Webcam Proctors Watch Students in Online Courses | MIT Technology Review: "More than 200 colleges and technical schools have hired ProctorU to administer tests that students can take at the same computers where they took their MOOCs—though ProctorU also oversees tests for traditional classes. “Almost every class now has an online component to it,” says Don Kassner, ProctorU’s CEO. “And some of these schools are realizing the logistics of scheduling 350 students into a class for a final exam is difficult.”"
Online learning in PakistanThe Express Tribune
It is high time our institutions engage, encourage their best teachers to create content in Urdu, regional languages. By Muhammad ... The Khan Academy provides free, easy to understand 'micro-tutorials' to anyone in diverse topics, ranging from ...
Investment in digital learning centerpiece of new school budgetGreenwich Post
This would be done through a concerted effort into one-on-one learning with digital devices for all students and teachers. The investment would include the devices, software and applications as well as professional learning and two full-time positions ...
Charter school enrollment largely grows in
This system is well-understood in Florida, where Governor Rick Scott commissioned the Board of Education to come up with a plan to grow the charter school enrollment by 60% in the next six years. Even on a local focus, ... The reality is that students ...
Education Technology, Digital Learning Not As Easy As It Seems: Alliance For ...Huffington Post
A report from the Alliance for Excellent Education identifies four key challenges that public schooldistrict leaders must address in the next two years in order to successfully bring digital learningand education technology into K-12 classrooms. The ...
2U One-Ups MOOCs, Coursera, Now Offers Online Undergrad Courses From ...TechCrunch
MOOCs have been pegged by some as representing the future of the educational system, democratizing education, bringing quality learning content to people of any age, in any corner of the world for a small fee — if not for free. ... and is the first ...
College credit for online courses gains momentumPhys.Org
The American Council on Education, a nonprofit organization that represents most of the nation's college and university presidents, is preparing to weigh in on massive open online courses - MOOCs, for short - a new way of teaching and learning that has ...
Ferndale Residents Discuss Crime, Neighborhood Watch at Digital Learning
This electronic approach to learning is what Ferndale Public Schools Superintendent Gary Meier calls "an evolution of adult and alternative education programming.” Though 800 students attend the DLC, no more than 250 are present at the school at any ...
Arizona Educators Convene at Inaugural Blended Learning SummitSacramento Bee
15, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- E2020 Inc., one of the fastest-growing providers of online learning solutions hosted the first-ever Arizona Blended Learning Summit last week, a daylong interactive event designed to elevate the dialogue around online ...
Specify a Learning Agenda in Your MBA ApplicationU.S. News & World Report (blog)
Generic responses, such as, "I like the diverse student body" and "I want to get a general management education," leave interviewers with the impression that you're not seriously interested in their school, writes Soojin Kwon, the director of ...

U.S. News & World Report (blog)
Stanford School of Education course tackles challenges of digital ...Suddenly, it seems, all our preconceived notions of educational institutions are being challenged and even threatened by digital and online technologies.
StudySync and Pearson's Online Learning Exchange Offer EnhancedSocial Studies Content to be Integrated with Pearson's Online Learning Exchange Platform.
Vanderbilt University joins other top universities to offer selection of ...The Semester Online partnership marks a next step in Vanderbilt's exploration of digital learning. On Sept. 19, 2012, the university announced it will offer five ...