Finland Schools' Success Story: Lessons Shared At California Forum
By The Huffington Post News Editors
... winner of top results in a global ranking of national school systems. That's why academics,teachers and government officials gathered at Stanford University last week to talk about what makes the Scandinavian country's schools so good. ... And what lessons might Americans have learned at the Empowerment Through Learning in a Global World Conference, a gathering organized by Stanford and the Finnish Consulate? That the Finns emphasize equality, collaboration and a ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
By The Huffington Post News Editors
... winner of top results in a global ranking of national school systems. That's why academics,teachers and government officials gathered at Stanford University last week to talk about what makes the Scandinavian country's schools so good. ... And what lessons might Americans have learned at the Empowerment Through Learning in a Global World Conference, a gathering organized by Stanford and the Finnish Consulate? That the Finns emphasize equality, collaboration and a ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
Washington Post
HARARE, Zimbabwe — More teachers in Zimbabwe on Tuesday joined a national strike in which government workers are seeking to double their salaries. Their action on the strike's second day, and the absence of more staff from government offices, ...
District, Teachers' Union Need to Get Serious on Evaluation Agreement
Buffalo Rising
Beyond all of the deadlines and policy disputes surrounding this issue lies a fundamental truth, one of the best ways to improve our education system is to ensure all students have access to effectiveteachers. A stronger evaluation system goes a long ...
SMALLab Learning Launches K-12 Flow Embodied Learning Environment and the ...
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
To celebrate the launch of Flow, the company is sponsoring a national design contest for K-12teachers. SMALLab Learning CEO David Birchfield explains, "We are committed to fostering innovation by directly engaging K-12 teachers and embracing their ...
Schools of Education: The Academic Slums
FrontPage Magazine
This kind of harebrained thinking, coupled with multicultural nonsense, explains today's education. During his teacher education, Sand says, “teachers-to-be were forced to learn about this ethnic group, that impoverished group, this sexually anomalous ...
Lumesse launches 'Lumesse Learning' at the Learning Technologies exhibition
The launch of Lumesse Learning, which follows the October 2011 acquisition of SaaS based e-learning experts Edvantage Group, will offer organisations a faster, more effective way to deliver formal, informal, social and mobile learning opportunities to ...
Education Technology: As Some Schools Plunge In, Poor Schools Are Left Behind
Huffington Post
In September, the Chicago Quest Charter School opened its doors on the Near North Side with a collaborative learning curriculum that encourages middle school students to embrace the wired world by building video games and websites.
How Teachers can be Both Undervalued and Overpaid
And I am impressed on a daily basis with the phenomenal teaching that my children receive. Many of those in the teaching profession feel that they are under-valued by society. And given some of the recent political rhetoric, their beliefs are not ...
National Education Report Card Ranks Massachusetts First, West Virginia Last
Sacramento Bee
The second metric ranks states from A to F based on education reform policies including academic standards, school choice programs, charter schools, online learning, and that state's ability to hire good teachers and fire bad ones.
DeMorning Links: Good teachers in bad schools
Washington Post (blog)
No, Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson told lawmakers Monday, but she's backing Chairman Kwame R. Brown's teacher retention program anyway — especially now that Brown (D) removed a provision that would have exempted certain “highly effective” teachers ...
Education campaigner wants to expel climate denial
New Scientist
Teachers don't want to fight with parents, and it is easy for them to think that it's just too much trouble to teach about climate change. That short-changes the education of the kids. Have there been legislative attempts to influence teaching about ...
MA Teachers Union sues over question
The Massachusetts Teachers Association is upset over a ballot question that could change the wayteachers get evaluated. The union goes as far as to call the question, "unconstitutional."
Education Expected to Take Turn in State of the Union Spotlight
Education Week News (blog)
By Alyson Klein on January 24, 2012 8:45 AM Education is one of four areas President Obama will focus on during his State of the Union address tonight night, according to this Associated Press story. The big question is: What will he say?
Schools should pick best teachers, not vice versa
San Francisco Chronicle
That's not the way Oakland Education Association President Betty Olson-Jones sees it. Olson-Jones said it's important for senior teachers to be able to choose their school sites. Because each school is responsible for its own budget, situations could ...
Education commission, group embark on peace program
THE Commission on Higher Education-Regional Office (Ched) and Forum Civil Peace Service (forumZFD) in the Philippines will partner in intensifying the integration of peace education in teachereducation in colleges and universities in the region.
Digital Learning Bill Passes Senate Education Committee
Senate Education Chairman Robert H. Plymale (D-Wayne) announced today that the SenateEducation Committee passed Senate Bill 103 which addresses the ten elements of high quality digital learning. The committee passed this bill out with the ...
Guest columnist: Teacher plan would create a 'terrible waste' of potential ...
Terry Branstad released recommendations for the reform of Iowa's schools, in part by putting greatteachers in every classroom. One suggested step in this direction is the legislation of higher admission standards for Iowa's teacher education programs. Time to Reboot Learning
One would expect a book by the CEO of a for-profit university to mount a vigorous defense of the much-maligned for-profit higher education sector. But what one might not expect is that the same book would do so in a thoughtful, well-researched manner...
Canadian schools falling behind in online learning, report says
Globe and Mail
In 2010-11, BC had the most students, about 88000, participating in distanceeducation, which accounts for 13.5 per cent of the student population. A unique funding model for education in that province facilitates online programs, and the BCTeachers ...
Globe and Mail
RTM Approves Teachers Contract
Lois Schneider, chairman of the RTM Education Committee, briefly mentioned that members of her committee wanted to support the town's teachers, but she emphasized features of the contract that would save the town money, including the adding of smaller ...
Sopris Learning Launches eSolution: Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension
Sacramento Bee
eSolution provides a motivating, digital approach to learning and combines fluency practice with vocabulary and comprehension strategies to create powerful instruction in the foundational skills essential for successful reading development.
Teaching resource: Welcome to nanoscience - interdisciplinary environmental ...
Nanowerk LLC
... Department of Geosciences, Virginia Tech Dr. George E. Glasson, Department of Teaching andLearning, Virginia Tech Dr. Julie R. Grady, Department of Education Leadership, Curriculum & Special Education, Arkansas State University Dr. Tracy L. Bank, ...
New Teachers Union Ad Takes Aim at Bloomberg
New York Times
Cathie Black. Fudged education test scores. Closing schools. Parents shut out of the process. And just last month, Bloomberg said in a perfect world he'd cut the number of teachers in half, doubling class size. Mayor Bloomberg, let's be honest: If you ...
Teachers unions accuse Gov. Bobby Jindal of misleading and inflammatory rhetoric
By Jeff Adelson, The Times-Picayune BATON ROUGE -- Two teachers unions fired back at Gov. Bobby Jindal on Monday, taking aim at his proposed education overhaul and accusing him of using misleading and inflammatory rhetoric to attack educators.
CompassLearning Predicts Key K-12 Education Sector Trends for 2012
MarketWatch (press release)
"K-12 education is shifting from classroom-centered to student-centered learning models, whereteachers organize instruction around the needs, motivations, and strengths of each student rather than the whole class. Students will increasingly direct ...
Exclusive: Education's ultimate test
The News-Press
“There are some people who say, 'Are they really learning what we're teaching them or are they just getting ready for the test?'” A sample 10th-grade math exam, for example, asks students to calculate how much money an electrician earns per hour if the ...
Juan Williams Skewers Chicago Teachers Union in New Film - Big ...
By Kyle Olson
But the education establishment, led by the radical Chicago Teachers Union, is not willing to give an inch to allow better choices for underserved students. And the union still has enough money, ... Juan has a few chips on his shoulder he still needs to have removed (as evidenced by the recent silliness with Newt), but we may be witnessing the conversion of a generally honest man, who is learning that integrity and media leftism are immiscible. 98ZJUSMC - January 24th, 2012 at 4: 43 ...
Big Government
Nanowerk LLC
... Department of Geosciences, Virginia Tech Dr. George E. Glasson, Department of Teaching andLearning, Virginia Tech Dr. Julie R. Grady, Department of Education Leadership, Curriculum & Special Education, Arkansas State University Dr. Tracy L. Bank, ...
New Teachers Union Ad Takes Aim at Bloomberg
New York Times
Cathie Black. Fudged education test scores. Closing schools. Parents shut out of the process. And just last month, Bloomberg said in a perfect world he'd cut the number of teachers in half, doubling class size. Mayor Bloomberg, let's be honest: If you ...
Teachers unions accuse Gov. Bobby Jindal of misleading and inflammatory rhetoric
By Jeff Adelson, The Times-Picayune BATON ROUGE -- Two teachers unions fired back at Gov. Bobby Jindal on Monday, taking aim at his proposed education overhaul and accusing him of using misleading and inflammatory rhetoric to attack educators.
CompassLearning Predicts Key K-12 Education Sector Trends for 2012
MarketWatch (press release)
"K-12 education is shifting from classroom-centered to student-centered learning models, whereteachers organize instruction around the needs, motivations, and strengths of each student rather than the whole class. Students will increasingly direct ...
Exclusive: Education's ultimate test
The News-Press
“There are some people who say, 'Are they really learning what we're teaching them or are they just getting ready for the test?'” A sample 10th-grade math exam, for example, asks students to calculate how much money an electrician earns per hour if the ...
Juan Williams Skewers Chicago Teachers Union in New Film - Big ...
By Kyle Olson
But the education establishment, led by the radical Chicago Teachers Union, is not willing to give an inch to allow better choices for underserved students. And the union still has enough money, ... Juan has a few chips on his shoulder he still needs to have removed (as evidenced by the recent silliness with Newt), but we may be witnessing the conversion of a generally honest man, who is learning that integrity and media leftism are immiscible. 98ZJUSMC - January 24th, 2012 at 4: 43 ...
Big Government
Applications for 2012-2013 Teaching Ambassador Fellowship Now ...
I have come to rely on the Teaching Ambassador Fellows for their invaluable feedback and their ability to facilitate dialogue with teachers across the country.” – Secretary Arne Duncan. Applications for the U.S. Department of Education's fifth ...
News | U.S. Department of Education
Lifelong Learning: Times Ideas and Resources for Keeping Your ...
A much-e-mailed article in the most recent issue of Education Life looks at research on why and how challenging the brain — whether via reading, getting a college degree, attending lectures, writing or doing puzzles — can keep one's mind .... Your Style? in which students assess their learning styles using Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, consider teaching strategies for differentlearning styles and create study aids for course content tailored to different intelligences.
The Learning Network
Can Apple “Rescue” US Education? | The Big Picture
By Barry Ritholtz
Mayer and Moreno have studied the phenomenon of cognitive load in multimedia learning extensively and have concluded that it is difficult, and possibly impossible to learn new information while engaging in multitasking. Junco and Cotten examined how multitasking .... Keep in mind, I was bi-lingual: from my high school teaching classroom (English/business) I provided TECH support on both Apple/WinTel to teachers/admin. #1 reason TECH failed (generally speaking) in K-12 ...
The Big Picture
PEAPS seeks education reform
By Celina Westervelt
The group held their first meeting Sunday, looking to recruit parents, teachers and business owners, even students anyone who's fed up with public education in the state. They just launched a website and Facebook page . The group is also ...
KRQE News 13 - Top Stories
By Celina Westervelt
The group held their first meeting Sunday, looking to recruit parents, teachers and business owners, even students anyone who's fed up with public education in the state. They just launched a website and Facebook page . The group is also ...
KRQE News 13 - Top Stories
Robert Greenwald: Are the Koch brothers teaching you? [VIDEO}
By Robert Greenwald
Rick Scott are slashing spending on education, colleges and universities are virtually forced into restrictive and ideological funding agreements with questionable sources to meet students' demands. Instead, they're meeting the Koch brothers ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
Learning a language (1)
By Jay Cross
Few teachers had ever visited China and knew little of Chinese culture. Chinese Pod's approach was to focus on providing something useful; the alternatives were merely academic. Personally, I think I'm immune to learning languages in a ...
Internet Time Blog
NEA Program Provides Strategies for Teaching English Language ...
By Rebeca Logan
The National Education Association online news and information resource. Home · About · Top Stories · Article by Topic · Academics · Census 2010 ... He immigrated as a child from Mexico, and despite the fact that he loved learning math, he felt like he didn't belong in school. “I was in a new classroom setting, new teachers, new language, new peers, everything was new, therefore I felt like I wasn't in the right place.” Jonalene Ly, a 1st grade teacher at Kit Carson Elementary School in ...
NEA Today
DLD 2012: Atari Founder Details New Education Initiative ...
By Zach Walton
He went on to say that the traditional system is not up to date on the kind of learning processes that are needed to keep students engaged. At this point, he says that the education ... Teachers can not handle the difficult levels of students, but computers can. He says that through using software that mimics the structures of computer games, initiatives like Speed to Learn can speed up the educationprocess and help individual students reach their potential. “Matching difficulty with ability ...
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