The Guardian
Poor teaching can blight a child's future. So we will be tough on bad teaching but fair to good teachers. • Stephen Twigg is Labour's shadow education secretary Poorteaching can turn students off. I have three daughters and a stepson aged between 10...
The Guardian
Sacking bad teachers is Michael Gove's best idea yet – Telegraph ...
By Robert Colvile
Michael Gove's suggestion that bad teachers should be easier to fire has been met by the usual hosannas and brickbats. It's the latest in a series of proposals from the Education Secretary to shake things up in schools – and arguably, it's his ...
By Robert Colvile
Michael Gove's suggestion that bad teachers should be easier to fire has been met by the usual hosannas and brickbats. It's the latest in a series of proposals from the Education Secretary to shake things up in schools – and arguably, it's his ...
Time to boot out the bad teachers | The Sun |News|Politics
Education Secretary Michael Gove's crackdown comes after official figures showed just 17 teachershave been sacked for incompetence in TEN YEARS. Mr Gove will today tell ... Last night teachingunions were furious. Chris Keates, general ...
HomePage - The Sun
Mayor Bloomberg's Promises for Education: An Annotated Scorecard
New York Times
The salaries of teachers already in the system went up by 14.25 percent. Finally, he said the city “must strengthen teacher evaluation,” a goal that eluded him. Education was given a passing mention in this address, mostly because former Schools ...
teachers offered support for climate change lessons
The Guardian
An organisation that has championed the teaching of evolution in America's schools is offering support to teachers who have come under attack for lessons on climate change. The National Centre for Science Education (NCSE), which has worked for 30 years ...
Royal Society offers ways to overhaul ICT teaching
BBC News
The Royal Society has suggested ways the government can overhaul information and communications technology (ICT) teaching in schools. It follows promises fromEducation Secretary Michael Gove to scrap the way the subject is taught currently. ...

BBC News
For Dr. King, Freedom and Education Were Intertwined
New York Times
Board of Education — and responds to the theme of the WNYC event, “In MLK's Footsteps: Education as a Civil Right.” What do you think? Share your thoughts in the query below. In 1954, when the United States Supreme Court unanimously declared in Brown ...

New York Times
Education Week boots Florida schools from top 10
“We fell the most of any state,” said Andy Ford, president of the Florida Education Association, the state teachers union. “We anticipate we're going to fall even further.” In 2009, state lawmakers cut $466 million in education funding. ...
Education Roundup: Maryland Tops Education Week Public School Rankings
U.S. News & World Report (blog)
"There is no funding for foreign language K-12 programs from the US Department of Education in an era when our nation's language capacity is so greatly in need of strengthening," Martha Abbott, executive director of the American Council on the Teaching ...
Aurora leaders start early childhood education initiative
Chicago Daily Herald
The city and the Fox Valley United Way began studying the need for more early childhoodeducation in 2008. The opening of the One Hope United Aurora Early Learning Center in September 2011 was supposed to create more opportunities for children to ...
The education revolution, yet again
“The real revolution in education is to make the curriculum so attractive, enjoyable and a reallearning experience for the students,” he pointed out. He added that being learner-centered, the K to 12 curriculum seeks to deviate from current teaching ...
Zimbabwe: Education Record Management in Shambles
GOVERNMENT may not be aware of the actual number of teachers it employs and how many it needs to fill vacant posts because the education record management system is in shambles.Education, Sport, Arts and Culture Minister David Coltart yesterday said ...
Secretary of Education talks to OSU students about importance of college
OSU - The Lantern
Duncan cited that 62 percent of new teachers feel unprepared to teach in the classroom upon graduation from an institution of higher education, a statistic that he said needs to change. "I push schools of education very, very hard," Duncan said. ...
Film Forum focuses on education, special unveiling planned
Boca Beacon
It is an initiative that changes how instruction for learning is delivered. “Project Child” has transformed classrooms in over 50 schools from Florida to Connecticut. “It's dedicated teachers that are going to make a great education happen,” Ramos said ...
Kimberly-Clark Health Care Partners with Viva Learning™ for Online Dental CE
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Learn HealthSci Inc. announced today that Kimberly-Clark Health Care will be joining the VivaLearning™ network and launching the new Kimberly-Clark Dental continuing education website utilizing the Viva e-learning™ platform. ...
Teaching unions refuse Government pension offer
Warrington Guardian
By Matthew Hobbs » The Department for Education wants to raise the retirement age and increase pension contributions from teachers. Elizabeth Purnell, secretary for Warrington NUT, said: “The Government has not offered us anything extra during the ...
Kenya: Education Ministry Should Consult Widely to Avoid Making Policy Goofs
Going by the opposition to these new directives by parents and teachers alike, it is clear that theEducation Ministry did not carry out wide consultations on these matters. These are serious matters that need careful planning and consultation before ...
Need for Knowledge-Based Economy Drives Adult Education, According to a New ...
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Even during the economic crisis, several countries have taken the decision to invest in adultlearning, realizing the significance of learning as an essential strategy for emerging from the crisis. Adult and continuing education also gains significance ...
Teachers show up for negotiations while school board keeps promise to suspend ...
Because we would have negotiated if they went back to work and our children would be in school getting their education,” he said. Health care benefits, salary levels, retroactive pay and theteachers' role in determining educational policies continue ...
Good Reads in Education: News About the State Budget, State Rankings
San Francisco Chronicle (blog)
Last week's news about Governor Brown's proposed budget (you can see In Alameda's story here) spawned lots of stories about what his plan means for education funding in the state. Locally, AUSD Board of Education member Mike McMahon wrote this succinct ...
The Supreme Court's education decision: Deja vu?
Must be campaign season. We have politicians promising quality learning and lower taxes. By Roger Valdez Last week the Washington State Supreme court (McCleary v. State) ruled that the state legislature is failing to fully fund education. ...
Iowa Senate study bill contains education reform timeline
Some initiatives, including kindergarten readiness tests and a minimum 3.0 grade-point average requirement for prospective teachers, would go into effect immediately. Others would be phased in. By July 1 &#; New teachers would be probationary employees ...
School Board President On Education Audit
West Virginia MetroNews
Linger says, once an issue gets to the State Capitol, leaders of the unions for teachers wield their considerable influence. "I'm not bashing the unions," he says. "I'm just saying I think that the balance is out of whack. I think there's just too much ...
Teach for America teachers moving into policy positions (blog)
At the very least, when those that leave teaching do, they will go on to advocate for education as they become kingmakers in other arenas. At best, corps members will become effective teachersduring their stints and will be energized by watching the ...
Arizona drops in overall education rankings, but 'achievement' on rise
East Valley Tribune
Arizona dropped in the overall state rankings in this year's Quality Counts report released Thursday from Education Week. The report gave a C-minus to Arizona, just below the national average of a C. Arizona ranked 44th out of 51 (Washington DC was ...
How does Apple fit into digital education? — Apple News, Tips and ...
By Erica Ogg
Apple is holding an event in New York next week, in which the company is planning to make "aneducation announcement." Many are connecting the event with comments Steve Jobs made to his biographer and expecting Apple to announce ...
Chester Upland School Officials, State Education Reps Meet With ...
By Mike Dougherty
Both sides will be back before a federal judge today as the Chester Upland School District seeks a court order for more state funding to stave off a financial crisis.
CBS Philly
Skepticblog » Skeptical Education through YouTube
By Brian Dunning
Skeptical Education through YouTube. by Brian Dunning, Jan 12 2012. As many of ... I've heard many times from teachers who use the series in classrooms (which is obviously encouraged and free). So far, they like the single subject nature of ...
Follow @eSummaCom
Education Secretary Michael Gove's crackdown comes after official figures showed just 17 teachershave been sacked for incompetence in TEN YEARS. Mr Gove will today tell ... Last night teachingunions were furious. Chris Keates, general ...
HomePage - The Sun
Mayor Bloomberg's Promises for Education: An Annotated Scorecard
New York Times
The salaries of teachers already in the system went up by 14.25 percent. Finally, he said the city “must strengthen teacher evaluation,” a goal that eluded him. Education was given a passing mention in this address, mostly because former Schools ...
teachers offered support for climate change lessons
The Guardian
An organisation that has championed the teaching of evolution in America's schools is offering support to teachers who have come under attack for lessons on climate change. The National Centre for Science Education (NCSE), which has worked for 30 years ...
Royal Society offers ways to overhaul ICT teaching
BBC News
The Royal Society has suggested ways the government can overhaul information and communications technology (ICT) teaching in schools. It follows promises fromEducation Secretary Michael Gove to scrap the way the subject is taught currently. ...
BBC News
For Dr. King, Freedom and Education Were Intertwined
New York Times
Board of Education — and responds to the theme of the WNYC event, “In MLK's Footsteps: Education as a Civil Right.” What do you think? Share your thoughts in the query below. In 1954, when the United States Supreme Court unanimously declared in Brown ...
New York Times
Education Week boots Florida schools from top 10
“We fell the most of any state,” said Andy Ford, president of the Florida Education Association, the state teachers union. “We anticipate we're going to fall even further.” In 2009, state lawmakers cut $466 million in education funding. ...
Education Roundup: Maryland Tops Education Week Public School Rankings
U.S. News & World Report (blog)
"There is no funding for foreign language K-12 programs from the US Department of Education in an era when our nation's language capacity is so greatly in need of strengthening," Martha Abbott, executive director of the American Council on the Teaching ...
Aurora leaders start early childhood education initiative
Chicago Daily Herald
The city and the Fox Valley United Way began studying the need for more early childhoodeducation in 2008. The opening of the One Hope United Aurora Early Learning Center in September 2011 was supposed to create more opportunities for children to ...
The education revolution, yet again
“The real revolution in education is to make the curriculum so attractive, enjoyable and a reallearning experience for the students,” he pointed out. He added that being learner-centered, the K to 12 curriculum seeks to deviate from current teaching ...
Zimbabwe: Education Record Management in Shambles
GOVERNMENT may not be aware of the actual number of teachers it employs and how many it needs to fill vacant posts because the education record management system is in shambles.Education, Sport, Arts and Culture Minister David Coltart yesterday said ...
Secretary of Education talks to OSU students about importance of college
OSU - The Lantern
Duncan cited that 62 percent of new teachers feel unprepared to teach in the classroom upon graduation from an institution of higher education, a statistic that he said needs to change. "I push schools of education very, very hard," Duncan said. ...
Film Forum focuses on education, special unveiling planned
Boca Beacon
It is an initiative that changes how instruction for learning is delivered. “Project Child” has transformed classrooms in over 50 schools from Florida to Connecticut. “It's dedicated teachers that are going to make a great education happen,” Ramos said ...
Kimberly-Clark Health Care Partners with Viva Learning™ for Online Dental CE
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Learn HealthSci Inc. announced today that Kimberly-Clark Health Care will be joining the VivaLearning™ network and launching the new Kimberly-Clark Dental continuing education website utilizing the Viva e-learning™ platform. ...
Teaching unions refuse Government pension offer
Warrington Guardian
By Matthew Hobbs » The Department for Education wants to raise the retirement age and increase pension contributions from teachers. Elizabeth Purnell, secretary for Warrington NUT, said: “The Government has not offered us anything extra during the ...
Kenya: Education Ministry Should Consult Widely to Avoid Making Policy Goofs
Going by the opposition to these new directives by parents and teachers alike, it is clear that theEducation Ministry did not carry out wide consultations on these matters. These are serious matters that need careful planning and consultation before ...
Need for Knowledge-Based Economy Drives Adult Education, According to a New ...
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Even during the economic crisis, several countries have taken the decision to invest in adultlearning, realizing the significance of learning as an essential strategy for emerging from the crisis. Adult and continuing education also gains significance ...
Teachers show up for negotiations while school board keeps promise to suspend ...
Because we would have negotiated if they went back to work and our children would be in school getting their education,” he said. Health care benefits, salary levels, retroactive pay and theteachers' role in determining educational policies continue ...
Good Reads in Education: News About the State Budget, State Rankings
San Francisco Chronicle (blog)
Last week's news about Governor Brown's proposed budget (you can see In Alameda's story here) spawned lots of stories about what his plan means for education funding in the state. Locally, AUSD Board of Education member Mike McMahon wrote this succinct ...
The Supreme Court's education decision: Deja vu?
Must be campaign season. We have politicians promising quality learning and lower taxes. By Roger Valdez Last week the Washington State Supreme court (McCleary v. State) ruled that the state legislature is failing to fully fund education. ...
Iowa Senate study bill contains education reform timeline
Some initiatives, including kindergarten readiness tests and a minimum 3.0 grade-point average requirement for prospective teachers, would go into effect immediately. Others would be phased in. By July 1 &#; New teachers would be probationary employees ...
School Board President On Education Audit
West Virginia MetroNews
Linger says, once an issue gets to the State Capitol, leaders of the unions for teachers wield their considerable influence. "I'm not bashing the unions," he says. "I'm just saying I think that the balance is out of whack. I think there's just too much ...
Teach for America teachers moving into policy positions (blog)
At the very least, when those that leave teaching do, they will go on to advocate for education as they become kingmakers in other arenas. At best, corps members will become effective teachersduring their stints and will be energized by watching the ...
Arizona drops in overall education rankings, but 'achievement' on rise
East Valley Tribune
Arizona dropped in the overall state rankings in this year's Quality Counts report released Thursday from Education Week. The report gave a C-minus to Arizona, just below the national average of a C. Arizona ranked 44th out of 51 (Washington DC was ...
How does Apple fit into digital education? — Apple News, Tips and ...
By Erica Ogg
Apple is holding an event in New York next week, in which the company is planning to make "aneducation announcement." Many are connecting the event with comments Steve Jobs made to his biographer and expecting Apple to announce ...
Teaching Dickens With The New York Times - The Learning ...
Type the adjective “Dickensian” into the Times search field and you'll see that it has been used to describe everything from the life of a 1930's child star to shades of nail polish to Newt Gingrich's thoughts on education reform. According to this Times Opinion piece it is defined as “reminiscent ....Pages for teachers and students that are part of the Dickens 2012 site, including competitions, lessons, video commentary on Dickens, and more. PBS Masterpiece Theater | Teaching Dickens ...
The Learning Network
Type the adjective “Dickensian” into the Times search field and you'll see that it has been used to describe everything from the life of a 1930's child star to shades of nail polish to Newt Gingrich's thoughts on education reform. According to this Times Opinion piece it is defined as “reminiscent ....Pages for teachers and students that are part of the Dickens 2012 site, including competitions, lessons, video commentary on Dickens, and more. PBS Masterpiece Theater | Teaching Dickens ...
The Learning Network
Judging Teachers (Yet Again) | educating alice
By medinger
That is the question that three economists asked in a study, “The Long-term Impact of Teachers: Teacher Valued-Added and Student Outcomes in Adulthood.” A study that got quiet a bit of media attention, but made me simply sigh because yet ...
educating alice
By medinger
That is the question that three economists asked in a study, “The Long-term Impact of Teachers: Teacher Valued-Added and Student Outcomes in Adulthood.” A study that got quiet a bit of media attention, but made me simply sigh because yet ...
educating alice
Chester Upland School Officials, State Education Reps Meet With ...
By Mike Dougherty
Both sides will be back before a federal judge today as the Chester Upland School District seeks a court order for more state funding to stave off a financial crisis.
CBS Philly
Skepticblog » Skeptical Education through YouTube
By Brian Dunning
Skeptical Education through YouTube. by Brian Dunning, Jan 12 2012. As many of ... I've heard many times from teachers who use the series in classrooms (which is obviously encouraged and free). So far, they like the single subject nature of ...
Follow @eSummaCom
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