By Kimberly Hefling AP Education Writer / January 25, 2012 WASHINGTON—America's public school teachers are seeing their generations-old tenure protections weakened as states seek flexibility to fire teachers who aren't performing.
Learning on Speed - Joshua Gans - Harvard Business Review
By Joshua Gans
That is the promise of online or digital learning: allowing teachers' time to become divisible rather than a block. There are people out there, for the most part far removed from traditional education, who are experimenting and working out how to ...
Using Test Scores to Evaluate Teachers Is Based on the Wrong Values
New York Times
Numerical evaluations of educators, 40 percent of which is based on student test scores and achievement, will damage the relationship between teachers and students, a relationship at the heart of student success. It will accelerate teaching to tests ...
Obama Praises Teachers and Calls for Mandatory Attendance
New York Times
The president also called for an end to teaching to the test — something thatteachers' unions say is the inevitable result of teacher evaluation systems that place a heavy emphasis on students' improvement on standardized tests.

New York Times
Higher education: Students forced to play numbers game
Financial Times
In a country where only 15 per cent make it to college, good quality higher education is a luxury reserved for the brilliant and affluent. Many top universities are funded by the government, but observers say India has only recently begun to focus on ...
Governor throws deep on education
Shreveport Times
Teachers' representatives will argue that tenure is not the problem with education, but, given how little consideration has been given its near sacred-cow status over the years, it is a system that bears greater scrutiny and some modification.
Increased Illinois higher education funding goes to pensions
FOX Illinois
He highlighted shifting costs of elementary school teachers' pensions to their local districts, a move that also could be applied to the collegiate retirement system. Cost shifting could push student tuition even higher. To cover the extra burden of ...
Atleo hopeful on education funding, Dewar wins high-profile backing
Globe and Mail
Despite dire warnings of deep cuts to government spending, Assembly of First Nations Shawn Chief Atleo believes the Harper Conservatives will provide funds for first nationseducation in the spring budget. “I would expect to look forward to the budget ...

Globe and Mail
Education Management evaluates job cuts at online unit
By A. Ananthalakshmi Jan 25 (Reuters) - US for-profit education company Education Management Corp is evaluating options at its online operations, including job cuts, due to a weak economy and changing regulations, a company spokeswoman told Reuters.
Teaching autistic kids to talk can help
Times of India
It is also suggested that children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) could, for example, benefit from verbal learning of their daily schedule at school rather than using visual timetables, as is currently a common approach. "Most people will 'think ...
Montgomery Primary School teachers strike over academy plan
BBC News
Education Secretary Michael Gove said academy status would improve standards at some of the poorest schools. Teachers at the school also took industrial action in December. A 300-name petition of parents against the proposal was handed in on Monday.

BBC News
POLL: The SWEET 16 Teaching Expectations
Sumter Item
Connections are presented within and across content areas by the teacher and students. The teacher maintains a well-managed learning environment that fosters equity, diversity and fairness. The teachers formally and informally assess students' level of ...
Liberal arts education lends an edge in down economy
The study is based on surveys of 925 graduates who as college seniors had taken the CollegiateLearning Assessment, a standardized test that aims to measure student learning. In addition to showing greater success financially, high-scorers were more ...
Seattle teachers on furlough day protest against budget cuts
The Seattle Times
Dozens of teachers turned out at six events across Seattle to show that education cuts are hurtingeducation. By Brian M. Rosenthal Parents such as Amy Stevenson, of Fremont, and her sons, Liam, front, and Lochlan, right, march alongside teachers.
What makes Finnish teachers special?
Universitas Helsingiensis
As far back as in the 19th century, Uno Cygnaeus, the “father of primary education” in Finland said that the best kind of class was one where the pupils spoke more than the teacher. Finnish educators also subscribe to John Dewey's idea of “learning by ...

Universitas Helsingiensis
House passes legislation on education collaboratives
MetroWest Daily News
By Anonymous The House of Representatives passed legislation on Tuesday that will improve the governance, financial accountability, and state and local oversight of regional education collaboratives, according to State Rep. Alice Peisch, D-Wellesley, ...
Inspector General's office interviewing teachers in PSSA-test cheating probe ...
Philadelphia Inquirer
By Martha Woodall The Pennsylvania Inspector General's Office is assisting the state Department ofEducation with its probe of allegations of cheating on 2009 state exams. Agents arrived in Philadelphia this week to begin interviewing teachers at the ...
Private education victim of rising costs
The benefit of being largely self-funding is that private schools can set their own fees and teaching conditions and do not have to follow the national curriculum. In Christchurch, the added freedom means private schools can start re-building damaged...
Robert Sillars elected as Guernsey Education Minister
BBC News
Deputy Robert Sillars has been elected as Guernsey's Education Minister after the resignation of Deputy Carol Steere. Deputy Sillars secured 26 votes, while the other candidates Deputy Allister Langlois and Deputy Jenny Tasker, received 13 and six ...

BBC News
Governor Deval Patrick's budget would cut 400 executive branch positions ...
Boston Globe
By Noah Bierman Governor Deval Patrick is releasing an annual $32.3 billion spending plan this morning that would eliminate 400 positions in the executive branch, boost K-12 education spending, and close the Bay State Correctional Center in Norfolk.
Someone will choose your child's education; why not you?
Baltimore Sun
At that point, I gave up on teaching high school, instead becoming a college professor. Two friends who wanted to teach got identical advice from education professors, with tragic results: They became attorneys. I don't think the school system missed ...
Jeanne Allen: Economic Prosperity Starts With a Renewal of Our Education Promise
Sacramento Bee
He spoke of rewarding great teachers, but again shied away from demanding that ineffectiveteachers be quickly removed from our schools. He spoke of other countries doubling down oneducation but again equated that with greater financial investment ...
Sales tax hike for education faces uphill battle
Waynesville Smoky Mountain News
Teachers also have less help dealing with at-risk students, with students who can't speak English and with special needs students — which takes time away from teaching the rest of the class. Schools can brace for more cuts this coming year when a ...
Teachers Union Bashes Bloomberg in TV Ad
Wall Street Journal (blog)
By Lisa Fleisher In the fight to define Mayor Michael Bloomberg's legacy, the teachers union is pitching him to New Yorkers as the education mayor — who failed. The United Federation ofTeachers launched a television ad Tuesday that slams the mayor's ...
2012 State of the Union analysis: Obama on education
Washington Post (blog)
He sounded familiar themes in education reform, saying that great teachers should be rewarded and weak teachers removed. He challenged every state to keep students in school until they either graduate from high school or turn 18 — an attempt to reduce ...
Sara Ferguson: I Represented All Teachers
By Sara Ferguson
More in Education... American Public School Teacher Tenure Rights Weakening... Pennsylvania Bishop Joseph McFadden: Totalitarians, Hitler And... Sara Ferguson, Pennsylvania Teacher, To Sit With... Teaching With Tablets: For Young Readers, It's... Comments; 0; Pending Comments; 0; View FAQ .... Tucson School Walk Outs Grow: Protest School District's Folly and Mexican American Studies Banishment. Like. 396. Learning From Finland's Classrooms. Like. 44. Powered by ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
By Joshua Gans
That is the promise of online or digital learning: allowing teachers' time to become divisible rather than a block. There are people out there, for the most part far removed from traditional education, who are experimenting and working out how to ...
Using Test Scores to Evaluate Teachers Is Based on the Wrong Values
New York Times
Numerical evaluations of educators, 40 percent of which is based on student test scores and achievement, will damage the relationship between teachers and students, a relationship at the heart of student success. It will accelerate teaching to tests ...
Obama Praises Teachers and Calls for Mandatory Attendance
New York Times
The president also called for an end to teaching to the test — something thatteachers' unions say is the inevitable result of teacher evaluation systems that place a heavy emphasis on students' improvement on standardized tests.
New York Times
Higher education: Students forced to play numbers game
Financial Times
In a country where only 15 per cent make it to college, good quality higher education is a luxury reserved for the brilliant and affluent. Many top universities are funded by the government, but observers say India has only recently begun to focus on ...
Governor throws deep on education
Shreveport Times
Teachers' representatives will argue that tenure is not the problem with education, but, given how little consideration has been given its near sacred-cow status over the years, it is a system that bears greater scrutiny and some modification.
Increased Illinois higher education funding goes to pensions
FOX Illinois
He highlighted shifting costs of elementary school teachers' pensions to their local districts, a move that also could be applied to the collegiate retirement system. Cost shifting could push student tuition even higher. To cover the extra burden of ...
Atleo hopeful on education funding, Dewar wins high-profile backing
Globe and Mail
Despite dire warnings of deep cuts to government spending, Assembly of First Nations Shawn Chief Atleo believes the Harper Conservatives will provide funds for first nationseducation in the spring budget. “I would expect to look forward to the budget ...
Globe and Mail
Education Management evaluates job cuts at online unit
By A. Ananthalakshmi Jan 25 (Reuters) - US for-profit education company Education Management Corp is evaluating options at its online operations, including job cuts, due to a weak economy and changing regulations, a company spokeswoman told Reuters.
Teaching autistic kids to talk can help
Times of India
It is also suggested that children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) could, for example, benefit from verbal learning of their daily schedule at school rather than using visual timetables, as is currently a common approach. "Most people will 'think ...
Montgomery Primary School teachers strike over academy plan
BBC News
Education Secretary Michael Gove said academy status would improve standards at some of the poorest schools. Teachers at the school also took industrial action in December. A 300-name petition of parents against the proposal was handed in on Monday.
BBC News
POLL: The SWEET 16 Teaching Expectations
Sumter Item
Connections are presented within and across content areas by the teacher and students. The teacher maintains a well-managed learning environment that fosters equity, diversity and fairness. The teachers formally and informally assess students' level of ...
Liberal arts education lends an edge in down economy
The study is based on surveys of 925 graduates who as college seniors had taken the CollegiateLearning Assessment, a standardized test that aims to measure student learning. In addition to showing greater success financially, high-scorers were more ...
Seattle teachers on furlough day protest against budget cuts
The Seattle Times
Dozens of teachers turned out at six events across Seattle to show that education cuts are hurtingeducation. By Brian M. Rosenthal Parents such as Amy Stevenson, of Fremont, and her sons, Liam, front, and Lochlan, right, march alongside teachers.
What makes Finnish teachers special?
Universitas Helsingiensis
As far back as in the 19th century, Uno Cygnaeus, the “father of primary education” in Finland said that the best kind of class was one where the pupils spoke more than the teacher. Finnish educators also subscribe to John Dewey's idea of “learning by ...
Universitas Helsingiensis
House passes legislation on education collaboratives
MetroWest Daily News
By Anonymous The House of Representatives passed legislation on Tuesday that will improve the governance, financial accountability, and state and local oversight of regional education collaboratives, according to State Rep. Alice Peisch, D-Wellesley, ...
Inspector General's office interviewing teachers in PSSA-test cheating probe ...
Philadelphia Inquirer
By Martha Woodall The Pennsylvania Inspector General's Office is assisting the state Department ofEducation with its probe of allegations of cheating on 2009 state exams. Agents arrived in Philadelphia this week to begin interviewing teachers at the ...
Private education victim of rising costs
The benefit of being largely self-funding is that private schools can set their own fees and teaching conditions and do not have to follow the national curriculum. In Christchurch, the added freedom means private schools can start re-building damaged...
Robert Sillars elected as Guernsey Education Minister
BBC News
Deputy Robert Sillars has been elected as Guernsey's Education Minister after the resignation of Deputy Carol Steere. Deputy Sillars secured 26 votes, while the other candidates Deputy Allister Langlois and Deputy Jenny Tasker, received 13 and six ...
BBC News
Governor Deval Patrick's budget would cut 400 executive branch positions ...
Boston Globe
By Noah Bierman Governor Deval Patrick is releasing an annual $32.3 billion spending plan this morning that would eliminate 400 positions in the executive branch, boost K-12 education spending, and close the Bay State Correctional Center in Norfolk.
Someone will choose your child's education; why not you?
Baltimore Sun
At that point, I gave up on teaching high school, instead becoming a college professor. Two friends who wanted to teach got identical advice from education professors, with tragic results: They became attorneys. I don't think the school system missed ...
Jeanne Allen: Economic Prosperity Starts With a Renewal of Our Education Promise
Sacramento Bee
He spoke of rewarding great teachers, but again shied away from demanding that ineffectiveteachers be quickly removed from our schools. He spoke of other countries doubling down oneducation but again equated that with greater financial investment ...
Sales tax hike for education faces uphill battle
Waynesville Smoky Mountain News
Teachers also have less help dealing with at-risk students, with students who can't speak English and with special needs students — which takes time away from teaching the rest of the class. Schools can brace for more cuts this coming year when a ...
Teachers Union Bashes Bloomberg in TV Ad
Wall Street Journal (blog)
By Lisa Fleisher In the fight to define Mayor Michael Bloomberg's legacy, the teachers union is pitching him to New Yorkers as the education mayor — who failed. The United Federation ofTeachers launched a television ad Tuesday that slams the mayor's ...
2012 State of the Union analysis: Obama on education
Washington Post (blog)
He sounded familiar themes in education reform, saying that great teachers should be rewarded and weak teachers removed. He challenged every state to keep students in school until they either graduate from high school or turn 18 — an attempt to reduce ...
Sara Ferguson: I Represented All Teachers
By Sara Ferguson
More in Education... American Public School Teacher Tenure Rights Weakening... Pennsylvania Bishop Joseph McFadden: Totalitarians, Hitler And... Sara Ferguson, Pennsylvania Teacher, To Sit With... Teaching With Tablets: For Young Readers, It's... Comments; 0; Pending Comments; 0; View FAQ .... Tucson School Walk Outs Grow: Protest School District's Folly and Mexican American Studies Banishment. Like. 396. Learning From Finland's Classrooms. Like. 44. Powered by ...
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
Kirk Cheyfitz: Teaching With Tablets: For Young Readers, It's ...
By Kirk Cheyfitz
Furry Fliers of the Night) and someone who's written on this topic before, I believe the questions Milone raises point to the central challenge of using tablets as teachers: How do you use interactivity to deepen the experience of reading when it now is mostly employed to insert cartoons and other ...Milone's study (download it here) was sponsored by Renaissance Learning, a national educationcompany that provides computerized learning assessment tools to some 70000 schools.
The Full Feed from
Obama Wants Lower College Costs, Higher Dropout Age - Politics K ...
By Alyson Klein
He said only: "For less than 1 percent of what our nation spends on education each year, we've convinced nearly every state in the country to raise their standards for teaching and learning—the first time that's happened in a generation." ... It would seek to: reform colleges of education and make these schools more selective; create new career ladders for teachers to become more effective, and ensure that earnings are tied more closely to performance; and, establish more leadership ...
Politics K-12 - Education Week
Laudator Temporis Acti: Education
By Michael Gilleland
He used to declare education to be an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity. Teacherswho educated children deserved, he said, more honour than parents who merely gave them birth; for bare life is furnished by the one, the other ...
Laudator Temporis Acti
Revealed: Michigan Union Manual Instructs Teachers on How TO USE CHILDREN AS ‘PROPAGANDA’..
By Becket Adams
I taught in 6 schools in 13 years in teaching. Only two of the ... After 6 months in TX…students still behave the same…just a little more aware of adults and their language…but least I got my wife to finally let me have guns in the house… finally…and she is on board with learning how to use them…sweet. Report Post .... won't happen, teacher's unions would go crazy!!! teachers do wha ever they please and hide behind their union…as our education system falls apart. Report Post ... - Stories
Thoughts on Education Reform, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of ...
By Arnold Kling
But in the end, it feels to me somewhat like bolting technology onto an older model of learning rather than trying to imagine something really revolutionary. My ideal would be AI software that watches you do a ... Solow gave us a good definition of technology, and it may still be that pedagogy trumps analytical tools, but as decentralized as the analytical tools make education, the fundamentals will be taught by a few master teachers. Khan is just one of the first. We'll soon see more.
EconLog: Library of Economics...
What's Your Response to Obama's Third State of the Union Address ...
The Learning Network - Teaching and Learning With The New York Times ..... January 24, 2012 11:47 pm Link. I was concerned with his proposed policy about education reform, specifically about his plan to cut funding for universities that do not work to lower tuition costs. This, I am wondering, would inevitably raise tuition because universities would .... Teachers can use or adapt our lessons across subject areas and levels. Students can respond to our Opinion questions, take our ...
The Learning Network
SOTU: Nothing new on education « The Enterprise Blog
By Frederick M. Hess
Which made it intriguing that the State of the Union devoted seven minutes to education but offered no notable ideas or initiatives. Obama offered banalities about teachers having to work “tirelessly, with modest pay,” and vaguely called for ...
The Enterprise Blog
Barack Obama | Good Teachers | 10 Cents | The Daily Caller
By David Martosko
“At a time when other countries are doubling down on education, tight budgets have forced states to lay off thousands of teachers,” Obama said Tuesday night. “We know a good teacher can increase the lifetime income of a classroom by over ...
The Daily Caller
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