countries like Finland and Singapore place a high priority on ...
The education of Florida governor Rick Scott
The scandal-tarred CEO turned Tea Party darling is learning that running a state isn't at all like running a company. By Tory Newmyer, writer FORTUNE -- Rick Scott, the Florida governor, doesn't look like a governor. Standing behind the desk in his ...
Xueda Education Group Announces Executive Changes
MarketWatch (press release)
Since opening its first learning center in 2004, Xueda has organically built an extensive tutoring service network comprised of 273 learning centers and 11364 full-time service professionals, serving customers located in 62 economically developed ...
ePath Learning Launches eSource - Social Network for the Enterprise
Sacramento Bee
12, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- ePath Learning, Inc., a leader in cloud-based learningservices, announced the release of eSource, an enterprise social network offering. ePath Learning eSource is a cloud-based service that empowers all employees to ...
Education reform off, running in Louisiana
American Press
However, some who attended those meetings said tenure that givesteachers job protection, school vouchers that give students tuition money for private schools, increasing use of charter schools and online schools are some of the other issues that ...
American Press
Learning from lizards
Boston Herald
By Tom Avril / The Philadelphia Inquirer PHILADELPHIA - The speedy lizard was streaking across the tabletop when suddenly one foot hit a slippery spot. The reptile skidded but never broke stride, making a split-second adjustment as it darted onward. ...
Persistent Systems Develops Exploriments Mobile Learning Apps for Global iPad ...
MarketWatch (press release)
IL&FS Education and Persistent plan to develop more than 400 Exploriments learningapps for the iPad and support IL&FS Education's go-to-market strategy. With over 40 million iPads sold, iPad offers a unique education platform for teachers and students ...
CES 2012: Education, Innovation Key To Growth
We need great teachers. We need excited learners. We can't complain if we don't have them, if we don't invest in them.” She went on to say that a part of the solution was to make students realize that four or six more years of education after high ...
McDonnell's new plan for grading teachers coming under fire
As he makes the push for his new K-12 education plan, Governor Bob McDonnell says it's time for an overhaul of the way Virginia grades it teachers -- and decides if they should continue to be in classrooms. He's asking state lawmakers to require ...
SHSU Earns Top Recognition in Online Education
MarketWatch (press release)
4 for online graduate education programs, and No. 14 for online business programs. The university's support services include the DELTA (Distance Education and LearningTechnologies for Academics) Center, which opened in 2009 and both provides and ...
Teachers strike pushes Neshaminy aide 'over the edge'
Philadelphia Inquirer (blog)
Classes must resume by Jan. 20, the state Department of Education told both sides Wednesday. Act 88 guarantees that students get 180 days of classes, and thatteachers satisfy all or most of their 188 1/2-day contract. “I suspect they [teachers] would ...
Laurel Springs School, Pioneer in Online K-12 Education, Marks 20th Anniversary
Sacramento Bee
The school was founded in 1991 to offer personalized distance learning programs, and in 1994 was among one of the very first schools to harness the power of the internet for interactive education. Laurel Springs has now grown to include students from ...
Learning Care Group and Sprout® Celebrate Children's Kindness at Schools ...
Sacramento Bee
One highlight was on Oct. 6, when 63182 children and teachers from 803 LearningCare Group's family of schools were among the 2 million+ people across the globe to set a world record for reading the same book on a single day: "Llama, Llama Red Pajama" ...
US education secretary urges continued NCAA changes
By AP • Published Thursday, January 12th 2012 at 12:12am US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan delivers the keynote address at the 2012 NCAA Convention on Wednesday in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings) AP source: Heisman Trophy winner RG3 is ...
Cuomo's Slow Education
Wall Street Journal
The challenge is implementing reforms amid opposition from teachersunions that resist any serious accountability, let alone evaluations that include whether a teacher's students are actually learning. If Mr. Cuomo wants to help New York's ...
Wall Street Journal
Apple announces education event Jan. 19 — iTextbooks coming ...
By Tom Cheredar
Apple is sending out media invitations to an event next week where it plans to make an "education announcement", much to the dismay of many fanboys and fangirls hoping for information about the company's next generation iPad.
Apple Announces 'Education' Event for Next Week
By Kate Freeman
Oh, the suspense. Apple invited media outlets for a special event on January 19 at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City.
Education roundup | Salisbury, NC - Salisbury Post
A district-wide financial aid night will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Jan.25 at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College's North Campus in Salisbury in the Building 600teaching auditorium. It will be a great .... News Stories. Rowan misses worst of severe weather roaring through western counties · Aussie student teachers visit · The Workforce Investment Act Youth Program helps provide work experience · Cabarrus College of Health Sciences winter graduates · Education roundup ...
Local News | The Salisbury Post
John Merrow: In Education, Back to Basics
By John Merrow
Education Correspondent, PBS NewsHour; Author, 'The Influence of Teachers'. GET UPDATES FROM John ... Similar ideas were recently discussed on the Learning Matters podcast series. I remember a teacher drawing two (uncut) ... Achieving success inteaching these two 'basics' will require some changes: smaller classes in the first four or five grades, team teaching, ungraded classrooms, serious professional development, and appropriate technology. Our most qualified teachers ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
Times Higher Education - The week in higher education
Complaints of sub-standard teaching and overcrowding have led the University of Manchester to cut student numbers by more than 1000, The Sunday Times claimed. The Russell Group university, which has more than 28000 undergraduates, ...
News from THE
Teachers Unions Criticize Haslam's Education Proposals | TriCities ...
Sharp criticism is coming for Governor Bill Haslam's new plan to reform education in Tennessee. ... I feel like we have no voice,” says First grade teacher Karen Seaver, who explains that if Governor Haslam's proposal becomes law, it won't matter that she has 27 years teaching experience and a master's degree. She says her pay could then be ... But Dr. Debra Bentley with Johnson City Schools says giving districts control of pay could actually benefit teachers and students. “If they can ... - Local
Teaching - Cognitive Edge
Teaching. when_masters.gif It's not often a month goes by without one Gaping ... maths at sixth form as two separate subjects we had two very different teachers. ...
The Education Gadfly Weekly
Learning to say “No” .... Critics of these initiatives point to studies finding that padding star teachers' ... This week a judge ruled that the program was teaching Latino history and culture “in a biased, political, and emotionally charged manner .” ...
Recently merged into CIC, the Foundation for Independent Higher Education ( FIHE) was established in 1958 as the national partner for a network of state- based ...
Plan Your Free Online Education at Lifehacker U: Spring Semester ...
Your education doesn't have to stop once you get out of school—being free of ... or you're out of school and just want to keep learning and growing, there are an ...
Classroom Tech Learning, Education, PC, Mac, iPad, Bloom's ...
The Resource for Education Technology Leaders focusing on K-12 educators. Site contains a Software Reviews Database, articles from Technology & Learning ...
General Resources | ORI - The Office of Research Integrity
Open Seminar in Research Ethics. by the Land Grant University Research EthicsEducation Project. Open Seminar in Research Ethics ...
New sex education standards released
Other organizations involved with the release include the American Association of HealthEducation, the American School Health Association, the National ...
The Value of Teachers
Our faltering education system may be the most important long-term threat to ... An essential answer: more good teachers. Or, to put it another way, ...
Several states facing delays in implementing Race to the Top ...
Negotiations between New York City education officials and the United Federation ofTeachers fell apart in late December. Federal grants in jeopardy include ...
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